< Episode 167 >

Dust scatters in all directions, covering everything.

The entire Westminster Abbey collapsed, smashing the venue in front of it, and screams were heard from all sides.

“iced coffee……”

It was so unrealistic that she felt like she was going to collapse in her seat.

In an instant, flames rose from the tanks waiting for the parade.

The girl’s eyes caught the sight of the tanks covered in 30mm cannons fired by the fighter jets that had plunged into the air and exploded with holes in them.

Everyone just ran around, and she walked blankly down the street, covered in dust like an abandoned doll.

Buckingham Palace was completely destroyed, and a massive fire broke out on Downing Street.

Westminster Palace, Scottish Yard, Westminster Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Big Ben.

everything was shattered

Half of the ceremonial hall was buried in the rubble of a collapsed building.

Neither the girl’s parents could find where she had gone.

– Kwak! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

There was a continuous explosion in the direction of Trafalgar Square.

-Fire caused by incendiary bombs at the British Museum! Request assistance immediately!

– Impossible! Downing Street is on fire! It’s hard to get rid of this manpower!

-Many VIPs in Westminster were killed! Immediate medical assistance is needed! A lot of serious injuries! damn it! Totally a battlefield!

-2nd raid! Repeat! Enemy bombers are turning and moving towards Westminster! Bring His Majesty the King to the bomb shelter immediately!

-The king and his wife are currently moving to the cabinet warroom by car!

– I don’t know where the VIPs are except for His Majesty! Where is the Prime Minister? Are you lying underneath me?

The communicator next to the radio station spread out as if he had been killed instantly by the shrapnel crackled and screamed.


Parents were not seen. It was scary.

People running around acted as if they couldn’t see her. No, it would be more accurate to say that he was not in the mood to pay attention.

A roar echoed in the sky, and several fighter jets swooped through the clouds, spitting out smoke.

The smoke turned into flames and flew to the ground, causing a chain of explosions.

The anti-aircraft gun positions covered in rockets were incapacitated.

Of course, the cost was not too high, and all anti-aircraft guns fired concentrated fire against low-flying fighters.

– The bandit that crashed in Trafalgar Square blew up! There are corpses everywhere! I need medical help right now!


“If you will follow me, follow me, you motherf*ckers!”

Nikolai clenched his teeth and pulled the steering wheel to the maximum.

Two fighter planes were aiming at him and attacking him.

Well, after dropping a few spitfires and hurricanes, those bastards got their meds up, but isn’t that a bit harsh?

The two Spitfires that bit his tail continued to pour out flames.

“You damn things! Do you guys have any grudges on me? Why are you following only me?”

Even more unexpectedly, an answer came back to Nikolai’s ears, who had been swearing in English because he couldn’t stand it.

-yes? who are you?

“The fighter in front of you is rotten!”

Of course, it was unknown whether the British who received the call was the pilot of the bandit attached to his tail, but Nikolai spit it out.

-The main building is Douglas Bader of the 19th Squadron of the 12th Group. What is your name?

“If you catch me, I’ll let you know, you bastard!”

I don’t know how the radio frequency was connected to the bandit, but it’s difficult to get back if you don’t catch that guy who just received the radio. Nikolai bit his lip, checking the xanthan.

-Johnson, the bandit is pretty quick. It seems that it will not be easy to catch up with horizontal flight.

Of course. The Do335’s speed is faster than any other aircraft currently in service. Of course, the opponent’s Spitfire can compete with the Bf109 in terms of turning and climbing power, but in terms of pure speed, the Spitfire cannot compete.

In addition, the dullness characteristic of the twin-engine did not apply at all, so in the Royal Air Force, it was an opponent that came out of scorn.

Of course, Nikolai’s skills were weak compared to the two pilots behind him… but it’s going to be something that drags on time.

– Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Explosions on the ground are rarely heard at high altitudes.

On that rare occasion, an explosion of such a magnitude that it was audible up to that point occurred on the ground.

-Operation complete! Operation complete!

The bombing squadron, which had exhausted all its bombs, signaled its return.

Of course, they didn’t have a lot of spare time. Even after the bombing was over, the defensive machine guns were scattering countless bullets into the air to block the pursuing enemy aircraft.

The number of fighters far fewer than the bombers would have been unreasonable in the first place to block all attacks.

– Depleted right turret ammo!

– Low left turret ammo!

-Electricity flies over London at full speed! There is nothing more to see here! retreat!

Several bombers have already been hit. None of the fighters suffered any damage yet, but there was nothing good about dragging time.

Something exploded in the air. They were rockets launched from the ground.

The British army was trying to shoot down them with unusual weapons. Like a typical large-caliber anti-aircraft gun, a rocket that explodes with a time-limited fuze was no different from a cannonball, but a bizarre rocket that ejected a net with explosives in the air targeted them.

Of course, of course, but there was no pilot who was stupid enough to get hit by it.

Nikolai turned straight and lured the enemy following from behind to a position where he was hit by a crossfire on the turret of a friendly bomber.

Shortly thereafter, tracer shells poured from the rear and side turrets of the two bombers.

– Hit! Damn it, I’m escaping!

One of the fighter pilots, covered in machine gun fire, managed to escape, while the other miraculously avoided firing.

Nikolai came out of the smoke generated by the detonation of one anti-aircraft shell and immediately followed the bandit’s 6 o’clock position.

Two 20mm cannons fired machine shells, but barely evading, the Spitfire began to gain altitude.

The moment the control rod was pulled after the soaring bandit, a large-caliber anti-aircraft shell exploded in the immediate vicinity of the fuselage, and the control system suffered considerable damage in an instant.

“You idiot!”

It was a voice to himself. He had been hit the same way he had done it, so he jumped into the enemy’s anti-aircraft fire network.


St Paul’s Cathedral. uk.

Even after the raid was over, London could not be quiet.

The cabinet warroom completely collapsed in the last airstrike, and among the VIPs evacuated there, there were casualties.

From the point of view of the Royal Air Force, it was usually not a disgrace. The dignitaries of the major allies had gathered, and an airstrike was carried out there.

Secretary Gregor, one of the early founders and elders of the Nazi Party, was caught in an explosion during an airstrike and died instantly. Propaganda Minister Paul Josef Goebbels was taken to a hospital in the city with fragmentation wounds, and Luftwaffe deputy commander Richthofen was seriously injured. Italian General Pietro Badulio, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, died of excessive bleeding during evacuation.

and Wilhelm III, critically ill. unconscious.

Of course, the damage on the British side was also great.

The King and his wife somehow managed to escape from the shattered cabinet warroom with only injuries, Prime Minister Moseley had their legs amputated and Propaganda Secretary Joyce died instantly.

The problem was that there were several key figures whose whereabouts were still unknown.

Of course, that didn’t matter to him.

‘After all, you can’t go back.’

He took a deep breath and opened the man’s mouth.

But there was only a rustling sound from the man’s mouth.

Well, I don’t have any personal feelings. I thought I should have said something like this, but Nikolai knew it was a luxury to talk like that.

After stripping the man’s clothes and putting his clothes on the corpse, he quickly attached a parachute cord to the corpse and dragged the corpse to the plane that crashed into St Paul’s Cathedral.

The prototype was burning fiercely with fuel leaking from the few remaining fighters, and Nikolai, who roughly threw a corpse into it, hid himself.

It would be enough to roughly evade the chase.

“But what is your name? Ummm… Bruner, Alois Bruner, from Austria, second lieutenant of the German Armed Forces, belonging to… Ministry of Intelligence? Well, fine.”

After checking his ID, he unluckily wandered around the area, prayed for the well-being of the unlucky SS guard who was caught by him, and then walked as naturally as possible.

If you look closely, you can see that there was something strange at the time, but if you look closely, it would appear that the pilot failed to escape and died as it is.

I was confident in German, but what bothered me now was what kind of chaos in my home country.

‘When you come back, you’re going to try to break your leg sticks. Maybe I’ll start with one foot in my thigh.’

Whether the clubs were broken or the hands and fingers were blown away, it was something to go back and see. Nikolai, who had a good eye for what his father and mother would be up to, let out a deep sigh.

Of course, of course, as long as they return on their own, that will be a huge propaganda topic and can be used as a substitute for rewards and punishments… At least he was able to hang both sides of his wingman’s testicles, knowing his father wouldn’t sit him in the cockpit twice.

‘But how do you go back?’

He had a very different face from him, so it doesn’t make sense to go back with the Germans in the first place, should he even smuggle?

‘That damn bastard.’

Whether it was Douglas Vader or something like that, his skills were definitely not normal. He himself was above average among the pilots…. In the end, he couldn’t even hit a single shot.

In fact, if it had only been hit with one shot, the opponent would not have been of this world any longer.

As he walked through the city thinking what his wingman would have done, Nikolai was checked out as he passed the courthouse, but he was able to pass with fluent German, a little English, and an ID and passport of the SS.

‘Stealing a ship or a plane?’

The boat is difficult to drive alone, unless you get help from the spies. Unfortunately, Nikolai wasn’t very close with his little mother—if he was close, he wouldn’t have told him about it—but he didn’t know how to get in touch with Russian spies in the UK, which meant he couldn’t get much help.

Nikolai, who pretended to be a lost officer at King’s College, casually ate a cup of tea and walked to the chat cross, was stopped for a second time, but Nikolai was initially born for speeding between a Duke and a Grand Duke and grew up with the royal family. He was not very accustomed to pretending to be aristocrat, and the British soldiers who thought he was a member of the royal family and a German officer from Junker just let him go.

Well, considering that the Romanovs had quite a bit of German ancestry in the first place, it wasn’t a complete lie.

Trafalgar Square, which I arrived at while walking, was being controlled. The Nelson Monument was shattered in a head-on collision with a bomber, and the bombers detonated all the fuel and ammunition they were carrying, creating a hellish scale in the vicinity.

The fire spread to nearby buildings, and there were still several buildings that had not been extinguished.

Nikolai, contemplating escaping alone, ignoring the possibility of joining other colleagues, thought for a moment about the neutral diplomatic mission, but immediately erased it from his head. There is no easy way to break through in a situation like this.

‘A nearby air base? Escape isn’t a problem as long as it doesn’t get caught until you get on the plane, but the question is whether the plane will have a cruising range.’

1000km to the nearest friendly occupied territory, and if France were in good condition, they would steal a ship from Dover and flee to France, but Europe is the hostile country without being a neutral country.

A Russian warship must exist to be a submarine, and unless it has the ability to communicate, it is foolish to try to find a submarine. If it’s a submarine he can find, the Royal Navy can’t find it.

Infiltrating enemy bases in wartime is crazy, but not crazy.

His half-brother Lev entered Spetsnaz as a sniper. Actually, he was more of a designated shooter than a sniper, and there were two more snipers on the same team, but he didn’t really care that he was satisfied.

The important thing is that, according to him, surveillance doesn’t always go back to FM, even on the front lines. even an exhibition.

The Spetsnaz actually disguised themselves in such an operation and carried out an operation to blow up all the planes and come back. A few brave teams went to the British airfield in the Sinai Peninsula wearing British military uniforms, served food until evening, installed bombs on each plane, and blasted barracks, arsenals, hangars, etc., and lined up.

Of course, the unit never again entered the British army and ate dinner. Because that dinner itself was the biggest threat during the operation.

‘By the way, what is that eutillainen doing now.’

Callsign Baba Yaga, real name Eino Ilmari Utillainen, thought for a moment about his own wingman, and Nikolai was concerned that he might have been shattered to dust because he had left the wingman missing.

‘I’ll have to buy some vodka if I go.’

With carefree thoughts, Nikolai walked down the road without any particular destination.

The sun had already set, and I was hungry. Even if he took advantage of the night to do something, he would have to fill his stomach first.

Nikolai, passing through 10 Downing Street, which was burnt down along with the entire nearby building due to an incendiary bomb and failed initial evolution, and the Scottish yard that had been devastated by his own gunfire, reached Westminster, where the bombardment took place.

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