After bidding farewell to Song Mosheng and An Mingwen, Zhu Yuanyuan went out of the academy and found Zhu Baqiu and dozens of guards who came to pick him up. After getting on the carriage, he returned to Haoranzong’s resident, which is the large block Yun Wenmo sold to him. In the mansion.

"Baqiu, nothing happened in the station these days, right?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan returned to the station, he washed for a while, then sat at the table and ate the prepared delicacies. While eating, he asked casually Zhu Baqiu who was standing.

The upper and lower classes in the literary world still look at it very seriously. This is a rule. From small to large, the owner must stand behind when eating. Even if the owner asks to sit down and eat together, they will not sit down. , The difference between master and servant, this is necessary.

In fact, this rule is not only for classifying upper and lower classes, but also for preventing subordinates from deceiving the master.

Just look at the ancient history of China, there are things about subordinates deceiving their masters, which is the reason for over-spoiling subordinates.

For example, some TV dramas have been broadcasted, a certain unfavored concubine is miserably bullied by his subordinates. What makes the concubine live in a shabby yard and give a bad meal to such a thing? Don't treat the concubine as the master.

When Zhu Yuanyuan watched these TV dramas, he felt that this was impossible in reality. What happened to the concubine, the concubine was also the owner of the subordinate, and the concubine was also the son of the mansion owner. Unless the mansion owner didn’t know, how could it be possible The servant bullied his son? Isn't this nonsense?

Just like some father beats his son at home every day, but if an outsider beats his son, then the father will probably stand up and teach the outsider right away. His son can only beat his own son. When will it be someone else's turn to beat him?

This principle can still be applied to the ancient house, even if it is a house fight, it is impossible for people to deceive the owner, unless the house has fallen, or the owner has instructed it.

Therefore, the rules of the upper and lower levels in the literary world are necessary, but also to let the subordinates recognize their position and don't think about things that are not themselves.

"My son, my subordinates have been teaching Qi Tianfeng about the management of Haoranzong these days. It's the time of the imperial examination. People are looking at the examinations, so no one noticed us.

Zhu Baqiu shook his head. The past few days have been very calm, and there hasn't been anything out of control in Haoran Sect.

"Well, that's good. Have the disciples' monthly salary and cultivation resources for the first month been distributed?"

Zhu Yuanyuan picked up a piece of translucent beef and put it into his mouth. He felt the taste melted in the mouth, his mouth full of fragrant meat and a strange scent. He was very satisfied. After he swallowed it, he asked the Hao Ranzong disciple again. Has our welfare been distributed?

Haoranzong’s welfare benefits are very good. The basic monthly salary for ordinary disciples is ten taels a month. There are also some training resources. For example, Wenxiu is some advanced pen, ink, paper and inkstone, most of which are issued by the junior pen and ink. Paper inkstone.

Of course, there are also resources for martial artists and other cultivators to receive. It all depends on the cultivation system that you want to step into. There are other systems in the literary world besides Wenxiu and martial artists. Mage, alchemist, sorcerer, tool refiner, Fulu master, and so on, some cultivation systems, these cultivation systems are similar in strength to martial arts.

Zhu Yuanyuan did not restrict the disciples of Haoranzong to practice literary cultivation. Therefore, in addition to choosing the talents of cultivation, he recruited all the disciples who were talented in literary cultivation or other cultivation systems. Among the Haoran School, after all, it is still difficult for the literary to improve its level. Not every literary has the energy to create and produce articles of grade-level poetry.

Hao Ranzong's welfare benefits are estimated to be ignored by the children of the family, but it is very important to the common people. This month's silver is enough to make the family's life better.

At the same time, the ten taels of silver this month is just the monthly salary of ordinary disciples. What is an ordinary disciple?

Ordinary disciples are disciples who have just joined the Haoran Sect, or ordinary people, so their monthly salary will be reduced by a lot.

The disciples with cultivation bases are different. The monthly salary of the disciples who enter the first realm of cultivation will rise to 100 taels, and the monthly salary of the disciples who enter the second realm will double to 200 taels, the third The realm is four hundred two a month, and so on, the fourth realm is eight hundred taels, and the rest are doubled.

More than that, disciples who have the cultivation level will be automatically classified into Haoranzong's inner disciples, and resources will also change. All things like pen, ink, paper and ink will provide intermediate level.

This benefit is probably impossible for any force in the Ji Kingdom. This is too terrifying. If all of Haoranzong’s 10,000 disciples become cultivators, even at the first level, Haoranzong would have to spend one month. One million taels of silver pays a monthly salary. If all the disciples reach the second state, this silver will be doubled. This consumption is too much for a force to hold!

But Zhu Yuanyuan didn't care, only gold and silver. He had a lot of it. There was not much in the martial warehouse. The storage of gold and silver is probably the most. The storage of gold and silver is more than one trillion tons. What is the concept?

One ton = 2000 catties, one catty 10 taels, one ton is twenty thousand One hundred tons is two million taels, and 10,000 tons is two hundred million taels.

If this is 100 million tons, it will be two hundred billion catties, two trillion taels of silver. What is this concept?

If you just take it out for flowers, I am afraid that everything in Mingjiang City will be bought out.

However, Zhu Yuanyuan did not intend to give out too much silver to his disciples. He didn't want to destroy the currency system in the literary world. So although the disciples of Haoranzong seem to be distributing a lot of silver now, they actually paid much attention to Mingjiang City. The currency system has little influence. Mingjiang City is also a port city after all. There are countless gold and silver circulating every day. Throwing the gold and silver issued by Hao Ranzong into it is equivalent to throwing water in the ocean.


"My son, all the monthly salaries and resources of the disciples have been distributed, and the disciples have also received resources that match their own talents. However, my son, there are very few people who have received resources that are not related to their talents. Will they be recovered? Their resources and monthly salary kick them out of Haoranzong?"

After Zhu Baqiu heard his son's question, he immediately started talking, and said that several new disciples had not honestly received resources that were not related to their talents.

When Haoranzong received his disciples, Zhu Yuanyuan had been watching. These disciples had been appraised using the appraisal function of the Ten Thousand Realms system. He knew all the talents of everyone, and he also recorded them. Come down to Zhu Baqiu. .

After the disciples entered the sect, Zhu Baqiu asked them to tell them the talents of these new disciples, and let them make their own choices. Haoran Sect would not force them to choose the resources corresponding to their talents.

But these disciples who didn't choose to cultivate according to their talents, it was obvious that Hao Ranzong would abandon them, because they had their strengths and didn't know how to use them.

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