Yun Wenmo’s mansion is also on the south side of the city, so although they took a carriage, it only took more than an hour to get to the entrance of a huge mansion. There was no plaque on this mansion. It seems that Yunwenmo is also I didn't want to be too public, so I didn't hang a Cloud Mansion at the door.

   The gates of this mansion are all three open, with a gate in the middle and two small gates on both sides.

The architectural specifications in the cultural world are very similar to those of China. The door in the middle is generally opened when the host enters and exits and the distinguished guest arrives. Usually, people who go out usually use the back door or the small doors on both sides of the door. The door will not open.

   This is etiquette. The upper and lower classes are very strict. Only a clear relationship between the superior and the lower can promote progress.

Zhu Yuanyuan has always believed that the Mohist’s thoughts are extreme. Although it seems very idealistic, and everyone is equal, this kind of thinking is very ideal. Although some of the Mohist’s things are very good, it is for everyone’s equality. But in practice, it simply won't work.

  Everyone is equal, so class must be eliminated. How can class be eliminated? If everyone is the same, wouldn’t it be that there is no motivation for progress?

   For example, in the company of Aquastar Hyundai, if the boss and the employees make the same amount of money in the company, is there something wrong with the boss? What company do you still open? It's good to go to work. Since the boss can't get any results from his hard work, and he doesn't start a company, where do people go to work? How about making money? What about social development?

For example, scientists, after researching things, can’t get any promotion or good treatment. They pay attention to equality. All things are put out for free trial. Their benefits are the same as ordinary people. Everyone is equal, do scientists still have motivation?

  Don’t say that for the development of mankind, scientists have to contribute their entire lives. If there is no welfare, the welfare is the same as ordinary people, then it is estimated that scientists will not have the motivation to invent things. Starting

  Because scientists are also human beings, they are also for the happiness of their families and the prosperity of the motherland.

   Therefore, both love and non-attack, everyone is equal, such a thing is impossible, this is just the ideal garden of Eden.

   is that people have desires, monks have desires, not to mention other people.

In fact, during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, the Mohist school also had desires. Otherwise, how could there be the Mohist genre. Originally, Mozi was just a master who was as proficient in organ manufacturing as the public transport Pan Luban. Later, Mohist founded the Mohist theory. Mozi was also ambitious. As a farmer-born, he was very envious of Confucianism, Taoism, and hundreds of schools of thought. Therefore, Mozi's ambition led him to establish the Mo School and successfully entered the world. In a hundred families. First release https://https://

   This is not speculation, it is possible. The Mohist thought was very rebellious at the time, but it also represented the thinking of the majority of peasants, so it will rise at a very fast speed.

   Just like those peasant uprisings, they all represent the people of peace and suffering, so they succeed.

I have to say that Mozi’s method of playing is very clever. Standing on a high place, all the farmers will stand on his side. If it weren’t for this hand, he would be the same as Confucianism and Legalism, I’m afraid he would never get ahead. I am afraid that I can only join Confucianism or Legalism, and will never become the founder of Mohism.

However, it is precisely because of Mozi’s proposal that the Mohist school is gradually declining. It is possible that such thinking in the Warring States Period fits the society at that time, because the frequent wars caused the civilians to suffer and those who starved to death did not know that there was How much, so I look forward to the day when everyone is equal and there is no war.

But after the Warring States period, after Qin Shihuang ruled the world, the decline of the Mohist school has accelerated, because after the reunification of the country, things like equality for everyone, no aggression, no privileges, etc., are definitely not allowed. How can it be allowed?

   Therefore, after the Qin Dynasty, the Mohist thought further declined, especially after the Han Wu Emperor of the Han Dynasty implemented Dong Zhongshu's Confucianism, the entire Chinese thought was occupied by Confucianism, and this influence lasted for two thousand years.

   And the other schools of the philosophers have also declined. Only the Legalists and the Soldiers can compete with Confucianism, but they are also very decadent.

   After all, the inheritance of Confucianism has not been cut off. The descendants of Confucius, Confucianism, have always been there, so Confucianism has always occupied an important page in the history of China.

The Mohists can only say that they do it by themselves, and their love for both sides is only idealistic. If the Mohists use their machinery and equipment technology to develop society, it can completely make China stronger and the Mohists more prosperous. It can be compared with Confucianism, but Mohism insists on abolishing class, which makes the upper class very uncomfortable. Isn't the abolition of class abolishing the upper class's rights?

   Then the Mo family is not dead, who will die?


   "Master Yun, your mansion is very big and luxurious! Why didn't you move in?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan followed Yun Wenmo into the mansion, he walked around and found that this mansion is really There are dozens of yards in it, as well as patches of gardens and trees, small rivers, and small rivers. Bridges, pavilions, lofts, ponds, it can be said to have everything, such a good place, why not used to live?

Zhu Yuanyuan felt that even if he was in the villa of Aqua Blue Star, the scope of the villa was very large, but there were not so many buildings. However, compared with the buildings of technological civilization and cultivation civilization, they were very comfortable. The facilities are also very convenient, and many of them are arranged with formations.

   Especially the environment, the literary world is even better here.

"Zhu Gongzi, this is only the mansion in the south of the city. There are other mansions in Mingjiang City. The mansion here is just empty. I didn't intend to sell it. But since Zhu Zhu needs it, Xiaosheng can also give it to Zhu Gongzi. ."

Of course, Yun Wenmo has more than this set of mansions. He also has mansions in other places in Mingjiang City. Even in the south of the city, he has more than this set of mansions, and there are other smaller yards. If the Xuegong is not here, I guess he I won't come here, this time I came here to participate in the rural examination.

This time I came to participate in the rural test. Yun Wenmo did not live in this big mansion, but found a smaller house to live in. In fact, it was because the mansion was too big and there were few people living in Yunwenmo. If the place is large, the space will be wide. .

   "So that's the case, then I would like to thank Young Master Yun for wanting it. This is my first visit to Mingjiang City, so I really lack a mansion. I don't know how much gold and silver I need? I can pay for it."

   Zhu Yuanyuan nodded, he knew Yun Wenmo was there to make friends with himself, so he helped.

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