The next day, Mingye Town spread all over the poems about the king's rank, and also spread the story of Zhu Yuanyuan.

   For example, guesses about king-level poems.

   For example, how handsome Zhu Yuanyuan looks, is a young talent, or something. Starting

   These things were spread by the candidates who saw him near Zhu Yuanyuan's examination room.

   Although some candidates come to participate in the test, in fact, they have little hope of being admitted to children, so if you can have such a famous opportunity, you don’t have to work hard.

Don’t tell me, there are also restaurants specially inviting these candidates to talk about Zhu Yuanyuan in their restaurant. Of course, these examinees don’t know Zhu Yuanyuan’s name, so they can only tell the area number of Zhu Yuanyuan’s examination room. , This time I got a lot of benefits, these candidates did not make less money.


   "Brother Feng, did you know? It is said that one of the examinees who took the children's test in the school yesterday wrote a king-level poem. This is too genius!"

"Hey! Brother Wang, you only came back today. I don’t know. Yesterday I was in Mingye Town. I saw with my own eyes that the entire sky was dyed red by the sky, and it was full of majestic and majestic aura. After half the sky, he must be the top scholar!"

"Brother Feng is right. I want the little student to say that he is more than a top scholar. He is very hopeful to become a great writer and even a sub-sage. This is the talent of our new human race. I hope to see me in the future. The human race can become stronger and defeat the demons, demons, and protoss."

   "Brother Li, you are right. May my human race become stronger without being oppressed by foreigners!"

   "May my human race destroy the evil foreign race with a single spark!"

   "May everyone in my human race be like a dragon!"

   "May my human race..."

   Originally, it was just a few scholars who were already child students chatting, and then it directly developed into a situation of wishing the human race, and this situation is getting bigger and bigger, and all the people on the street have issued their own hopes.

  People all hope that the human race can rise, can not be oppressed by foreign races, and stand upright in the entire literary world.

   They hope that the human race can travel freely across thousands of mountains and rivers without threats.

   They hope that the human race can become stronger.

   This is the hope of all races, the great wish they cry out from their hearts, and the persistence in their hearts.

   "What sound is this?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan originally was resting in the restaurant room, but suddenly heard a sound from far and near, he immediately got up from the bed, and then listened carefully, which was vague.

   "Squeak!" Zhu Yuanyuan opened the window, and then shouts came over.

   "May the human race continue to strive for self-improvement!"

   "May the human race pass on the fire!"


   After hearing a cry from the heart, Zhu Yuanyuan's eyes were a little bit sour.

   In Aquastar, in the magic world, in the kitchen world, these world human races occupy a major position. It can be said that they are overlords. Although the human race in the magic world is not the strongest, it is also a top hegemonic power.

But in the literary world, it is undeniable that the human race is indeed a weak race. It is surrounded by foreign races in this circle of land. It is a dead end to go out. It is raised in captivity like a pig. Whenever you want to cut it, Sending people into the territories of the human race to burn, kill, and looting is simply a terrible situation.

The literati human race is weak and has to compromise, and dare not launch an offensive against foreigners. Every time, they can only passively defend. They can only kill some foreigners in the defense. Otherwise, if they take the initiative to attack, they will find death and will definitely receive revenge. .

It is not that there has been an active attack in the literary world, but the end after that active attack was a victory, but the subsequent revenge was really tragic. At that time, he took the initiative to attack the Mozu, and then the Mozu directly took revenge. 30 human cities were massacred.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   There are a lot of people in these 30 cities. Each city has a population of hundreds of millions. That is to say, this time the demons’ revenge killed about 3 billion human races, which is really miserable.

Zhu Yuanyuan had also seen this record. Although the population of the human race in an empire is more than 100 billion, and the total human race is more than one trillion, 3 billion is not a small number. At that time, blood was really flowing. A river has been formed, and it has not dried up after three months. Even thousands of years later, the tragic situation can still be imagined.

   "May everyone be like a dragon?"

Zhu Yuanyuan listened to the shouts outside, and he couldn't help but muttered. Originally, he just wanted to earn some prestige points to protect himself, and then waited a year later to return to Blue Star, but now he heard the hearts of the people in Mingye Town The voice of shouting, he felt that if he was gone, I am afraid that these voices would linger in his heart forever and could not be erased, and then they would become a knot that he could not get rid of.

  Although Zhu Yuanyuan didn’t need to practice cultivation, he didn’t have to worry about the threat of getting into trouble. Even if he had a knot, he didn’t need to be afraid.

   Having the ability not to do it, this in itself is a disgraceful and they are all human races. The human races in the literary world are in trouble. How could Zhu Yuanyuan not want to help them?

   "Okay, it's so decided. I have to stay a little longer in this literary world. Since the Human Race is in trouble, then I am obliged to lead the Human Race to defeat the three races and lead the Human Race to a more glorious future. It seems that I am the only one who will go."

   Zhu Yuanyi said very well at the beginning, but this last sentence exposed his nature. This person is really narcissistic.

"If you want the human race to rise, it is necessary to have a strong strength, and there must also be a strong force. There are other cultivators in this world, not just literary cultivation, and I don’t know whether the **** system can be used, system, **** Can the system be used in the literary world?"

   Zhu Origin suddenly thought of the God System. As long as someone joins this system, a large number of believers can be quickly developed, and the power will increase rapidly. This is the best choice for power development.

   Although the sect system can also recruit disciples, the sect system does not grant others the qualifications for cultivation, nor can it improve the strength through the sect system.

   So the **** system is the most reliable way.

   "Master, the **** system can be used, but because the world has heaven, the transfer altar cannot be used, and other functions are normal.".

   The system gave a very bad thing, and the transfer altar can't be used, so what else can he do?

   "The transfer altar can't be used. The **** system seems to be useless. You can only use the martial system to prevent people from betraying. The martial system is still useful."

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