Now the entire Jizhou City knows that there are candidates in the Academy’s examination room that have created king-level poems. Of course, there are many strong people in Jizhou City, so although I was surprised by this incident, it would not cause much disturbance.

The common people in Jizhou City also talked about it for a while and went to work on their own. That's right, in this Jizhou City, there are almost every year king-level poems appear, so people are not surprised.


"My son, did you create the poem of the king class just now?"

Zhu Baqiu waited for Zhu Yuanyuan at the gate of the Academy, and then asked.

"Well, it's me." Zhu Yuanyuan stretched lazily while sitting on the sofa in the carriage.

"Congratulations, son." After Zhu Baqiu got the answer, congratulations on his face.

"Well, we will wait a few days. As long as we get the Huiyuan this time, Haoranzong will immediately start a sect in Jizhou City, and I will also invite the rich and powerful people in Jizhou City to participate."

Zhu Yuanyuan had already thought about it, this time the Huiyuan must be himself, and that Haoranzong is going to make a name this time.

"Yes, son." Zhu Baqiu nodded silently when he heard the words. He was also very excited. After Haoranzong officially opened a party in Jizhou City, after that, apart from his own son, the most powerful person in Haoranzong is himself, so Zhu Baqiu can Not excited?

"How are Tang Yu and the others these days? Have their respective cultivation arrangements been arranged?"

After this test was over, Zhu Yuanyuan thought of Tang Yu and the others. Tang Yu could not be fed up with the male protagonist he prepared.

"You can rest assured, Tang Yu and the others are already on the right track of cultivation, and their subordinates have arranged for them to assist them!" Although Zhu Baqiu didn't know what Zhu Yuanyuan wanted to do and why he recruited these poor boys, his son's order must be Implementation, so he didn't think much about it.

"Well, well done."


A few days passed quickly. Not much happened during these days. People still gossiping about the imperial examinations and the creators of king-level poems. In the past few days, Zhu Yuanyuan has become the object of gossip by the people in Jizhou City.

It's just that people don't know who wrote the king's poems, so Zhu Yuanyuan didn't bother anyone.

Originally, Prince Ji Tianxue wanted to send someone to invite Zhu Yuanyuan to the Prince's Mansion, but he changed his mind and did not invite him.

This day is also the time to try out the list. Zhu Yuanyuan came out with Zhu Baqiu and a few guards.

This time Zhu Yuanyuan had personally entered the battle, and he went to the list and waited.

"Dangdangdang..." With the sound of knocking the gong several times, some officials with red silks appeared with the list.

"Dear candidates and people, good morning everyone, this time the test results have come out, now I will start reporting the top three for everyone."

"Third place: Wang Jiawen from Xuzhou, congratulations to Mr. Wang's high school students, congratulations."

"Second place: from Jizhou City, Zhao Family, Zhao Xianwen, congratulations to Mr. Zhao, a high school student."

"First place: Zhu Yuanyuan from Mingzhou, congratulations to Mr. Zhu Huiyuan in high school, congratulations!"

Soon the officials reported the top three, and indeed Zhu Yuanyuan was in Huiyuan.

"Congratulations, son, you are in the middle of the meeting." Zhu Baqiu said to Zhu Yuanyuan. Now there are many people, but he knows that his son doesn't like talking to people the most, so he can only send congratulations.

"Brother Zhu, congratulations." Yun Wenmo was also watching the list at this time. After hearing that Zhu Yuanyuan was in Huiyuan, he was very happy for Zhu Yuanyuan, so the sound transmission came over to congratulate him, although he himself missed the top three. But aren’t there still 97 places behind?

"Brother Yun, you must have been hit this time too. Don't worry, we will have to compete with the palace for the top prize!"

Although it is a pity that Yun Wenmo did not pass the top three exams, Zhu Yuanyuan knows the talent of Yunwenmo, and he does not think that Yunwenmo will fail.

"Then I will borrow from Brother Zhu to say it." Although Yun Wenmo is very confident, he is still very nervous. He is worried that he will not pass the exam. If he does not pass the exam, I am afraid he will have to wait next year.

The officials began to post the list after finishing the top three.

Zhu Yuanyuan was also looking at the list, and soon he found the name of Yun Wenmo. It is a pity that Yun Wenmo was in the fourth place. He was just a little short of becoming third. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you can pass the test, as long as you can pass the test, you will be 100% Jinshi.

The most important thing in this imperial examination is the palace examination. The top three in the palace examination are champions, second-place winners, and search for flowers. The top three are the most valuable.

The literary world is different from the water blue star. Although the first three of the literary world palace examinations were selected by the emperor himself, the emperor also has a literary talent, because everyone who can be an emperor is a literary and a very powerful one , So the literary talent is very strong, it is very simple to choose the top three imperial examinations.

The water blue star Hua Xia is different in ancient times. The first three emperors in China chose according to their own interests. Some emperors will choose fairly, and some emperors will choose according to their preferences. If at this time a certain candidate slapped the emperor, it happened that the emperor had seen it, then there would be a great chance that he would be selected.

It can be said that the imperial examination is fair in the literary world, but in ancient times, Shuilanxing Huaxia was not fair.

"Congratulations, Brother Yun, you have also been hit, and we can continue to compete in the next palace exam." After Zhu Yuanyuan saw that Yun Wenmo had been hit, Transmit was also congratulated.

"Tongxi, Tongxi, haha!" Although Yun Wenmo feels a bit regretful not to be in the top three, he is also very happy. He will also be a scholar in the future, and he can still be an official.

"Brother Yun, let's go, let's go have a drink, anyway, there are people in the mansion, so it's just those subordinates who will entertain the people who Announce the Good News.

Zhu Yuanyuan then invited Yun Wenmo to have a drink with He still has something to say, he can't just say it through voice transmission, it's too informal, it's like a spy.

"Well, Brother Zhu, it's better to be respectful, brother."

Yun Wenmo did not refuse, but agreed.

Then Zhu Yuanli took Yun Wenmo and found a restaurant nearby, ordered a few signature dishes and wine, and began to talk about his own affairs.

"Brother Yun, you also know that I established a Haoran Sect. This time I will establish the headquarters of Haoran Sect in Jizhou City, so I want to invite you to join in. I wonder if Brother Yun is free?"

Zhu Yuanyuan was talking about the Haoran Sect. After all, when starting a sect, you can’t have no guests. You can’t do it. Who would dare to join the Haoran Sect?

"Brother Zhu, if you don't talk about this matter, the younger brother will also go. How can the Haoranzong build a headquarters such a big thing, how can the younger brother not go? You must go, you can rest assured." Yun Wenmo finished listening to Zhu Yuanyuan After saying that, he immediately agreed, nothing more than preparing some gifts, the Yun family still had some money.

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