< Episode 159 >

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Moscow, Supreme Central Command ‘Stavka’. Russia.

“To report.”

Chief of Staff Vasilebsky opened his mouth.

“France, Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Albania, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and the United Kingdom participated in the war in the past seven days after Denmark was invaded by Germany.”

It was something I knew.

“Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands remain neutral and Denmark surrendered just yesterday.”

This is also something you know.

“General Rokosovsky is fighting in Anatolia, General Ungern is advancing towards Suez, the enemies are falling…”


“Although the enemy suffered considerable damage, a large British army was already deployed on the Sinai Peninsula, and it is assumed that they had a fairly dense line of defense.”

“It’s much better.”

Anyway, we didn’t openly mobilize each other anyway, but you and I knew and knew that there was going to be a war.

“Tell Ungern to bite him by any means he can, and to Rokossovsky he’s entrusted with the defense of Anatolia, so do it yourself.”

The Anatolian Front is difficult to defend anyway. I have no intention of saying anything as long as I get enough to retreat to Trabzon and Constantinople. If Georgia or Armenia is threatened by being pushed too far, then the story will be a little different, but I hope.

“Give Ungern more tanks, if only Suez is lost, the British Empire will become an eunuch.”

“Yes, I understand.”


“This is a report from General Mannerheim. The German army launched a massive offensive in the direction of Czechoslovakia.”

It is a part that the country wants to invade.

The industrial power that the Czech Republic occupies in Russia today is also a proportion that cannot be ignored, and above all, it is a protrusion.

If you don’t want to get cut, you’ll be disqualified as a general.

“What does Mannerheim say? Is it difficult to keep?”

“No, the current enemy offensive has been reported to be within a sufficiently defensible range.”

Of course, the most fortified part of the German-Russian border is the Czechoslovak border, and you can’t stop it.


“We are in a confrontation with the Germans, but there are no signs of an offensive in that direction.”

Well, it would be common sense to attack the industrialized Czech Republic rather than invade Hungary, where all they had is fields.

At first, we considered whether to evacuate Czech industrial facilities to Russia, but if Mannerheim does well, there is no reason to move Czech industrial facilities at the risk of inefficiency.

“Can’t we ask the Hungarians to attack Vienna?”

“It seems that the Hungarian forces will not be able to penetrate the German forces.”

It should be a few weeks before the mobilization is complete.

If all mobilization is complete, if it is possible to stab it, you can stab it and force the enemy to consume it, but not yet.

In addition, it would be right to view the strength of the German army as equal to ours for now.

“A sea blockade?”

“The Royal Navy has begun destroying trade. According to naval communications, the British navy is pouring into the Baltic Sea at the same time as Denmark’s capitulation. They say they are concerned about attacks from the sea on Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, but Finland will not be the only one to break through.”

“If that hole is opened, the Baltic Fleet as well as the coastal fortresses have been annihilated.”

The entire fleet has already entered the existing fleet strategy. If it hits the British navy anyway, it will be destroyed. I’ll have to endure it while receiving support from the coastal artillery.

Fortunately, Japan has not yet entered the war.

Of course, that doesn’t mean the Pacific is safe. There are many British colonies in the Pacific right now, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and, of course, the Royal Navy.

It is not at the level that there are many battleships, but rather, Vladivostok and other countries are unlikely to be threatened because many of the main ship classes have moved to the Atlantic Ocean to deal with the French during the war.

However, if there is even a submarine fleet remaining, that alone is fatal to the transport fleet.

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Many of them are still quite far away, but the most troublesome is the British colony located in the New World.

The Russian Empire is located throughout Eurasia. To put it bluntly, if you are in Asia, you will reach the Russian border one day just by going all the way north.

If it’s east of Germany, Europe is no different.

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Moreover, as far south as Jerusalem, the name of the largest country in the world is not Pom.

underground resources? case history? The only thing the Empire lacks is technology.

I’ve acquired a lot of that technology, and for nothing, I raised the friendship with the US and France to die and comforted the Czechs.

Although it may not have the same industrial capacity as the US, Germany cannot be far behind no matter how efficient it is. And basically, we have more heads.

‘The problem is England.’

The beginning of the Industrial Revolution, a hateful country and everything else, all the terrible things in the world come from England Could you hit the bullshit?

If you look at it, Germany is the same. He had the basics, so he faced the world while enduring the inefficiency of the Nazis.

Still, if France grabs the ankles of Britain or Germany and stretches it out, the Russian Empire can defeat Germany alone.

‘Still, it is easier to work when the arsenal of democracy is behind us.’

It is unknown how long Japan will remain neutral, but for now, the limit is for transport ships escorted by the Pacific Fleet to and from the west coast of the United States.

With a battleship attached so that a colony fleet without a single battleship would not accumulate.

All of the battleships deployed in the Pacific Fleet are outdated, built before World War I, but the battleships are battleships, and it is questionable whether even a 12-inch battleship, let alone a 12-inch, heavy cruiser might have been deployed. can’t even access

Of course, we have also attached destroyers, and in addition to that, we want to put high-speed battleships in the units that will do the most work, but what can we do, the route is blocked.

At first, at the beginning of the war, I seriously thought about whether to raid the port cities on the west coast of Canada, including Vancouver, but I gave up because I looked at the map a little more closely and thought this was just an order to get out and die.

Because battleships are too precious to be used for such things.

Of course, if the British Navy deploys even battlecruisers in the Pacific Ocean or Japan enters the war, the route will be blocked immediately, but that’s why we’re doing our best to move right now.

Once blocked, maritime trade with the United States is difficult until the United States enters the war in earnest and pushes Canada away and seizes control of the Arctic Ocean.

I’ve been thinking about importing goods via Sweden or Norway, but it’s a one-stop solution. As Sweden and Norway are fighting against England, there is no incentive to help us, and looking at Hitler’s head, it wouldn’t be strange if we just shut up as soon as we get the report and push our troops into Norway and Sweden first.

“A full-scale offensive is likely to be possible only around May.”

“I will.”

Rasputicha is also Rasputichago, and Mobilization Order is also Mobilization Order.

Now is the time to put the guard up tight.


France, Paris.

“Nine hours ago, a British aircraft crash-landed on our side.”

“What if it’s a crash landing?”

“The crash appears to have been a combination of bad weather and engine failure. In the process, the pilot was killed, and the German Luftwaffe staff officer who was on board was arrested.”

“The Luftwaffe? Didn’t I say British aircraft?”

“The pilot was wearing a British uniform, and at first interrogation he admitted that he was on a British aircraft. In addition, although some parts were damaged, much of the German operational plan was captured.”

Pétain’s face hardened as he sat in the chair.

Although he was not on active duty, he applied for a return to active duty as soon as he heard the news of the outbreak of the war.

Of course, commander-in-chief rested with Maurice Gamelin, the current commander-in-chief of the French army, but no one could ignore Pétain’s influence.

“Operation plan?”


“…. Is it possible that it is disinformation?”


Gamelin skimmed the report posted to his seat.

“After all, the Germans…”

Gamelin nodded.

“This is a strategy that should have been assumed assuming that Jerry and Raimi were united.”

Currently, the Magino Line is officially completed.

Forever officially.

But problems abounded.

In the midst of construction, the Great Depression broke out and construction costs were cut, while countless defects occurred during the construction process, additional money was spent to repair them, and construction costs were cut again due to the investment of money and materials in the Spanish Civil War. As a result, construction was sluggish, and defects were piled up within the defense line.

When a concrete structure is forcibly raised on a soft ground, the structure sinks and groundwater is leached out. It is not uncommon for a sewage treatment facility to stretch out when bored, and an infectious disease spreads in a bunker where groundwater and sewage are mixed.

Even because of the humidity, the equipment broke down when bored, and most of the fortress guns were almost always out of order.

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Moreover, the fortress on the Dutch side was literally just a shell that could be advertised to the press, but the command post, ammunition depot, and internal rail network were still under construction, so it was never in a situation to be put into operation, and the French were seriously concerned.

“The Netherlands is strongly subordinated to Britain, and the British plan to press the Dutch into the war and use their naval power to quickly transport German and British troops to the Netherlands to break through the unfinished Dutch defenses.”

“Certainly, if I had been attacked without knowing it, my eyes might have opened and Paris would have been captured.”

At the words of one general, everyone nodded.

Since when did the Jerry guys even care about neutral countries?

Of course, the invasion of the Netherlands was also planned.

“But since we can’t withdraw the troops of the Maginot Line…”


When General Winchizer opened his mouth, the eyes of the generals were focused.

“What if we attack the Netherlands first?”

“General Winchizer. Are you talking about declaring war on the Netherlands now?”

“First of all, no document of this size could have been written without the consent of the Netherlands, and anyway, the Dutch will have to open the way if the Raimis oppress them, meaning that if they conquer the Netherlands, they will have to fight the Battle of Gallipoli again.”


“Realistically, it is difficult for the motherland to bear the level of human casualties of the last great war. It is better to take the first attack and subdue the Netherlands and compensate for the weaknesses of our defense line. chance. It is better to thwart the enemy’s operations and buy time to repair the Maginot Line than to break the Dutch Maginot Line.”

As long as the British offensive intention was caught, it could not be finished to the level of increasing troops in the Dutch direction.

Not even one foot in the territory of France would set an enemy. 1871 will never be repeated again. The generals did not have the courage to defy the territorial absolutism that all the French clamored for.

“Admiral Darlang, is there any circumstance that Britain and Germany transported troops to the Netherlands?”

“The situation has not been grasped yet, but the fact that the British are gathering a transport ship whose purpose is not clear has been reported by our submarine.

“…But the declaration of war is not a matter for our line to decide.”

“I agree. I will personally explain the views of the military to your Excellency and Prime Minister Daladier.”

Everyone looked at the old man who was sitting there.

If Marshal Petain, the hero of the great war, gave him a gun, it would be easier for the military to press the political power, and there was no opposition.

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