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Chapter 784: Orcs attack the Red Flame Empire!

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"Okay, President Hualu, then I will go back and wait for the result. Then I will leave!"

Zhu Yuanyuan agreed, then stood up and said.

"Mr. Zhu, you can rest assured to go back and wait for the news, I will definitely give the result soon. Sir, I will send you!"

Hualu also said something to put Zhu Yuanyuan at ease, and then sent Zhu Yuanyuan out of the head office.

"It's so risky, it turned out to be sent by the president. It seems that this human being is not easy. Fortunately, I didn't offend him." Hua San was on duty outside the main gate of the head office. When he saw the flowers send Zhu Yuanyuan out, his heart beat a drum. , I am glad I did not offend anyone.


"Master, you are back."

When Zhu Yuanyuan returned to the Zhu Mansion, it was getting late. It was already dusk. When he entered the door, Loffitt also went back to the courtyard. Seeing Zhu Yuanyuan entering the courtyard, he hurriedly beat. Hello.

"Lofit, are you cooking, do you have any for me?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan entered the yard, he smelled a scent, and Lovett was cooking on the new stove built in the yard!

There is no stove in this yard. Generally, you have to build it yourself. Also, few elves build stoves. Only some of the elves have status to build stoves to make good food. Most elves eat food. Fresh fruits, nectar and vegetable leaves do not need to be cooked.

"Yes, the subordinates are the masters." Lovette said quickly.

"Lofit, today I went to the head office of the Weilv Commercial Bank and saw their president. I didn’t expect that the president also knew nothing about the Weilv Food Pavilion, but knew that a food pavilion was opened below. I don’t know if they are stealing lessons from our shop... Finally the president will give an explanation."

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard that he had his share, he sat down in the yard, and after sitting down, he talked about the micro-green business.

"Master, since it has something to do with the Queen of Elves, it would be great to do this. Normally elves don’t do such stale things, but the elves in business really can’t tell. There are so many people and things they come into contact with. There are also some changes in behavior."

Lovett felt that this incident happened to the elves was originally a rare thing, but because it happened to the merchants, so the elves fell a little bit in this matter this time.


Time passed in a hurry, a few days later.

"Master, this is something from the micro-green business, look at it."

On this day, Zhu Yuanyuan was reading a book leisurely on the top of the Huaxia Food Attic, and from time to time he looked at the birds flying around. Suddenly Loffitt came up from below and was holding a few wooden boxes. It's really like the wooden box in the store.

"Oh? Is this the packaging box of the Weilv Food Pavilion? It looks good!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan took it over, looked at it, and then saw a line on the box, Huaxia Food Pavilion teaches food, this is the top line of small characters, and the bottom is the four large characters of Weilvshige.

Regarding the food stealing disputes, there have been results these days.

First of all, after Hualu went to Zhu Yuanyuan to find out, she learned that someone was sneaking up on the dog, learning other people's things, and not acknowledging the master, which made her very annoyed, so she immediately sent someone to call the relevant person in charge of the Weilv Food Pavilion. , And then all these responsible persons were expelled, and even imprisoned, sent to do hard work, in a few years they will definitely not be able to get out.

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