Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8250: : Retta

Throwing the indistinguishable Great Holy Lord curled up into a sphere into the tower, I opened the box-shaped storage space of the Great Holy Lord.

There are countless things in it, just like a treasure house. One piece of top treasures from various enlightenment heavens have been plundered and stored here.

The name of the treasure is also marked on it, as well as which Daoist Heaven it came from, and even who took it from, all recorded one by one.

I glanced at it, but there was no familiar name, which made me feel relieved.

However, without the names of the women's legion, it is not certain that they are not among them. After all, there are many queens who control Zhidaotian and use the name of Zhengdaotian to call them gods.

Most of the magical weapons and magic soldiers in the treasure house have single attributes, only one magical stick weapon and an umbrella with multiple laws, which should be the artifacts used by the great saints and gods.

Umbrellas and sticks can be fitted together, which can be combined into a gun and separated into a stick and shield, which is quite ingenious.

I am not familiar with this type of weapon, so I continue to leave it idle in the treasure house.

At this time, thousands of gods who entered the Great Sacred City to search began to fly out of the Great Sacred City one after another.

Although they were afraid, none of them dared to run away.

These gods should all be top elites from the major **** realms and fairy realms, but if the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, I will never recruit any of them.

Even their final result is to remake,

Of course, if they did not participate in the hunting of my family members and made meritorious service, I would not kill them all.

Just thinking about the solution, seven or eight women wearing revealing dance skirts of the same color and veiled came out surrounded by them.

Looking at these goddesses through the veil, the contours of their faces can be seen to be quite beautiful, but I don't know any of them.

On the contrary, the dozens of gods who were guarding them all looked like they had escaped, and the leader of them quickly claimed credit: "Your Majesty! Your wives are all here, and the thieves and birds of the Great Sage are all here on weekdays. They danced to please us, we gods will be forced to watch even if we don’t want to!”

"Yes! We are all forced!"

"We didn't dare to watch it, but we were threatened to say that we entered and exited together!"

"I want to report! Lord Chenguang, Lord Zhendan, and several other gods have all participated in insulting His Majesty!"

"You! What nonsense are you talking about!?"

"I'm not talking nonsense! Several of you God Lords and God Sovereigns often discuss this shamelessly at banquets!"

A group of gods and gods blamed each other, and they all wanted to get death tokens from me.

With the one who took the lead, the gods who came out empty-handed in the back started to reveal all kinds of things. In order to establish prestige, this great holy **** really used my name to attack me.

My face was gloomy, and with a wave of my hand, the veils of several women in dance skirts instantly powdered, revealing their true faces at the moment.

Not one is a member of the Girls Corps!

"Why pretend to be my wife?" I asked blankly.

Although these goddesses are all very beautiful and have extraordinary temperament, they are still a step away from my wife, and most of the members of the women's army I met would rather die than surrender, so how could they be willing to be humiliated?

"My lord! We didn't do this on purpose! All the great saints and gods were invited from various fairylands, and then they said they would give us fairy orders..."

"Yes, we collect his property, so we can only reluctantly pretend to be Mrs. Madam."

"Even if he became the dancer of the Great Holy Spirit, he still insulted us a lot, and even told us not to tell other fairy families about it!"

"We were all coerced! Please also rescue us from the den of thieves in the Great Sacred City!"

I frowned, and looked at Qing Weixin beside me: "Xin'er, what do you think?"

"I don't know...but fortunately there are no sisters among them, so it's something to be thankful for." Qing Weixin glanced at the group of gods and couldn't help sighing.

Even if it is Zhengdaotian, there are many people who rely on this to earn fairy orders. This kind of fairy family just wants to become stronger, but pretending to be my wife and leading me here, I will definitely not let it go easily.


In an instant, the black thread pierced through their bodies, and I plundered all their luck. Even if they leave in the future, it is impossible for them to achieve great achievements, and all kinds of bad luck will come one after another.

After withdrawing the black line, I said coldly: "After you seven report those gods who insulted you, I will allow you to leave, but don't forget, if you tell a lie, I can easily perceive it, and I will definitely kill you at that time." .”

The female fairies immediately identified the gods here on the spot, but I didn't expect that not only the few gods and gods who escorted them here, but also the thousands of gods behind them.

I have never heard of my black thread so far. No matter who begged for mercy, they showed no mercy. They were instantly smashed into a sieve, and they were not even pulled into the Lei Tower.

There were quite a few who wanted to escape, but they were all pierced and killed by the black silk threads behind me!

The seven female fairies quickly dragged more than half of the gods into the water, and the rest were mostly guards or goddesses.

But there is no doubt that these are the abettors, and I am not merciful at all. Nearly a thousand gods have killed 90% of them.

I left more than a hundred immortals just to spread the word about this incident.

From now on, if you want to hunt my wife, just wait to enter Leita.

The Great Holy City was given to Qing Weixin by me, after all, I am not interested in such things.

However, having these mobile gods can solve many problems. For example, the three thousand heavens are too vast. If I can build a huge fortress, roam around the heavens, and bring all the family members I meet back to the city to live in peace, In the future, they don't have to worry about lovesickness.

Of course, this is just a thought, and I can't influence their real thoughts.

Guarding the Taoist Heaven may have penetrated into their hearts. In their own territory, they have close friends and enough personal space. Why should I gather them up and become a bird in a cage, or help them as before? Form factions, mediation is not right and left.

Thinking of these things, I couldn't help but smile wryly.

"What's the matter, husband? Did you think of something?" Standing on the volley walkway of the Great Sacred City, Qing Weixin had a smile on her face.

She hasn't seen my smile for a long time in this crusade against the Great Holy Spirit.

"It's okay, I just remembered something. By the way, I guess I will enter Leita for a while, and I will personally interrogate this great holy god. Maybe I can find out something." I took out Leita.

Qing Weixin nodded and said: "Husband, don't worry, I will control the Great Sacred City to go to Xuanlong to prove the Taoism, but I will not let go of any news about my sisters."

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