Random Shopping System

Chapter 830: Time and space energy fluctuations!

   I had a meal at Yuyuan Restaurant and slept in a luxurious room the next day.

   "Lofit, do you think we re-established Guangming Shenjiao, or re-opened Huaxia Food Court?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan said thoughtfully while eating breakfast.

"Master, I’m afraid it’s not suitable for the establishment of Guangming Divine Sect and Huaxia Food Pavilion in the Thunder Continent. The people on this continent are too powerful. Our strength is temporarily not ranked here. If someone comes to trouble, I’m afraid the master will in danger."

Lovett is also telling the truth. He is not afraid that others will listen. The soundproof magic barrier on this table is still very powerful, and outsiders cannot hear them, even if the powerhouse above the main **** level can break through the barrier forcibly, But such a strong person generally would not engage in such things as eavesdropping, and no strong would eavesdrop on the words of two gods who are neither.

   "That's right, this Thunderbolt Continent is the central continent of the Purple Thunder Territory, then we..."

   Before Zhu Yuanyi had finished speaking, he was stunned, and his face changed suddenly.

   "Ding! Warning! The world barrier is being destroyed by the space-time energy amidst the violent fluctuations in the time-space energy of the master world, please be prepared..."

   "Ding! Warning! The world barrier is being destroyed by the space-time energy amidst the violent fluctuations in the time-space energy of the master world, please be prepared..."

   "Ding! Warning!............................"

   It turned out that Zhu Yuanyuan heard the system sound in his mind, and he was still warning. This is the first time such a thing has happened.

   "Master, what's the matter?" After seeing Zhu Yuanyuan stop talking, Lovett's face became ugly, so he asked involuntarily.

   "It's nothing, you go out to see if there is a suitable place for our development, I want to rest."

   Zhu Yuan has a dim sum absentmindedly and sent Lovet out directly.

   "Yes, Master." Loffitt saw that his master was absent-minded and his expression was not very good, he knew what might have happened, but the master didn't say it, as a subordinate, he definitely couldn't ask.

   After sending Lovett, Zhu Yuanyuan returned to his room.

   "System, what's the situation? I am in the magical world, shouldn't the Aqua Star side be relatively static? How can there be energy fluctuations in time and space?"

Zhu Yuanyuan asked anxiously. He didn't expect such a thing to happen at all. When he came to the magic world, he asked about the system. During the time in the magic world, the water blue star was relatively It doesn't move. This is also because of the difference in time and space, which leads to the difference in time.

Now that something like this happened on Aquastar, Zhu Yuanyuan couldn’t believe it. He was in the magical world, not Aquastar. There were energy fluctuations in time and space even though time was still there. Cheating?

"Master, Aquastar is still relative to the magic world, but the master is now in the magic world. Compared with the magic world, some time in other worlds is static, and some time will be faster, and now this time and space energy The explosion did not erupt on the water blue star, but affected the water blue star after the explosion of time and space energy fluctuations in another world. Now due to the time and space energy fluctuations, a series of consequences have occurred."

"The first consequence is that the world barrier of the main world has to be torn apart by this space-time energy fluctuation to form a space-time channel. Although this channel will last for a short time, it will stay for more than one day. There may be other worlds. Creatures reach Aquastar through time and space channels."

   "The second consequence is that if the time-space energy fluctuates too sharply, it may cause disasters, and the Aqua Star may be torn apart by the space-time energy."

"The final consequence, the chaotic and disorderly fluctuations of time and space above the main world, has caused the time now to be synchronized with the magic world, which means that it is no longer a static state from now on. The magic world has passed a minute, and the Aquastar One minute will pass by the time of going up."

   The cold and merciless voice of the system sounded in Zhu Yuanyuan's mind.

   After listening to the explanation of the system, Zhu Yuanyuan rose up in a state of weakness. He never expected such a thing to happen, and it really was that the plan could not keep up with the change!

   "System, when will the space-time channel be opened?" Zhu Yuanyuan asked the system with a gloomy face.

   "Master, the space-time energy fluctuation will last for three days. After three days, the space-time channel will be opened, and then the channel will maintain the world for one day. The world barrier will repair the channel torn by the space-time energy after one day."

   The system answered Zhu Yuanyuan's question coldly.

   "Three days? Time is enough, but let's go back today, hey! How depressed!"

After Zhu Yuanyuan heard the system's statement, he was relieved. Fortunately, there is still a few days of buffer period. Otherwise, if the channel is opened immediately, I am afraid that even if he has the strength above the Nascent Soul Stage, he will not be able to prevent passing through time and space. The passage comes from the mighty one of Aquastar.

  The strongest person who can pass through time and space channels, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, the lowest estimate is also at the level of immortals, it is not the world of Aquastar can resist, even those ninth-level civilizations can't stop it.

This is not unreliable, nor is it alarmist. The ninth-level technological civilization is very powerful, using the most powerful weapons even more powerful than those of the Mahayana cultivator, but the premise is that these weapons can beat the strong ones. Can't hit, even if the power is high, what's the use?


   As soon as the time passed, it was noon, and Zhu Yuanyuan also informed Lovett to come back.

"Lofit, there is something I need to deal with at Aqua Blue Star. It is an urgent matter. In this way, there are ten million transfer altars, and in this ring are 10 billion high-grade magic spar and 100 million top-grade magic spar. Lingshi, I am afraid you need to help me deal with matters in the magical world. Guangming Shenjiao and Huaxia Food Pavilion will continue to develop. Which remote continents you can start with, leave first on the Thunder Continent, and wait until later I will come back after I become strong."

After eating lunch, Zhu Yuanyuan thought for a while and decided to leave Lovett to develop his influence. After all, he can’t just throw it away here. He also needs to earn prestige points. He definitely can’t just throw it away. On the side. .

   Although Lovett's strength is a bit worse, it will definitely work if he carefully develops from the continents that are not so strong.

In this way, there is no need for Zhu Yuanyuan to stay here by himself. After all, the time of Aqua Star and the magic world has been synchronized now. It is impossible to stay here for a long time, and he cannot keep Chen Ziyuan. And the sons waited too long for themselves.

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