< Episode 151 >

Children literally grow like bamboo.

If you mix it with a little bit of exaggeration, you can feel that it’s too big in the blink of an eye.

As I have no experience of raising children, I also wondered if this is what raising children is like.

Of course, there were a few children… but a lot of them.


“Yeah, okay, what? Nikita.”

The fourth, whose hair was about to grow thick, opened his mouth.

“What is this? I’ve read a little bit, but I don’t really understand what you’re talking about.”

“this? Let’s see…”

It was a kind of propaganda, the problem was, it was content that would wrinkle your face.

“Forget it, it’s garbage that doesn’t even deserve to be remembered.”


“There are so many people in the world who are ready to hate someone because they are different, it is enough to know that.”

It was a German propaganda that was attached to the report, but it was of little value, so I threw it in the trash, but it seems they have picked it up again. I have to say I told you to empty the trash can on time.

Of course, I felt a little sorry for the chain of descents going down from the maid’s market, but isn’t it a bit of a problem to go on without saying a word?

“Isn’t that the case?”


I put my little son in front of me.

“There have been many wars in history. You’ve read to a certain extent in history books, right?”


“There were many reasons for that war, but in history there is rarely a clear division between good and evil. There may be a conflict between justice and justice, it may be because of greed, it may be a simple battle of pride that turns into a war, or it may be a battle between the invaded and the invader.”

I continued to look at my son, who resembled my mother and was quite large even at a young age.

“But in the end there is only one cause of all wars. I am different from you Of course, it is inevitable to push and despise beings ‘different’ from yourself, neither me nor your mother nor any monarch can stop it. Everyone wants them to feel superior to others, and because they do not trust each other and reject each other.”


“Its basis is selfishness. Of course, being selfish isn’t always a bad thing. A country should always be selfish, because that’s the meaning of the country’s existence.”

“But in the church…”

“That’s what the church says, but let’s think about it? Does the church say that greed is also a sin? But the world cannot exist without greed.”


Curious child, I said with a smile.

“Invented the car to travel long distances comfortably? After all, it comes from desire. I don’t want to go up only by stairs in a tall building, so making an elevator is also a desire to make my body more comfortable. Without passion, will, and ultimately desire, nothing can be achieved.”


“Yes, but it is also true that from it all sins are born. Desire itself is not good or evil, so a knife can cook food, but it can also kill people. And they… show how evil that selfishness can develop.”

The poster was torn from my hand.

“But they don’t think they’re doing anything wrong, they won’t feel guilty, because they don’t think they’re doing anything wrong. Because I think they are just people who do the right thing.”

“Then shouldn’t someone tell me that it’s wrong?”

“Yes, yes.”

I smiled.

“Don’t worry, Daddy’s going to tell you soon.”

with tanks and fighters ahead.

Ohrana is constantly reporting German information. Ghettos are already being built all over Germany. Indiscriminate violence against Jews declined, but systemic repression followed.

“Nikita, keep in mind, humans are not perfect, and society is also created by humans, so there may be contradictions and absurdities. You can fail, but it is better to fail than to do nothing.”


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Ministers and other high-ranking officials convened at the State Council organized the documents.

Olga sat at the top, and I sat on the right, and the ministers lined up in order of rank.

“Let’s start the meeting.”

“I will speak first.”

Prime Minister Alexander spoke first.

“At present, it is believed that the Russian Empire has largely escaped the shock waves of the Great Depression. As a result, some are receiving requests for austerity measures…”

“Financial austerity is difficult. Prime Minister.”

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Minister of Education Anatoly Coulombzin said hastily.

“Half of the elementary schools estimated to be necessary for the empire have not yet been completed, and tasks such as hiring and construction of teachers are delayed. It is difficult to implement fiscal tightening in this situation.”

“Even in the Navy, austerity measures are difficult at present.”

Admiral Alexei, the Chief of Naval Staff, who was present instead of the Secretary of the Navy, Archduke Kirill, who was absent due to abdominal pain, had a serious expression on his face.

“The Stolipin-class aircraft carrier was under construction this year. It is still at the level of only laying the keel, and while it seems that it will take quite a while to electrify it, reducing spending is highly likely to directly lead to leakage of naval power.”


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Are you in financial trouble?”

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Minister Bark nodded.

“A return to the gold standard in a few years will not be easy, at least if spending continues at current levels.”

“Do you sell government bonds? It may be difficult in England, but in France or America…”

“In France, the cabinet has recently been overthrown again. Even in the Parisian financial district, it is difficult to believe that mass sales of government bonds will be possible in a situation where chaos continues day by day.”

“The United States of America?”

“In the United States, Treasury bond sales are still in progress, but it is difficult to expand the market at once.”


There are really few allies we can use.

“Foreign Minister.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Is further cooperation with the US difficult?”

“It is not easy. The United States of America is greatly influenced by public opinion, and the current public opinion is close to isolationism…”

Tsachachev bowed his head as if guilty. It wasn’t exactly this bastard’s fault.

“Then where are you going to get your money… China?”


“The Minister of Technology.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“What is the progress of the development of military equipment that is currently being developed in cooperation with the army?”

Dr. Bernardsky pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth.

“The start of mass production of the T-32 tank is expected to take about four years. The heavy tank project will take a similar amount of time…”

“Aside from the completion of development, how long will it take to produce enough quantities to supply the entire army?”

“It is estimated that it will take up to 7 years, but…”


When I clicked my tongue, the startled Doctor said hastily.

“But if you do your best, you can cut it down to five years. If you could give me a little more…”

“I’m just saying I don’t have that budget right now. Deputy Prime Minister Strahovsky.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Can’t you just push the Erstal Group to produce a little more?”

“The Erstal Group is currently too busy producing military vehicles. The current domestic demand for vehicles is huge, but the reality is that the supply is so small that the supply is horrendous.”

At present, the main equipment of the Russian army is still the Mosin Nagant.

A plan was devised to replace this with a semi-automatic rifle, and Dr. Tokarev, Dr. Sergei Shimonov, and Dieudonne Sev of the Erstal Group competed.

However, although the performance of Shimonov’s gun was better than that of Tokarev, it exposed several problems in the field environment test, and showed anomalies several times in the cold resistance test conducted in Finland and the field environment test tested in Ukraine. Tokarev’s prototype was much more durable than Shimonov’s gun due to the fact that the magazine was dropped twice while firing, so it was much more durable than Shimonov’s gun I got a very bad look.

In the end, Dieudon Sev’s rifle, which passed smoothly, was to be selected, but this time the prototype was too late, and the Russian government ordered the three men to work together to speed up.

“I confirmed that I would start producing equipment from next year at the latest.”

“We are considering selling some spare equipment to China, and if the new weapons are produced smoothly, we will consider culling all the existing equipment and selling all the existing equipment to the Chinese warlords. .”

“All right.”

It is necessary to diversify and diversify export materials.

Selling arms, selling grain… It’s not an era where plastics are being commercialized yet, so it’s not an era in which the world is shaken by an oil shock.

Currently, the use of oil is mostly limited to fuel, so it is not the time to touch oil money…. If the next war breaks out, occupy even the Middle East and live a rich life with oil money.

Well, the Saud cubs are not going to build Saudi Arabia. If you had to build a barge boss, you’d better build the Hashem family.

Wars happen sooner or later, very soon.

To do this, I have to do everything I can.

“We also need to prepare a military reorganization plan. Using the new equipment, the military system will not be the same as the old one, and training is necessary to adapt the soldiers.”

“If we move as fast as we can, can we finish by 37?”

“……I can’t say for sure.”

“Deputy Prime Minister, you should cooperate with the military and take responsibility for it.

“Yes, I understand, Your Majesty.”

“I wish we could avoid war, but what if we don’t care about war, but war cares about us?”



“Yes, Deputy Prime Minister.”

“The logistics plan assuming that the Middle East-Central Asian Front, the Western Front, and the Far East Front have to be held at the same time.”


“I’m going to write that again.”


“It is highly probable that new equipment will be supplied to the entire army this time, and the military system will be reorganized accordingly.

The Russian Empire continued to develop further than in the past, but behind the scenes, the blood and sweat of the working staff was young.

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