“This is… Whip? ”

Climbing the white clouds, Doflamingo, who was speeding across the sky, almost fell out of his eyes.

As Qi Wuhai, he is naturally not a person who will make a fuss, but the situation in front of him is too weird.

A long whip swept across a distance of thousands of meters, and he really wanted to ask Mo Fan in person what was the situation? Your whip is also a little too long, right?

“Mo Fan of the big whip, so it is, his weapon is actually a long whip! Could it be a Devil Fruit ability? Doflamingo suddenly remembered the Mo Fan intelligence information he had seen before, and finally understood why the latter’s title was called ‘Great Whip’.

Of course, his ‘understanding’ is just blind ‘understanding’, and the truth is not what he imagined, it is not a devil fruit ability, but a real physical extreme! The extended capabilities… Well, it’s just that it’s hard to get into the hall of elegance.

Although Doflamingo misunderstood, this did not affect his fear of Mofan’s ‘big whip’.

Only the wrong name is not called the wrong nickname, after all, it is the man who is called the ‘big whip’, and the most powerful is naturally the ‘whip’!

So Doflamingo concentrated the last spirit and strength, dodged the attack of the big whip with all his strength, and dodged left and right in mid-air, repeatedly making incredible movements to avoid the seemingly unavoidable whip.

However, there was no soft use, and in the end, he was pulled off by a whip, and then the long whip rolled and rolled him back to the warship.


Doflamingo fell heavily on the deck, and the bones in his body did not know how much he broke, and he didn’t even have the strength to stand up.

In front of him, Mo Fan put away the long whip with some annoyance, and secretly thought in his heart that he must clean and clean well after the matter is over!

“Okay, don’t play dead!” After putting away the long whip, Mo Fan raised his foot and stepped on Doflamingo’s head, and asked angrily, “What did you suddenly run over for?” ”

“Fu Fu !! I will actually fail…” Although Doflamingo vomited blood, he was in good spirits, smiled calmly, and said as if he had not heard Mo Fan’s questioning, “You will be hunted down!” No one can save you! Fu !! ”

“Hmph! Dead duck mouth hard! Mo Fan knew that he couldn’t ask anything, so he simply kicked it away, and let Ain and the others, who could barely get up, take the sea tower stone shackles and imprison Doflamingo, and then send them to the cell in the warship.

This time, only the main ship of the three warships he led was barely able to sail, and the other two warships were already damaged and were irreparably sinking.

“Heavy losses!” Mo Fan looked around and shook his head slightly, “Before reaching the destination, more than half of the personnel were lost.” ”

“But you successfully fought against a Seven Wuhai!” Next to him, Ain couldn’t help but say out loud, remembering something again, and his eyes showed a complicated color, “I know, you must be able to defeat Doflamingo.” ”

“Oh? You seem to know me well? Mo Fan raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and looked at Ain with a smile.

“Hmph!” Ain was a little embarrassed by this gaze, snorted softly, or explained in a low voice, “On the Chambord Islands, I have seen you fight with the Pheasant General…”

“Ah, that time… Hey? I don’t remember you being there that day, do I? After thinking about it carefully for a long time, Mo Fan couldn’t remember that there was Ain among the onlookers that day.

In the actual battle, his attention was all focused on the pheasant, and he didn’t pay much attention to the situation around him.

“I called you, but you didn’t hear it…” Speaking of this, Ain’s face couldn’t help but show annoyance.

“I really didn’t pay attention…” Mo Fan thought for a while, and suddenly remembered the scene when he saw Ain return alone the morning after that night’s battle, and wondered if the latter had run out to take a bath early in the morning.

“Could it be that she…” Thinking of a certain possibility, Mo Fan’s face suddenly changed, even if his face was as thick as his, he also felt a little guilty in his heart, “You, should not be affected by the frozen fruit ability of the green pheasant, so you are frozen…”


Ain snorted coldly, turned to leave, and went to count the damage to the personnel this time.

Mo Fan’s words were not finished after all, which made Binzi, who was silently eavesdropping later, feel very pity: Just a little, what did Ain experience that night? What a death!

However, if Mo Fan didn’t say it, he couldn’t think about it, so he could only shake his head for pity.

Have a cleanup after the battle.

This time it was a sudden attack, even if Mo Fan solved the enemy, his side still suffered heavy losses, three warships were damaged and two were sunk, even the main ship was seriously damaged and needed to be repaired as soon as possible, and some of the soldiers on the warship also died, most of them suffered accidents after falling into the sea.

In this case, it is necessary to find a port for rest.

“Let’s go to Punk Hassad Island first! There is a scientific base there, rest is enough. After a little consideration, Mo Fan gave the order.

At this time, his main ship was far away from the island of Punk Hassad, and turning back to the past must have had an impact on the subsequent itinerary, and it would not be able to reach its destination at the time specified in the mission.

Therefore, Mo Fan asked Ain and Binz to prepare explanatory materials in advance and convey them to the Navy headquarters.

“Successfully conquered a Qiwu Hai, this is a great merit! Except for Lord Mo Fan, everyone else who survives will be rewarded! Binz prepared the materials with some excitement, “Following Lord Mo Fan is indeed the most correct decision!” ”

Qiwu Sea, that is the sea thief used to balance the ‘Four Emperors’! After fighting such a sea thief, how many levels will he rise in a row? His vision limited his imagination, he couldn’t guess, but it must be rich.

In addition to Bintz, others, including Ain, had similar ideas.

Mo Fan was not so optimistic.

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