Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8291: : Convulsion

After I was trapped in the time and space of Daotian, if the dimension of space was higher than that of Sanqianzhen Daotian, it would be like being in the ancient universe of Mingtian. After one day, I don’t know how long the space of the next dimension will pass.

And during these times, the Demon God Alliance will definitely make full use of it and pave the road in a large area. Even if I come out at that time, the raw rice and cooked rice will not be able to make any waves.

Thinking of this, I immediately flew towards the mountain and water **** city, but the next moment, before I could break through the space barrier, the area I saw had changed.

I am now in a space-time, which is different from the ancient universe of Hades. It is a huge nebula space-time. According to my experience, its vastness may be beyond imagination.

It might even be as vast as the entire Daoist Heaven, and without further ado, I know that every moment I stay, the outside may change with each passing day, so I immediately gathered my sword and split time and space in an instant!


However, with a flash of sword light, not only did I not open the space-time rift, but the power also disappeared in a flash. The law power that can be used here is unimaginably low.

Could it be a low-dimensional space-time?

While feeling suspicious in my heart, I started to communicate with the universe space.

The universe space has a vast space only in the activated area, but most of the enlightenment heavens, like the blood of a person, continue to extend to other enlightenment heavens.

This is actually the bloodline that connected all the Daoist Heavens in series when I integrated the three thousand Daoist Heavens in Mingtian Guzhou. A complete bloodline can pull them together.

So when I entered the universe space, it was like giving an injection to the body. As long as I broke through the universe space, I believe it would not be a problem to return to the three thousand enlightenment heavens.

Gathering the black sword, the light of the sword soared instantly. When sensing the laws around me, I kept changing the law energy attached to the sword.

My own phantom state is composed of countless laws, because none of them exceed the tolerance of the power of the Dao, so any compound law can be reproduced, and the corresponding annihilation law will be changed at any time.

So in just a blink of an eye, the space seemed to be on fire, and a tiny gap opened!

"Huh? Interesting."

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the crack!


My sword tip flicked instantly, as if I was hit directly by some hard object.

After many years of fighting, I know very well that this is a collision between swords. There is no doubt that I did not break through to the universe space, but broke through the opponent's space.

And this space is of course owned by Daotian Shenzun.

As for the owner of the voice, it was obviously his.

The man's voice was deep and powerful, obviously not like someone I knew.

"Hurry up, or else, I'll tear you apart. With the power of the law of my current sword, your space is definitely not enough to see." I sneered.

A ray of light flashed, and Daotian Shenzun with a mask appeared in the distance.

This Celestial God has claimed that he can break the space barrier and travel freely through the major heavens. Now it seems that this statement is not an exaggeration.

"As expected of the God of the universe, he was able to break through my Daotian realm, but it's useless. The outside is my Daotian time and space." pressure.

It's unheard of to actually set a field in time and space. This ability reminds me of Universal Supreme for a moment, and Universal Supreme also has this terrifying space ability.

The advantage of doing this is to let time and space run quickly, so as to achieve the effect of double time and space running.

"You are Daotian Shenzun? Why, you don't even dare to show your true colors?" I looked to the left and right, but I didn't see Xiangling, which made me feel a little more depressed.

If Xiangling is here, maybe he can explain what is going on, why he betrayed me and went to Su Tian's side.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that the God of Heaven would care about such a small matter. It's really surprising, but I have no obligation to meet the requirements of the Lord, unless the Lord can win me." The God of Heaven raised his hand quickly A series of thin lines were attracted, and these thin lines gradually converged, finally forming a transparent long sword.

The space condenses into silk, and suddenly becomes a sword. This is the sword of Daotian Domain, right?

"Hmph, did my disciple Xiangling follow you?" I snorted coldly.

"Oh? How did your lord know about this? It seems that your lord knows everything from top to bottom." Daotian Mozun's voice in the mask was a bit of a smile, and continued to say : "Your Majesty knows this, so you should also know that you have a lot of loved ones, and now they have all switched to my camp, right? They are all beautiful and delicious, and I really can't put it down. Speaking of which, should I say hello to Your Majesty?" ? After all, when your lord is not around, it doesn't seem very good to do so without authorization, right?"

"Don't you know it's not good?" My face became gloomy, this guy was clearly seeking hatred.

"Hehe, that's because your lord was not there before, so what can I do? Could it be possible to raise an incense and file a complaint, and you can hear it in the ancient universe of the underworld?" Daotian God Zun Jiejie laughed.

I took a deep breath, it seemed that it would be useless to continue talking to him, if I didn't step on him, he wouldn't be able to talk properly.

"Since that's the case, then there's nothing to talk about?" I swung my long sword and felt the power of the surrounding domain, and I also knew in my heart that in this domain, Daotian Shenzun has an absolute advantage.

Before I could make a move, Daotian Shenzun rushed over in an instant, stabbing me with a sword!

It came so suddenly, it can be seen that the opponent wanted to fight swords with me from the very beginning.


I picked up the opponent's long sword, and the sword thread behind me rushed towards Daotian Shenzun crazily, but the number was obviously not that much. After all, in the new energy field, my energy was still transforming.


Daotian Shenzun's sword hit me again, and there were twelve more light mirrors behind him, and each mirror was like a fan, frantically absorbing my black line attack!

"Your Majesty, here, your Extinguisher Sword is of no use to me." Daotian Shenzun smiled.

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