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Chapter 956: Space storm (2)

"Nephew, if you insist on going to the headquarters, can it be said that you already have the eighth level of the yellow rank?" When Elder Huang saw Zhu Yuanyuan insisted on going to the headquarters, he suddenly thought of one thing. This kid will not have reached the yellow rank. Is it level eight?

"Elder Huang, I have reached the ninth level of the yellow rank." Zhu Yuanyuan showed a breath as he said, just reaching the level of the ninth level of the yellow rank and 1 star. It is better for people to have some hole cards, if all the hole cards are exposed at once When it comes out, those who want to deal with themselves will be targeted, which is not fun.

Zhu Yuanyuan has a system in his body. He can hide his cultivation base at any time, or let his cultivation base be exposed outside, of course, he can also choose to expose his cultivation base to the outside world.

"Hey! It's really the ninth level of Huangjie, nephew, no, senior, I will give you a letter of recommendation to go to the headquarters."

Elder Huang was stunned by Zhu Yuanyuan’s cultivation level at once. Although he was an elder on the cross-border star side, his strength was only at level 7 of the Huang Tier. In this way, he had cultivated for countless years. It's very simple, but when a chef is cultivating, the level of talent is the most important thing. People with high talents get fast in cultivation, and people with low talents get slow in cultivation.

Elder Huang is obviously the group of people with poor talents. It may be the 7th level of the Yellow Rank that relied on time. After all, people who reach the Yellow Rank can easily live tens of thousands to more than 100,000 years without a problem.

"Senior, this is the recommendation letter from the headquarters!" Elder Huang quickly found the recommendation letter from the headquarters and handed it to Zhu Yuanyuan.

"Okay, then thank you Elder Huang. By the way, I will leave Transboundary Star tomorrow. I hope that Elder Huang will hide things about me temporarily. When I arrive at the Tiandao Pavilion headquarters, I will naturally know my news there. In this case, other people still don’t know, understand?"

After Zhu Yuanyuan received the recommendation letter, he reminded Elder Huang that he didn’t want everyone here to know that he was at the ninth level of Huang Tier and all came to bother him. What he hates most is dealing with certain people, especially with purpose. He disliked the person most, so he reminded Elder Huang.

"Yes, yes, I know what the predecessors meant." Elder Huang didn't dare to refuse. The ninth-level chef of the yellow rank was several times stronger than the other professionals. The chef was in the same realm. It is the existence of invincibility. In addition to the ability to fight between the chef and the chef, if the other professions are in the same realm, it will be the scum of fighting power five in front of the chef.

This is already recognized. Such things have happened many times in history. For example, once a yellow-rank 9-star warrior found a yellow-rank 8 and 9-star chef for revenge, but he did not expect it to be a yellow-rank 9-star chef. When the nine-star warrior went up, the yellow-ranked eighth-level and nine-star chef just broke through to the yellow-ranked ninth level and 1 star, which was terrible.

Then this yellow-level nine-star warrior was hanged and beaten by a nine-level 1-star chef, and in the end he was killed. It was a human tragedy!

The key is that this kind of thing happened more than once or twice. It has happened both in history and now. Some of them thought they were not inferior to the chef and went to death by themselves. Others were robbed and robbed of the chef and were killed. Others were the chef for Revenge is to kill the enemy.

There are many things like this, and then everyone knows that the chef is the right way and the strong in this world.


One day passed quickly. With Zhu Yuanyuan’s warning, Tiandao Mountain was truly peaceful, and there was no news that Zhu Yuanyuan had reached the ninth level of the Huang Tier. It seems that the elder Huang is very interesting!

"Rafting, are you ready? When you are ready, let's set off and go to the ultra-long-range teleportation array."

After seeing Li Fanzhou, Zhu Yuanyuan asked them if they were ready.

"My son, we are all ready and can set off at any time." Li Fanzhou immediately replied.

"Well, that's good, then let's set off." Zhu Yuanyuan nodded with satisfaction, and then directly led the people down the mountain, towards the ultra-long-range teleportation array. This teleportation array is specifically for remote Teleportation can be teleported to other continents or planets.

Zhu Yuanyuan and the others are still very fast, and they arrived at the teleportation area on the cross-border star. After entering, they found the ultra-long-range teleportation array. There are also many people here. Fortunately, the teleportation array is very large. Sex can transmit more than 10,000 people at least.

The ultra-long-range teleportation array is expensive to construct and has a large range, so there is only one on the teleportation area.

However, not many people use the teleportation array. Most of them would rather take the slow spacecraft to leave the crossover star than take the teleportation array, because the money for the teleportation array is too much.

The high price of 10 million gas food coins at a time defeats most people. Although it can make up 10,000 people, one person only needs 1,000 gas coins. UU reading www.uukanshu.com, but there are still a large number of people who do not Willing to spend this money.

They have time. Although it takes a lot of time to take a spacecraft, it may take months or even years to go to a place, but it can’t help but it’s cheap to be a spacecraft. Only a few gas coins at a time, and the most. There are dozens of gas coins, so people who are not very wealthy would rather take a spacecraft.

You need to know that a single gas coin can buy the same yellow-level 1st-level ingredients. This is enough to cook a dish. Such purchasing power is very large, so those talents are not willing to spend a thousand gas coins to sit in the teleportation array. Because people who are not wealthy may not earn a thousand gas coins a year or even years, they would rather spend time on a spaceship than spend money on a teleportation array.

Zhu Yuanyuan feels that the spacecraft is very similar to the bus on the Aquastar, and the teleportation array is equivalent to an airplane. If it is in a city, where the bus can go, do you still have to go by helicopter?

Of course, Zhu Yuanyuan himself owns a helicopter. If he is replaced, he must drive himself or take a helicopter.

But what if it's an ordinary person? Ordinary people don’t have money to take a helicopter. They also have money and can sit on it, but this is a cost-effective thing. Obviously a bus for 2 yuan can go directly to the destination. You really want him to spend a few thousand or even get on. If you go to take a helicopter, even if this ordinary person has savings, he would not be willing to go there. It is not a nerve. How can such a thing be done? Most ordinary people are self-aware.

"This teleportation array is very advanced, is it really arranged by Huang Tier's array mage?"

Zhu Yuanyuan watched the people in front teleport out. He observed this teleportation array and found that the teleportation array was too advanced. The runes on it and the fluctuations during teleportation were all too powerful, not like the blue light world at all. The array that the teleportation array can be deployed.

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