Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 7325: : Zanghe

"Yes, since Dao Master Xia thinks so too, shall we dig up the mountains and dig rocks directly to the hollow pool of the mountain?" Fu Yu asked excitedly.

I thought for a while and said: "There may be pools, but Luli Mountain is so big. If you want to find a pool that may only be the size of a house, you may not be able to find it after digging the mountain."

"What can I do then?" Fu Yu thought about it, and after a while, he said when he had a solution: "Using the method of echo, using the echo magic weapon to detect the return sooner or later, the sooner the return time will be. , You can locate the place where it may be open, and the possibility of having a water source will be higher."

"If it is too far, it is indeed impossible to even echo, but you ignore one point. If the area is too dense, it will have a noise reduction effect, so this method cannot be regarded as the only way." I laughed.

"Could Dao Master Xia have another way?" Fu Yu said curiously.

I pondered for a while and nodded: "Or there are, but I don't know until I have seen it."

Of course, Fu Yu didn't believe it, so he said, "That's all right, I use the echo method to find the pool, and Dao Master Xia uses my own method to find it, and see who can find it first, how about?"

"Okay, what is the color head?" Although I am not short of color head, but if I force this support, I may find the pool faster.

"Caito? What can I lose to you?" Fu Yu looked embarrassed, but quickly looked at the box in his hand, and said: "Yes, I use this fairy fruit as a bet. If you lose, you Give me one."

"Huh? Okay, after all, I have to give you four more to help Cangshan. I have one more here. Then take this one as a bet. If you lose, you will lose your head." After we finished, we split up. Looking for a pool.

When I came, I actually recorded the scenery of Luli Mountain in my heart. Of course, I didn't check it completely. I just went to see it now.

After Fuyu flew back to the top of the mountain, he immediately started experimenting with the baby in the surrounding area. The baby he took out was a baby like a horn. I saw that he caught a crack on the ground and started blowing inwardly. It is inevitable to shake his head.

Although the top of the mountain is the most direct area in contact with rain and dew, sometimes the water source is not immersed from the top of the mountain, or from the mountainside area, but it is a carpet search. Although it is slow, it will not miss any area.

I circled down from the top area of ​​the mountain, while observing the environment of Luli Mountain.

When I came to the bottom of the mountain, I had already concluded that the land where the mountainside of Luli Mountain began to descend was very high in humidity, while the place where the mountainside reached the top of the mountain was slightly moist, but the humidity was not high. Degree.

This means that vegetation grows well in areas with moderate humidity and moist, and there are even some large trees growing in them. On the contrary, areas with too high humidity. Because of too much moisture, the rhizomes of large trees are mostly rotted, resulting in green vegetation on the upper part of the mountain. , The growth is gratifying, and the area below the mountainside is full of moss and vegetation that requires a lot of water, so the lower part looks dark from a distance, which means that water is likely to overflow from the mountainside line, and the amount may be a lot. Even the water that flows to the underground river at the bottom of the mountain is actually just a drop in the bucket.

Thinking of this, I knew it in my heart, and immediately started looking for the area with the highest humidity. The whole Luli Mountain is similar to other mountains. After all, the terrain of Tiancheng is similar, so it is easy for me to find the landing point, and I will mark the closest one after a while. The place of the pool.

In order not to excavate and destroy this pool, which may occupy a very large area, causing the pool to collapse and collapse, I chose to start from a dry place.

I took out the mini mine cart that was used to dig Peeping Stone, and I got into the mountain without hesitation. After a while, a tunnel leading down the mountain was easily dug out by me, and Fu Yu followed when he heard the movement. When I came down and saw this scene, I was shocked to follow behind my ass.


As the excavation work started, it didn't take long for me to feel that as soon as the mud and rocks below were loosened, the entire excavator began to fall into the space below. There was no doubt that it was in the right place!

Sure enough, watching the mini mine cart fall into the tranquil water pool and arouse layers of water, I am in a good mood, because this huge water pool occupies a lot of land, almost most of the mountain forms a ring, of course, it is So it was still, because it didn't penetrate the underground river, but displayed in front of me in the form of a cavernous pool.

When I fell into the water, I already felt the clarity of the water quality, and there were even some weird mini-worms swimming towards me. For them, perhaps I was the first visitor in thousands of years!

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