Although the Dark Kitchen Association is a taboo of the God of Cooking Association, the God of Cooking Association still knows them well. This taboo is only the recipes of the dark dishes of the Dark Kitchen Association, and does not affect the Association of the God of Cooking to understand its enemies.

"Mr. Zhu, this dark kitchen will be very evil. They focus on studying some evil and dark dishes. After eating these dishes, people will indulge in them. Some of them can add more energy to people, and some can make people feel. The taste of fluttering and ecstasy, and others can be very exciting, but these effects are achieved by harming their own body, but some people believe them, even indulging in them and unable to extricate themselves, the dark kitchen is simply the real water continent A mouse **** from is a group of evil people."

   Fang Yuansheng hates the dark kitchen club very much. He once had a good friend who died in the hands of the dark kitchen club, and the death was very miserable, otherwise he would not hate the dark kitchen club so much.

As for why Fang Yuansheng just saw Baili Duying, the chairman of the Dark Kitchen branch, not going up to kill him, one is because this is in front of the Huaxia Food Pavilion, and the other is because Baili Duying did not come alone, and brought him. The masters of the dark kitchen club, if they fight, their God of Cooking Association can't ask for anything, so Fang Yuansheng didn't do anything.

   "Oh? Is that true? President Fang, then there must be something attractive about this dark kitchen club? Otherwise, there won't be so many people joining the dark kitchen club like moths into the fire, right?"

Zhu Yuanyuan is in one sentence. He doesn't think that the dark kitchen will only have these disadvantages, and there must be benefits. Otherwise, so many people join in, one person is a fool Zhu Yuanyuan still believes, but all of them are He didn't believe the fool's words, there would always be a few people who are smart, knowing that this dark cooking is more harmful than good.

"Mr. Zhu, the dark kitchen club is of course attractive. According to the news I have learned, there are many kinds of recipes in this dark kitchen club that can quickly increase the energy. These recipes are used by the dark kitchen club to recruit staff. The secret of this is that these recipes are different from our usual recipes. Usually, the dishes we make can only increase our energy gradually."

"But it’s not the same as the gastro-increasing dishes of the Dark Chef. It’s possible that when you are a level 1 chef, you can cook directly to level 2, and even level 3 is possible. The dishes that come out are the same after they are eaten by combat professionals."

"But this comes at a price. Whether it is a chef or a person who eats the food, it will pay the price. That is, it will reduce the lifespan of the person. Cooking such a dish will reduce the lifespan by at least one year. In 10 years, I once saw a very scary scene in a kitchen fight."

   "The horrible scene at that time is still in my mind and cannot be forgotten. It can be said that it has become a shadow in my heart."

Fang Yuansheng said a lot in one breath. The dark kitchen club is a lingering shadow in his heart. He always wants to get rid of the dark kitchen club, but he can't do it on his own, even the entire God of Cooking Association. Unable to do it.

   "It turns out that this is the case. The chef will pay a price for cooking. This recipe is really evil! But President Fang, have you encountered any strange things? There will be psychological shadows!"

After Zhu Yuansheng heard what Fang Yuansheng said, he also felt a little evil. Cooking would even pay the price of lifespan. This is too evil. Moreover, Fang Yuansheng was even scared into a psychological shadow. It's a terrible thing!

"Mr. Zhu, you don’t know anything. At that time, there was a confrontation between the God of Kitchen Association and the Dark Chef. The kitchen battle was very exciting. There were ten matches in total, and all of them were life and death. Fighting, five games is a contest of the younger generation, and five games is a contest of the older generation."

"At that time, more than half of the people on both sides of the match were killed and injured. The last one was the last decisive battle between the vice president of the God of Kitchen Association and the vice president of the Dark Kitchen Association. This was the vice president of the two sides. The president is not from the branch, he is powerful, and all of them are level nine powerhouses."

   "The vice chairman of my Kitchen God Association is okay. The dishes he cooks are only his own. Although special, he won't pay a price."

"But the Dark Kitchen is different. The special dishes they make will shorten the lifespan. In this final battle, the vice president of the Dark Kitchen has made a nine-level nine-star dark cuisine. After finishing this dish, the vice president of the dark kitchen club instantly turned white, and even if the original life span was reduced, the ninth-level powerhouse can live for more than a thousand years at least, but the vice president of the dark kitchen club The president turned into an old man with gray hair, few teeth, and wrinkles on his face in an instant, and it didn't take long for the vice president of the dark kitchen to die."

"But at the same time, what is terrifying is that in this decisive battle, the vice president of the Dark Kitchen Association actually made nine-level nine-star dishes, while the vice president of my Kitchen God Association only made nine-level eight-star dishes. This is a life-and-death battle, so the vice president of the God of Kitchen Association lost the game and his own life, but the vice president of the Dark Kitchen Association also died. It can be said that they all perished. "

   "Hey! Both of us suffered heavy losses that time~ After that conflict, we both agreed that we will not engage in life and death battles, unless it is an irreconcilable conflict.

After saying these words, Fang Yuansheng also sighed deeply. At the time, he was still young, only in his 10s, but the reason why he was able to watch this battle was also because Fang Yuansheng’s family was very powerful in the God of Cooking Association. , That's why I went to see Bidou and learned so many things.

   "Chairman Fang, I didn't expect such a thing to happen to the God of Cooking Association! But this dark kitchen is really terrifying, and they use this method of harming both sides at every turn. Are they not afraid of death?"

   Zhu Origin is also very lamented, and at the same time wondering, are the people in this dark kitchen club all robots afraid of death?

   I'm afraid that people don't want to die. How can the people of this dark kitchen die in the same way?

"Mr. Zhu, it's not that they want to lose both sides, but the level of the dishes is not at all in their grasp. The level of the ingredients and the level of the dishes are not a problem, but there are stars in a level. High or low, this is the criterion for the judgment of Heaven. At that time, the vice president of the dark kitchen club probably did not expect that he would make nine-level nine-star dishes, and even confess his life in it.".

"It's not just the people in the dark kitchen that can't predict, even the chefs of our God of Cooking Association can't predict how high the gas of the dishes they make, at most they can only predict how many levels, and how many stars are not known. ."

   Fang Yuansheng’s words are okay. In this world, cooking Tiandao will have an induction. Not only is the gas in the ingredients, but Tiandao senses that your cooking is well done, which will also increase the gas inside. This is also one of the uncertain factors.

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