< Episode 101 >

Guangzhou, Republic of China.

“There seems to be some misunderstanding. construction.”

“misunderstanding? Yes, you said it was a misunderstanding?”

“No power in the Republic of China wanted a conflict with the Russian Empire…”

“Then please explain, why did the Chinese set foot on their own territory, and why the Chinese military had a traditional rifle in their hands.”

“The rifle is not even on our side in the first place. In the case of General Ryu’s rifle, it is a new weapon that has just been deployed to the warlords as equipment produced at the Hanyang Arsenal…”

Sun Won, who was about to claim that he had found the wrong street number, was blocked by the next blow.

“exactly? However, in the document delivered to me by the Ministry of the Interior, it was written that the prisoners confessed that they had instigated the rebellion by the Xinhai Revolutionary Commissioners, Li Xiaofeng and Liu Juhai.”

Sun Yat-sen lost his mind.

“Their purpose was the conquest of Xinjiang and Tibet, a self-proclaimed revolution, and they entered under the guise of an opium dealer and said they currently command thousands of troops, not to mention military training, arms support, propaganda, etc. You and the Republic of China are not related? Don’t be funny.”

It was a miracle that he didn’t fall. Sun Yat-sen cried in his heart.

‘Li Xiaofeng! Judea! What has this crazy bastard done! No other powers, but Russia’s nose hair?’

“I, I will go to Russia. I will prove our innocence. Once… once…”

What to do, the nightmare of the Opium War flashed through Sun’s mind.

The Opium Wars, Western powers burned China on the grounds that it was forbidden to sell opium.

Now, even international law could not support them. Sending troops to the rebellion of other countries to support the rebels and providing weapons are without excuse a declaration of war.

Russo-Japanese War? No, the Russian Empire today is a strong force that cannot be compared to that of that time.

Which country ended the last great war? With only a handful of internal defense forces compared to the enemy, the German Empire’s entire southern front force was stopped from the grand offensive and counterattacked and collapsed the front.

Victory, victory, victory. A powerhouse that destroyed both empires after a streak of winning streak.

Is it really crazy to meddle in a civil war in such a powerful country? If it’s already a weak force, you should be concerned that the lamp won’t explode, but he intervened openly and was attached to the rebels with no prospect of victory.

It was a situation in which Sun Yuan had no choice but to question whether the revolutionary comrades had suddenly gone crazy.

They also smuggled the Ryu rifle, the new weapon of the warlords, and took it from someone else’s advice, but it is meaningless if the people involved are caught and confessed.

Besides, there is one thing that should not be overlooked.

‘Trans-Siberian Railway.’

The situation is completely different from the Russo-Japanese War. The Trans-Siberian Railway was completed. Even at this point, the Russian Empire is pouring its internal forces into Central Asia via the Trans-Siberian Railway.

In other words, Russia can project an unlimited number of troops into the Far East.

China is weaker than Japan at the time. If we start fighting Russia right now, starting with the Dawnchirui, any warlords, even the warlords from the south, whom he was uniting, will wave their hands and bring him and his comrades to Russia as a gift.

‘That’s not enough.’

The smell of fishy blood spread in his mouth.

I’m not afraid to die. But I am afraid that this will destroy the revolution forever.

Isn’t that what the Russian Empire and European military police do best? Beat the revolutionary forces.

A name passes by.

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Mikhail Kim, Duke of Vostok, maybe he can help. Anyway, aren’t they the same Asian?

“No need. I have not been delegated any further powers to settle this matter in St. Petersburg.”

But the Russian Empire’s answer was simple.

“My job is done, the Russians will do the rest.”


Astrakhan, Frontline Command.

I usually prefer the one close to the power line.

But the problem now is that all telegraph networks in the Caucasus and Central Asia have been cut off.

There have been cases where telegraph posts were attacked, but the fact that they were cut so extensively suggests sabotage.

The problem is that if I lose my connection with St. Petersburg, it will be quite difficult, because if there is no communication between the Supreme Command and the capital, there will be many problems.

So I had to be here in Astrakhan, hundreds of kilometers from the front line, while I was sending troops into Chechnya.

Of course I’m not too concerned about it. Wrangel, Tukhassevsky, and Rokosovsky were sent to Central Asia, but Mannerheim, Konev, Vasilebsky and other officers are on the front line, and they are much better than me.

Common sense, where is the madman who can boast that his skills are better than those three? To be honest, Zhukov is also hard, and I don’t know about the Walther model.

Was the breast like that? I am not as good as Soha in terms of supply ability, not as good as Hanshin when it comes to leading the army, and not as strong as I am when it comes to strategizing, but I became the emperor because I led them from above the three of them.

As with Stalin, Stalin’s military force was inferior to that of Zhukov or Vasilebsky, but he knew how to use the masters in the right place.

They are my tools, not my rivals or colleagues. it shouldn’t be like that

So I can only read the report from behind. What’s more….. I have set all the principles for anti-guerrilla warfare and anti-street warfare, and I’ve prepared all the countermeasures accordingly, but I can’t believe I will lose.

“You have to tear it apart properly as soon as possible.”

Is it too greedy to rip off Xinjiang Uyghurs and Inner Mongolia with interest and reparations?

“I know there are quite a few underground resources in Mongolia, and Xinjiang Uyghur is not only a strategic military base, but also oil and natural gas. It will help the national finances.”

Although it is not particularly profitable now, Xinjiang Uighur is a neighborhood with plenty of shale oil and large oil fields and gas fields.

And if you take out the reparations and other interests… Leave the details to Stolipin.

“Please pass it on to Ungern and Kuropatkin, and if necessary, let the troops freely enter Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia, Outer Mongolia, Manchuria and other regions. You may demand disarmament or eviction of all armed groups in the area and attack if they do not comply.”

It is not bad to increase the territory or a little bit this time. It is best if it is a land with a lot of underground resources buried there.

“The British reaction… is it silence for the first time?”

The same goes for Japan, no, it may not have decided on a response policy yet. However, if Ungern runs rampant beyond northern Manchuria to southern Manchuria, Japan will surely respond militarily.

‘And we are not yet in a position to wage war with the great powers.’

Even after the first reform has been completed, it may not be known.

“The Prime Minister of the Republic of China and Chief of the Armed Forces Dunchirui has sent me a letter. And there was also a secret letter in the name of President Feng Guojiang. Would you like to read it?”

Currently, it is open in China as well. Sun Yat-sen was almost expelled to the south, and Li Yuan-hong showed the ugliness of turning over the post of President to Feng Guojiang and fleeing to the Japanese legation after Xun Zhang suddenly acted like a man and was subjugated by Tsun Qirui, who had built an affair with him again. did.

The current dictatorship of Dun Qirui is in progress, and Sun Yuan protested against this and this happened while the warlords were trying to rally in Guangzhou.

Of course, it was a pain in the ass. From his point of view, the agitation by Sun Yuan in the south is on the verge of a war with Russia.

Of course, if he could confine Russia’s anger to Sun Yat-sen and his comrades, he would be applauded, but the first question is whether that is possible, and the second is that Sun is in Guangzhou and he is in Beijing, North China.

Wouldn’t it be maddening if Sun Yuan took care of things and beat him up in the north? It was probably a secret letter that he wrote in a hurry to clear up misunderstandings in other places.

It would be unfair that Sun Won was not ordered by himself, but in the end he was responsible for not being able to control his comrades.

“Let’s read what he was talking about.”

If it was in Chinese, I was going to throw it in the fireplace without even looking at the dictionary, but luckily, the language written on the envelope was French, the official language of international diplomacy.

‘Come to think of it, I’ve become a human here too.’

It seemed that Russian, French, and German were more familiar and proficient than Korean. I’ve been trying to pronounce Korean for a long time.

Irina, who followed me to the battlefield and served as my assistant, cut the envelope lightly with a knife, finished cleaning my disassembled pistol, and started reassembling it.

“What do you say?”

“I wrote down all the comments, but it’s not even worth replying to. Let me give you a letter from me.”

“Here it is.”

The pistol returned to the holster with the letter, but this time he untied the knife and took the shotgun and started trimming it. While Irina was examining the condition of the blade, I perused the letter of Dawnchirui.

“They say it’s a northern dog and a northern dragon, but it’s definitely different.”

read at https://readwn.com

Most of the content is that Sun Yat-sen served as the first president of the ‘old’ Republic of China, which had already been ‘destroyed’ by Yuan Sky, and never held any public office in the Beiyang government of the Republic of China. The argument was that he was only the head of the Guangdong Hobeop-gun government, which consisted of warlords and warlords, and that the Orthodox Government of the Republic of China, the Beiyang Government of the Republic of China, was innocent.

However, at the same time, he hinted at the fact that he was willing to negotiate about compensation, showing that he was not without a sense of reality.

“I remember Tochirui as a person who shouted immortality to war in response to Japan’s demands for the 21st Articles. I didn’t know you were going to negotiate with us.”

“Isn’t the situation different from that now? At that time, the United States and Britain criticized Japan, and above all, the cause was in China.”

Of course, there is no reason in the world to go back to just a cause.

The reason why the twenty-one demands are still pending is because Britain has turned to Japan’s support, but our great His Majesty, Nicholas II Veliki, has released the fishing grounds.

To briefly summarize, last year at Den Haag, Japan demanded the right to China, China did not participate in the war, and there were some majors established by Japan.

However, Russia and France took an ambiguous attitude, and in particular, our High Majesty, who still had remnants of the Russo-Japanese War, expressed his dissatisfaction with this.

And since Russia is a tyrannical country, we had to follow the Tsar’s will. In fact, it is true that the demand for the 21st version was a bit harsh.

As you can see from the fact that the compensation box issue was not properly dealt with after only saying that it will be dealt with as a separate agreement in the first place, the Den Haag Agreement itself was an unfinished agreement, and in the end, the Far East issue had a feeling of being undisturbed.

After a year, it was resurfaced in this way.

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