< Episode 113 >

-bang! Tang Tang!

Automated gunshots were barely audible.

The private soldiers mobilized by the nobles and the small troops mobilized by the military sympathizers had few automatic machines.

No, in fact, even looking all over Russia, the only force that operated automatic machines on a large scale was the Interior Ministry. Even if the general military base is located in a key point, it would be nice to have firearms according to the number of formations, but there were many cases where that wasn’t the case.

For no reason, the domestic military is not the mainstay of overseas expeditions.

In fact, there are several capitalists who are also on their side, so it would not have been difficult to obtain an automatic machine if they had freed money, but the problem was time.

In fact, they ordered weapons, including semi-automatic rifles, from Remington and Winchester, respectively, of the US for use in major events, but have not yet arrived.

What’s even more sad is that Ohrana had already figured this out in advance and used her hand, so no matter how long they waited, they only lost money and never received a weapon.

In any case, the weapons that the rebels should have had in their original possession were stored in warehouses somewhere in Siberia, and eventually they had to shoot with old-fashioned firearms.

The communist army was even worse. They were lucky if one squad could fire one rifle back.

Judging from the situation alone, the communist rebels should have collapsed unilaterally, but the two fell into a stalemate.

First of all, Frunze, astonished after grasping the situation, screamed at Trotsky, barely seizing control of the unit, and resisted by hitting and falling, and as a bonus, it was because he seized the strategic point first.

The White Army, advancing from the outskirts of St. Petersburg, could not move faster than the enemy moving within St. Petersburg.

However, with the cavalry at the fore, the White Army’s combat power could not be lower than that of the enemy in that it received at least minimal training. All the more so, as the White soldiers were deceived by the rumors of a communist revolt in St. Petersburg.

-bang! bang!

Some of the communist militia in front of the Winter Palace collapsed as some cavalry fired Winchester lever-action rifles.

With that, the enemy soldiers who occupied the Winter Palace were annihilated, and after a while the White Army was able to enter the Winter Palace.

But the commander couldn’t help but be puzzled.

“No, what do you mean!”

“It’s just like I said. There is no end! From the documents to the crown, the royal scepter, etc. have completely disappeared, no, there is no trace of a battle taking place in the Winter Palace in the first place!”

“Sir, this is a call from the Ministry of Home Affairs. It was empty too.”

“What about the headquarters of the Ministry of Home Affairs? GRU Headquarters, oh my… is there anything?”

“The GRU, Ohrana, and the headquarters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are all in Moscow, aren’t they?”

“Damn… the others?”

“Not only Princess Olga, but Tatiana-sama, Maria-sama, and Anastasia-sama could not all be traced.”

“Where to go? Don’t you?”

“Not at all… If there were no trains at the station right now, I would have figured it out! The main passage is blocked!”

“Wait, aisle… What if you didn’t use the aisle?”

“What do you mean?”

“Why is there no contact from the Navy? certainly……..”


Admiralty, St. Petersburg.

“The gun is good.”

Archduke Cyril said so and blew his gun.

Of course, the dead don’t talk. So standing among the corpses, Archduke Cyril smiled.

No, there was one alive.


Archduke Cyril took a step forward.

The man, who had been shot in the back, but still alive, squirmed and raised his eyes.

“Should I be angry for seeing you as the same class as you guys, or should I be thankful for voluntary tax payment?”

“Is there anything to be thankful for? Haven’t we already told you?”

Behind the pillar, the man’s gaze turned to the voice from the shadows.

“That’s right, it’s got a bit of an atmosphere, but it’s not cool, if it’s your boss…”

“I don’t think you said anything else about being the Duke.”

“What! If he’s a man, he’ll know that it’s polite to listen quietly when you say something like this.”

“I guess so.”

She was wearing long silver hair tied down to her waist, purple eyes, and a black mask, but that alone was enough to tell who she was.


“It’s a nickname I haven’t heard in a long time.”

“b*tch of Tatar!”

“Why don’t you just call me a wolf? I like that more.”

Of course, I don’t care what the soon-to-be-dead people call them.

“You guys will lead Russia to ruin! we are…..”

“One thing is right, he will lead Russia, to prosperity and glory, you guys don’t deserve.”

After adding words, Irina raised her dagger and cut off the opponent’s neck.

“That’s right, if I killed it a little neatly, where would it go? The office is dirty, isn’t it?”

“If everything goes according to plan, we would have to demolish it and rebuild it, but what about it? Please return the gun anyway.”

“The gun is good, can’t I keep it?”

Archduke Cyril, who saw the one word written on the spot where the gun number would be held, ‘commitment’ inlaid with silver, revealed his greed.

“It is the only thing in the world that the Duke has specially made to order. It’s not that I don’t have a gun. It also symbolizes the command of the Interior Forces, and I brought it as a token that I did not act arbitrarily, not a gift.”

“Ttt, but this trigger pressure is too low, won’t an accident happen?”


Irina stared at Cyril without a word.

“Okay, you can give it to me, if you give it to me.”

While grunting, Archduke Cyril returned the gun.

“I’ll ask your boss to get you one later.”

“Yes. But I doubt it can be saved.”

“What’s wrong?”

“It is made of metal extracted from meteorites, covered with gold and inlaid with silver. The handle is ivory.”


“It’s bullshit.”

Irina smiled and walked ahead.


“Do, comrade…. A comrade who was just on Kotlin Island blew Jeonseo-gu.”

Kotlin Island is an island that exists in the sea about 21 km from St. Petersburg.

Trotsky felt something strange and lifted his head.


“The navy that moved to Paldiski for the purpose of training… was in Helsinki, and it is said that they are now returning at high speed.”


In an instant, Frunze jumped out of her seat and stood up.

“Again, say it again, what?”

“The whole Baltic Fleet… eight battleships are heading for St. Petersburg at full speed…”

“Oh My God.”

Are they coming to join the revolution? No, it can’t be.

No matter how corrupt the Russian Empire is, it does not treat the Baltic Fleet right in front of St. Petersburg.

Especially since Archduke Cyril took full control of the navy. To him, it was a crime equivalent to a conspiracy to revolt that a battleship could not perform properly due to the problems of its crew.

Thanks to this, at least the sailors’ hospitality on the main ship has definitely improved compared to the past.

“That… then?”

“They are going to bomb St. Petersburg!”



Archduke Cyril grinned.

“If St. Petersburg is devastated, you will not have a good aftertaste either.”

“You’ve already destroyed a lot.”

Contrary to the horse, the damage to the city was not great. There was a gunfight, but no heavy weapons were mobilized.

At best, the maximum firepower was that of a grenade, so there has been no disaster such as the collapse of the building. Of course, some buildings were burned down due to fires caused by the communists throwing Molotov cocktails, but it was already too late.

But the White Army was already destroyed.

The internal forces on standby in Estonia were advancing, and Olga, as regent, ordered the arrest of all the traitors.

In addition, the Russian army, who understood the situation, broke away from the control of the coup d’etat on a unit basis and joined the Interior Ministry, and, starting from Kyiv, key local officials and units in each region also swore allegiance.

The White Army leadership was already isolated. They tried to negotiate with the navy to save their lives.

“If you open the sea route, I will never come back to Russia again… Ha, that’s not even funny.”

Archduke Cyril replied coldly.

“Tell the traitors, think of a will.”


Former 1st Bavarian-class battleship Bavaria, current Olga-class battleship nameship Olga. The Baltic Fleet, the sea near St. Petersburg.

From the bridge, Irina silently stared at the city center.

‘If the Duke had been here, what order would he have given?’

Of course, there are other plans.

Fleet is literally a last resort.

It doesn’t matter if the city is devastated. At least the destruction of the infrastructure will entail financial loss, but it is solvable. The problem, however, was the innocent citizens who were trembling inside, not knowing what was going on.

The gunfire of this era is not accurate. can’t be accurate No country can do that.

It is not for nothing to make a narrow car when there is a fleet war.

‘If only he had been here.’

She knows what he is. I can count on ten fingers the number of people who can confidently say ‘I know’ him, and she will probably get into it.

he is a soldier No, he is the greatest military commander since Napoleon.

But he is by no means a murderer.

If you don’t have a choice, I don’t know, if there’s another way, I’ll never do it.

All the areas where he had massacred had one thing in common: hopelessness.

In the Berlin air raid, civilian areas were avoided as much as possible, and in the gassing Caucasus, virtually all of the population were rebels, so it was close to approval.

Even in Constantinople, gas was never used, and even in Central Asia, the threat was enormous, but the number of deaths was not very high.

However, sometimes ruthlessness is necessary.

If the time comes when you have to.


White Army Command, St. Petersburg Winter Palace.

“It’s urgent!”

“Something else!”

Just the news that a naval fleet was already approaching made me dizzy with other news.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs is approaching by rail in the direction of Narvik! Many troops are armored trains!”


Yusupov jumped up.

“That’s impossible!”

There was a reason why he cried like that. The Interior Ministry, which has now occupied Gansu Province, is carrying out a new offensive in Manchuria.

But, they stole the troops from the yard and put them in so that they wouldn’t be caught by their intelligence network?

Absolutely impossible It was impossible unless some troops flew through the sky.

In addition, even if air transport, a method that has not yet been verified in this era, was not blind and would have been clearly visible.

Even if there were troops in the Caucasus, it would take the same distance, and even if they moved using the railroad network, it would take at least several days.

“No, in the first place… it didn’t exist.”


“The reason why there were no guards in the city was that they had already withdrawn. It was a trap from the start.”

“Ha ha… ha ha ha ha…”

A general who shook his head for a moment laughed in disappointment.

“Are we dexterous monkeys after all?”

“No, not yet. You can still fight! The troops are still there, and they haven’t been able to get to the city. If you fortify the city and hold out…”

“Where do the materials come from? And did we even take control of the city? I haven’t been able to completely subdue those mobs yet!”

“The broadcasting facility was taken over by us. Let’s instruct the troops from all over the world to attack!”

“Will they listen to us?”

“Why not! The rightful heir to the throne is in our hands! Let His Majesty Alexei become Tsar and fight back! Half of Russia will support us!”

“It’s late. Spetsnaz raided the Summer Palace.”

At that moment, gunfire began to resound in the distance.

A heavy artillery that cannot be imitated by field artillery operated by the ground forces.

At the same moment, a formation of bombers entered the sky.

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