Random Shopping System

Chapter 849: Kitchen bucket (1)!

   "Who are you? You dare to intervene in the affairs of our Zhang family, kid, are you impatient? Hurry up!"

  Miraculous Zhang didn't speak, but his attendant stood up and shouted at Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Noisy!" Zhu Yuanyuan didn't even look at this follower. He directly took out a silver needle from the martial art system and threw it in the follower, and then Zhang Qiqi, the follower fell asleep directly on the ground. Get up, this is Zhu Yuanyuan directly inserted a silver needle into an acupuncture point on his nerve, which can directly control his brain dormancy, which Zhu Yuanyuan learned from the knowledge of acupuncture in the thirteen needles of the soul.


  In an instant, Zhang Qiqi and them all were frightened and their hearts jumped wildly, and then backed back several steps. Just as Zhang Qiqi was about to say something, after Zhu Yuanyuan glanced at him with indifferent eyes, Zhang Qiqili quickly closed his mouth.

  Miracle Zhang, they are indeed scared. In Xiqin Town, they have not seen a shot so fast, they have also seen a hidden weapon, but they have never seen a needle as a hidden weapon. This is so-called indefensible!

This is not to say that Zhang Qiqi and the others are not as powerful as Zhu Yuanyuan’s current strength, but they saw a silver needle in Zhu Yuanyuan’s hand. Yes, Zhu Yuanyuan now holds dozens of silver needles in his hands, that looks like shining silver. It makes people feel chills. If this is all over, Zhang Qiqi believes that even if they are strong, they can't block all these silver needles. Now it is not a shameful thing to admit that for the time being, he knows that he can't do it. It must be unwise. It is not bravery, but death.

   Xiangdong, their eyes looked at Zhu Yuanyuan strangely, but they didn't object, but looked at Zhu Yuanyuan who came over, wanting to see what this person was going to say.

"Xiangdong, right? My name is Zhu Yuanyuan and I am also a chef, but I grew up in the mountains and have not been assessed by the God of Cooking Association. However, it is very simple to win this miracle. I will replace you and What do you think of Zhang Miracle Chef?"

   Zhu Yuanyuan approached Xiangdong and they whispered.

   "This...Mr. Zhu, although I don't know what you have the ability to say that you must have won Zhang miracle, I want to ask Mr. Why do you want to help us Xiangmanlou?"

Xiang Huiya’s eyes were full of vigilance. She suspected that Zhu Yuanyuan belonged to the Zhang family. Now they are about to refuse the kitchen fight. At this time, they ran out and said to help them. There must be some conspiracy. Fortunately, someone from the Zhang family came over and said this deliberately. If this person loses, will they be exported to the family’s recipes differently?

"Presumably you should all doubt my intentions, whether I was the person sent by your opponent, then I will first talk about my purpose. I, Zhu Yuanyuan, originally lived in the mountains, but now I’m out of the mountains, there is nothing specific. Identity, if you want to be evaluated in the God of Kitchen Association, you don’t have to have an innocent identity, so I want to use your Xiangman Lou’s name to evaluate the chef level. In this way, you can be certified as a chef of the God of Kitchen Association, and you will be able to Open your own restaurants and restaurants. That’s how things are. I really am not a person sent by the Zhang family."

   Although Zhu Yuanyuan didn't want to explain, if he wanted to gain a foothold in this world, he had to join the God of Cooking Association, so he explained it clearly.

"Um, Mr. Zhu, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but that things are too sudden. So, can you cook a dish in the kitchen? I want to see what you cook before I can decide whether to let you replace us. What do you think of Xiangmanlou accepting this cooking fight?"

   After thinking about it for Huiya, he decided to let Zhu Yuanyuan cook a dish and take a look to see what level the chef can achieve. From this one can see whether Mr. Zhu was sent by the Zhang family.

"In that case, I will cook a dish, let you see my cooking skills, and then I will talk about the cooking." After Zhu Yuanyuan heard what Xiang Huiya said, he didn't feel strange, after all, it was a matter. They will certainly not decide easily about the recipes passed down by the ancestors of the Guan Xiang family. There is nothing right or wrong.

"Zhang miracle, the kitchen bucket is talking about things, let's go first to discuss it." Xiangdong said aloud to the crowds on the street and Zhang miracle at this time, this kitchen bucket, as long as one day It is fine to decide within, and after agreeing, you can also arrange a time comparison, as long as you complete a kitchen bucket within a year, no matter what time of the year it is.

However, after agreeing to the kitchen bucket, the agreed time for the kitchen bucket cannot exceed one month. After all, the employees of the God of Cooking Association will not play with the family. It is not when they want to. After all, the employees of the God of Cooking Association are just like that. There are a few people, but there are not as many people as chefs. If all of them come to apply for a kitchen fight, they can't arrange it.

   Of course, although it is said that the kitchen bucket is only fair for chefs of the same level, there are many types of kitchen buckets.

   For example, this time Zhang’s restaurant challenged Xiangmanlou and wanted to win Xiangjia’s recipes by way of a kitchen bucket. The nature of this has changed. UU read www.uukanshu. com has involved the life and death of a family, so the challenged party will not limit the chef level.

   That is to say, Zhang's restaurant challenges Xiangmanlou and can only fight with chefs of the same level, but on the contrary, after Xiangmanlou accepts the kitchen bucket, he can send more advanced chefs to fight.

Of course, Xiangmanlou can play now, except for Xiang Dong and his mother, there are no other chefs, because all the other chefs were poached by the Zhang family, or they were forced to leave the celery after the kitchen bucket. In town, Xiang Jia didn’t blame them. After all, Xiang Jia had been going downhill in recent years. No wonder these chefs would leave, and even if they were not poached, they would be challenged by the chefs of Zhang’s restaurant. Was expelled from Xiqin Town.

When Zhangjia Restaurant used to challenge Xiangmanlou, it was like that. Either the chef from Xiangmanlou was poached, or the condition was that the chef from Xiangmanlou left Xiqin Town. This was what caused the rapid decline of Xiangmanlou. One of the reasons.

Although Zhu Yuanyuan had never cooked in this world, it was the first day he came to this world, but he believed that he was a top chef in Yunguo if he recognized a level 9 culinary skill by his own system, and there are also 9 level 9 star chefs. Level it!

Of course, this is his own thought. Zhu Yuanyuan thinks that he knows all the cooking skills on Aquastar, Chinese food, Western food, and the dishes of those small places. He knows all of them. He doesn't believe it or is better than a chef in this world. . .

   "Okay, Xiangdong, then I'll wait. If you don't give a conclusion today, you can only close the Xiangmanlou. Don't let me wait too long."

   Although Zhang Qiqi didn't dare to fight with Zhu Yuanyuan, he was still extremely arrogant towards Xiangdong.

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