How to build, or what kind of base to build, Mo Fan already had a general plan in his heart, but if he wanted to realize this plan, he still needed some conditions.

“Cultivation is a personal matter, and no matter how ordinary soldiers train, it is difficult to become truly strong.” After Ain left, Mo Fan stood at the bow of the ship blowing the sea breeze, silently thinking about the future troop improvement plan.

Like many worlds, this world also has a lot of unfairness, and the biggest unfairness is talent, some people who practice hard can become generals or even stronger existences! However, more people can only spend their lives doing nothing, and talent limits their achievements.

Now, what Mo Fan considered… Don’t get me wrong, Mo Fan didn’t have the heart to think about how to break the talent limit, all he wanted was to improve the strength of the troops, such as introducing pacifists and other combat power.

In fact, the combat power performance of this world mainly lies in special abilities and science, among which special abilities are devil fruits and personal physical skills, etc., this path is not suitable for Mo Fan to develop troops.

“So you can only use science!” Mo Fan thought about it and had an idea in his heart, “Scientific research needs professional talents, and when the time comes, such talents can be summoned all over the world on the one hand, and on the other hand… Dig the foot of the wall from the World Government Scientific Research Base! ”

Mo Fan thought that his relationship with Vegapunk was quite good, and it should not be a big problem to help the other party find candidates for experiments, and then dig some people.

That’s the benefit of having more friends!

“But the specific matters, you have to plan carefully…” Mo Fan then fell into deep thought.

Before I knew it, it was getting late.

The warship sailed all the way, and at this time it had come to the sea near the big black hole under the sea, and after this night of sailing, it was almost able to reach Fishman Island, which meant that it was very close to the Chambord Islands.

Of course, in addition to the path of sneaking through the big black hole on the bottom of the sea, Mo Fan and others who are navy can also take another route: that is, abandon the warship and cross the ‘Holy Land’ Mary Joa on foot, which is very safe.

It’s just, will Mo Fan give up the warship that he has worked hard to transform? He’s not losing his mind.

“Well, it seems that there is still Doflamingo’s property on the Chambord Islands, and when the time comes, go and see if there is anything that is not useful.” If you don’t need it, destroy it, and take away everything that you can use.

This can be regarded as the ‘interest’ that Mo Fan had in mind, since Doflamingo sent spies to get him, it is also natural for him to collect some ‘interest’.

Speaking of spies, Mo Fan had an idea again.

“There is still one night to go, and something has to be asked.”

Monet was one of the core cadres of the Don Quixote family, and because she was often sent on espionage missions, she knew even more than other family officials.

How to completely open his heart and obtain the maximum amount of information, Mo Fan has already taken a countermeasure.


The room opens, closes.

Mo Fan took off his coat, and then glanced into the room, and unsurprisingly saw Monet sitting on a chair with his limbs chained by Hailou Stone – this was ordered by him in advance.

“Shameless bastard!” Meeting again, Monet directly cursed angrily, her eyes were bloodshot, and she no longer had the calm and calm of last night, but even at this time, she still didn’t want to give in, because she was really unconvinced, “You bastard, do you think that by imprisoning me, you can do whatever you want?!” ”

“Dream! You weakling, never try to make me submit! ”

Obviously, she did not think that she had failed, she was just a scheme, and without the handcuffs of Hailou Stone, she alone could destroy the entire warship!

Of course, she would not say these words, and she was only secretly planning silently.

“Don’t get excited, you’ve not been a virgin since last night.” Mo Fan waved his hand with a grin, he also learned last night that Monet was actually a virgin, “It’s not a virgin, then you should slowly get used to what will happen next.” ”

“Bah! You’re shameless!!! Monet gritted his teeth in anger and spat bloody spit out of his mouth.

Seeing this, Mo Fan stood in place and thought about it, and then stepped forward to untie the sea tower stone shackles on Monet’s body.

“If you dare to do that kind of thing again, I will start from … Huh? You are…” Monet was stunned by Mo Fan’s behavior, but soon she came back to her senses, a sneer gradually appeared on her pretty face, and the murderous aura in her eyes continued to overflow, “You are really arrogant!” Hahaha!! ”

Monet laughed wildly, and the whole person was a little crazy.

No way, after the hellish torture last night, everyone has to go crazy, Monet is still strong inside, but after being released, such ups and downs, the mood will change drastically.

Now she is not so anxious to start.

She wanted to give Mo Fan the most terrifying punishment! That’s right, this is called retaliation!

“I wonder if you’ve ever heard of Stockholm syndrome?” Mo Fan smiled lightly, but Monet on the other side was unmoved, and his sneering and murderous expression never changed, this scene made Mo Fan couldn’t help shaking his head, “It seems that you haven’t heard of it.” ”

“Then, I’ll let you experience it for yourself.”


Before he finished speaking, a cold and biting wind suddenly blew in the room, and a large area of snowflakes fell, and the entire room quickly froze.

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