For swordsmanship, Mo Fan actually did not have any research.

The so-called swordsmanship, after all, is not a wooden sword every day straight stabbing oblique blind a few thorns can be practiced, like domineering power, also need to have a mentor guidance, and Zefa is not a kendo master, usually almost do not use a sword, if Mo Fan wants to learn swordsmanship, you have to ask others, but also have to pay a lot of time and sweat.

Now that Kendo is directly at the full level, it means… Mo Fan really transferred!

“Full level swordsmanship, good good!!” The joy in his heart could not be expressed in words, and in fact, Mo Fan could not think of the right words at all, and his belly was naturally not poetry.

Even though he knew almost nothing about kendo, he could still feel the power of this ability when he subconsciously used kendo ability at this time.

He had a vague premonition that if he faced Weibull again, he didn’t need any opportunism, and he could definitely defeat the other party by directly attacking head-on with kendo!

“In one night, you should be able to roughly understand all the kendo knowledge…”

Mo Fan slowly closed his eyes and felt the power of swordsmanship.


Early the next morning.

At the Chambord Islands Naval Base, a high platform has been built, and under the high platform is a large open space, which is the venue for the graduation ceremony and final examination.

Zefa stood on the high platform, his eyes looking across the street pier and the sea in the distance, but his expression was a little gloomy.

“Those guys dare to make an attempt on my disciple!” He remembered what he had encountered at the headquarters of the navy before, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes.

At this moment, several figures suddenly walked out of the rear naval base, all of whom were former disciples of Zefa, and they came to watch the graduation ceremony on behalf of the naval headquarters.

After all, it is the people who have taught three generals, many vice admirals, and a steady stream of teaching the backbone of the navy, and the naval government will pay enough attention to the cadets taught by Zefa every session!

This time there was even a vice admiral sent by the headquarters of the navy, a squirrel.

“Long time no see, Zefa-sensei.” The squirrel smiled and stepped forward to greet, “You seem to be getting older again.” ”

“Hahaha! My hair is gray, and my fists are still hard! Zefa turned around, his face gloomy, laughed heroically, and patted the squirrel on the shoulder, “Why, is it only you who will come over this time?” ”

In the past, at every graduation ceremony, there would be at least three lieutenant generals, but this time….

“And General Qinghe, he will also come over… Yes! He’s coming! The squirrel was saying, suddenly raised his eyebrows, and looked in the direction of the dock in the distance.

I saw a white spread rapidly on the sea, and if I looked closely, it was an ice road, an artificially created ice road, and the pheasant seemed to ride a car leisurely on this ice road.

“Yo! Zefa-sensei! Riding to the vicinity of the graduation ceremony, the pheasant raised his hand to say hello, and then walked to the high platform under the frightened eyes of passers-by nearby.

“Huh? Are you actually here? Although I had heard that the green pheasant intended to come to watch the graduation ceremony before, Zefa thought that it was more perfunctory, after all, a small graduation ceremony was not worth the highest combat power of the navy to come and watch in person.

“Oh, I also happened to be on vacation.” The green pheasant walked up to the high platform and said with a smile, “Since the last time I heard that someone in your class of students could actually beat Weibull, I would love to come and meet that genius student of yours… Well, hopefully his performance won’t disappoint. ”

“Hahaha! You’ll be amazed then! Zefa laughed, obviously confident.


On the other side, the practice ship is already close to the Chambord Islands, and you can already see the face of the islands from a distance.

Ain stood at the bow of the ship, holding a telescope to observe the distant archipelago.

“The venue for the graduation ceremony is ready, and Mr. Zefa is also there… Well, sure enough, a vice admiral from the headquarters of the Navy came over, it was Vice Admiral Squirrel! Ain was excited, her face flushed, and in fact it wasn’t just her, but almost everyone on the trainee ship.

Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, perennial battle, prestige, can be said to be the goal of the cadets present, in layman’s terms, ‘idol’! It’s just that most of the ‘idols’ on the earth are some entertainment stars, and the idols of the navy and even many civilians are heroic generals of the navy, and in their eyes they are like the embodiment of justice.

But in Ain’s view, true justice incarnates….

“So, that man is… General Pheasant!! When she saw a figure on a far away island from the telescope, her whole body trembled a little, which was a manifestation of extreme excitement.

Just as the little girls on the earth can’t help themselves when they see the star idol, Ain has a similar emotion in her heart at this time, but she has more self-control and can maintain some composure.

In comparison, the other cadets on board were not so calm.

“General Pheasant! It’s really coming! ”

“O Admiral! This is my life’s goal!! ”

“Quick! Speed up the voyage, we can’t make the general and Zefa-sensei wait too long! ”

A group of people were so excited that they were almost incoherent.

Mo Fan stood at the bow of the boat, squinting at the distant island, but his expression gradually became solemn.

“My domineering look doesn’t cover where the pheasant is, but this palpitating feeling… This person is definitely a strong person who can threaten my life! He silently perceived, and in his heart he had a general impression of the highest combat power of the navy.

He also saw the admiral for the first time – this is also natural, there are only three admirals in total, not everyone can see it, if Mo Fan’s identity in the past saw the admiral, it was likely to be a disaster.

“Huh? There were quite a few people gathered near the venue… There are also strong people in it! ”

After watching from afar for a while, Mo Fan quickly noticed the crowd gathered outside the graduation ceremony.

The reason for this, Mo Fan has also heard others mention it.

The reason why the Navy arranged the graduation ceremony in the Chambord Islands and also sent its own vice admiral and even a senior general to come is to deter pirates and outlaws who come and go to the Chambord Islands!

The Chambord Islands have a special geographical location, occupying near the entrance to the New World, and there are many illegal places on the island, and the naval government has also put a lot of effort into suppressing this area.

“It’s already at the port terminal!”

Just as Mo Fan was silently pondering in his heart, the practice ship had already landed, and a group of trainees flocked to disembark.

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