Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8263: : wary

The full-strength attack of the god-level alien beast was indeed powerful. When it regained its foothold in the beam, its body was already stained with blood, and even its clothes could not be kept intact, and its hair was even scattered on its shoulders.

The blood dripping down on her forehead made Li Yushuang's eyes widen. Seeing this scene, needless to say, she was shocked at the moment.

Although it is congenital luck as the body, and the law is used to condense the phantom god, but the law itself is the core of the formation of the bone and blood veins. Keeping the law from being destroyed is also the foundation of the body, and vice versa.

Therefore, the phantom god's injury will also be very intuitive.

"You...you don't want me anymore, what are you doing to save me?" Li Yushuang still couldn't help asking.

"You don't want me to save you, who do you want to save you? And you haven't signed with Li Shu, why are you not mine?" I mobilized the laws of my body to repair the phantom god, and continued to mobilize the laws in this Yuanzhou beast , By the time I was about to strike again, I had already fully recovered.

Although the power of the law was severely damaged, and even allowed me to mobilize a lot of energy at the bottom of the tank, it was not an unbearable injury.

Several fast gods brought by Li Poxiao began to attack the Yuanzhou beasts, and he himself was closest to us, seeing Li Yushuang in my arms, the expression on his face was inevitably complicated.

"You...why do you still say that? I've already said that it's not what you think..." After hearing this, Li Yushuang burst into tears again.

"Okay, you get out of here first, you guys can't deal with this godly beast, let me recover this star stone." I finished speaking and let her go.

At this time, the beam of the Yuanzhou Divine Beast shot at me again. Although the beam this time is similar to before, its power is obviously weaker by three points. This is not the power of the star stone, but its own, so Overused and consumed staggeringly.

I immediately condensed the depth of my right hand, and instantly a small pitch-black sword was highly concentrated!

But Aurora took the lead in stepping in front of me, so frightened that Li Yushuang hugged me and tried to block me with her body.

I know what she wants, but I don't need it right now.


The moment the two energies converged, when the aurora hit the little sword, it was as if a water gun had hit the reverse flow triangle, extending in all directions instantly, and when the water flow was broken, I would also shoot out the little sword!

The small black sword spinning at high speed approached the beast of the Yuan Dynasty at a very high speed, only the sound of shell breaking was heard, followed by an earth-shattering howl!

The traumatized beast of the Yuan Dynasty was in great pain under the conquest of the small sword, just like glass shards entering the blood vessels of the human body!

There wasn't too much heart-wrenching pain, only a loud thump, the Yuanzhou Divine Beast's four claws softened, and it died suddenly on the spot.

The Yuanzhou energy belonging to its body dissipated violently, and the heavy mountains on its body also collapsed. Although there are still many treasure dragons, but at this moment, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered, it is impossible to stick to this dead beast.

After Zhenbaolong took the road and fled, the demon gods present got something. Of course, I am not interested in these. I touched the giant star stone with my hand and felt the power in it.

As expected, this primordial beast is powerful, but at best it is a single-attribute existence, but it only depends on this star stone to become a god-level existence.

Although I was able to create an annihilation-level **** stone similar to the crystal of the universe, it is not easy to create a star stone that is made of the heavens and the earth.

Although it also has an element of luck in it, after all, all things in the world, no matter how big or small, have their luck attached to them, but things like this that can exist without much luck, have achieved each other through the supply of the beasts of the Yuan Dynasty, it is indeed possible Remarkable.

I poured a wave of congenital luck into the star stone, and after a while, the color of this iridescent star stone became even deeper and brighter, even stronger than the energy of the crystallization of the universe.

After setting up several rune imprints, I reduced it dozens of times with the flick of my fingers until I could hold it in my hand.

"What are you going to do with this thing?" Li Poxiao seemed to feel that this star stone was extraordinary, and he probably felt a little more confused.

"The three thousand enlightenment heavens were all created by me, do you think I will use them to destroy the heavens and the earth?" I asked back.

"Although you may not be like this, it's not impossible to use it to do some illegal things. Besides, sometimes your evil nature is no less evil than Xia Ruize's. After all, you have the same origin." Li Poxiao said bluntly.

"I said in-laws, did you know me on the first day?" I laughed with a sneer.


"If you doubt, you can do it directly. Otherwise, don't tell me these big principles. What I do is my freedom. Of course, what you do is also your freedom." I snorted coldly, and immediately looked at Li Yushuang: "In addition, I believe you really treat Shuang'er as your junior sister, but sometimes you have to make it clear? Otherwise, everyone will be troubled, right?"

Li Poxiao's eyes also moved to Li Yushuang's body.

Li Yushuang thought for a while and said: "Brother Lixiao, my dependence on you is the same as before. I thought it was love at first. After all, when I met you, I was also a young girl in love. Only then did I realize that it wasn't true love, it was just envy and liking for the person who took care of me."

"Then do you really love him? How can you be sure that you don't just like him? Do you love him?" Li Poxiao asked back.

Of course I know in my heart that this is difficult to understand, whether it is from the perspective of a senior brother or the relationship between a man and a woman.

Li Yushuang's special treatment to Li Poxiao, how could he not let him enjoy it?

It's not surprising that this creates a sense of protection, and there are good reasons for that.

In addition, a slap can't be slapped, if it wasn't for Li Yushuang's unsuspecting performance, why would the three parties be so embarrassed today.

"Brother Lixiao, I think I love him very much. Just now when my husband said to let me choose freely, when I took out and left the book, my heart seemed to be torn apart... I didn't even want to live anymore. At that time I I'm sure, apart from liking and loving my husband, I can do anything for him." Li Yushuang said seriously.

It's not that there are no gods around, I would actually feel embarrassed when I heard this, let alone myself, she can muster up the courage to do this, it can be seen that she is going all out.

"He Li Shu?" Li Poxiao looked at me and said, "You took out He Li Shu so easily, you don't love her that much, do you? Hehe, Xia Yitian, your love is really overwhelming. "

"Li Poxiao, let's be an individual. Everyone can do multiple-choice questions, but throwing two multiple-choice questions to one person, is this what you think is fair?" I asked back.

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