Mo Fan’s warship has been sailing for a long time, and it won’t be long before it reaches the vicinity of Fishman Island—to be precise, it will take another night voyage.

It was getting late, and only the soldiers and patrol officers who remained on duty remained on the deck of the warship, and everyone else was ready to wash and sleep.

In the cabin, Mo Fan returned to the room after completing his last inspection, but unexpectedly met a figure in front of the door, it was Ain.


“There is something wrong with the girl who was rescued during the day!” Ain stepped forward and said softly, with a serious expression, not joking.

“Oh? How did you find out? Mo Fan raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked a little surprised.

He naturally knew that Monet had a problem, but with Ain’s vision and the information he had, it was not easy to see Monet’s problem.

“I… Can’t tell you yet. Faced with Mo Fan’s inquiry, Ain suddenly changed his mind and began to ‘talk nonsense’.

In fact, she didn’t know Monet’s identity at all, and she didn’t find anything wrong with the latter, just a guess made out of some intuition, well, it was a woman’s intuition.

Mo Fan didn’t know these things, but since Ain refused to say it, then he didn’t want to ask more, waved his hand, and after a few simple explanations, he got up and went to open the door.

“You have to be careful!” Ain gave one last word of reminder before turning to leave.

What else should Mo Fan pay attention to when he goes back to his room? Pay attention to the rescued girl, Monet, of course! At this time, the latter was staying in Mo Fan’s room – yes, this was an order given by Mo Fan himself.

Everyone had different opinions on Mo Fan’s order.

Among them, Ain and a small number of people think that Monet’s identity is problematic, so they think that Mo Fan intends to personally check and monitor, which can be said to be very close to the truth, which can be regarded as ‘benevolent opinion’.


And the fact is: Mo Fan opened the door, closed the door, and then walked to Monet, took out the handcuffs that had been prepared earlier, and tied the girl’s limbs to the chair.

“Well, you, what are you doing?” Monet was very afraid, like a cowardly girl facing a big wolf, trying to shrink her body and trying to keep her distance from Mo Fan.

In this regard, Mo Fan smiled lightly and signaled her not to be nervous: “Don’t worry, I have no malice in doing this.” ”

“I just wanted to tie you up, well, by the way, ask for some more information.”

“Intelligence? I don’t know what kind of intelligence ah! Are you trying to ask me about the shipwreck? Hearing this, Monet’s beautiful big eyes were full of confusion and doubt, but Mo Fan still caught the trace of panic that flashed in the depths of her eyes.

“It’s too tiring to chat like this.” Mo Fan walked to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of red wine, poured himself a glass, and then sat in front of Monet, tasting the wine while saying with interest, “You seem to like to disguise yourself?” Well, this is indeed a good way to protect yourself. ”

“But now remove your disguise, I don’t like it!”

“Then, as a cadre of the Don Quixote family, tell us about the interesting information you know!”

“… I really don’t understand what you’re talking about. Monet frowned in response, his voice raised a little, “Let go of me!” Doesn’t your Navy claim to protect the weak? Why imprison me?! I will complain about the crimes you committed to the headquarters of the Navy!! ”

I have to say that her performance at this time is like a helpless girl, struggling to complain about the crimes of the bad guys.

Even if Monet’s identity has been known in advance, Mo Fan is still a little surprised, the girl’s performance can be said to be almost flawless, the acting skills are excellent, and it is estimated that there is no problem in winning the Oscar on the earth in the previous life.

But such realistic acting skills surprised Mo Fan and was a little happy at the same time – he had red wine ready, wasn’t it just to watch the girl’s performance, well, it would be better if he could get some melon seeds and fruits, but the conditions are limited, and red wine is also okay.

It’s just that no matter how amazing the acting skills are, it’s not interesting to watch too much, and it will even make people feel bored.

Mo Fan was a little bored now, his eyes gradually changed from appreciation to boredom, waved his hand to interrupt Monet’s performance, and said: “Okay, you have proven your acting skills, now it’s time to get down to business.” ”

“Woooo I really don’t understand what you’re saying? Monet lowered his head and wept softly.

“It’s a real trouble.” Mo Fan frowned, and Huo Ran got up.

“Well, you, what are you going to do?” Monet, who was close in front of her, seemed to guess something, and opened her mouth with a somewhat panicked expression, this time she was really panicked.

Facing the panicked girl, Mo Fan showed an understanding smile.


“You performed quite hard just now, so next, let me give you a performance…”

“Aaaaa!!!a You, you…” Monet was startled by his sudden action: one second he was still a personable gentleman, how did he change in the direction of perversion the next second? It’s so sudden that it’s hard to accept!

Mo Fan was ready to start, but before that, he explained a little: “Just now you performed a ‘spy in the interrogation room’, then I will also perform a ‘unscrupulous interrogation’ for you next!” ”

When the words fell, the expression on Mo Fan’s face gradually became evil.

“Okay, what level of ‘interrogation’ are you going to start with? Or, what level of ‘interrogation’ can you accept? ”

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