< Episode 169 >


I drooped over the chair.

“I’ve never had a liver that shrunk like this in my life…”

If I had to use an analogy, how long before I came here? After all, I’ve never been more terrified than this since I fell here.

“I applied for a suicide mission, and after being shot down, I fell through the British surveillance network and asked the American diplomatic mission to steal German military clothes and infiltrate and escape…”

Upon receiving the notification from the US government, I grabbed the back of my neck.

“You bastard child… just come into the house.”

The US government has announced that it will close diplomatic missions in the UK, Germany and Italy in the near future. And at that time, they informed me that they were going to withdraw together with the diplomats. They even made fake passports with the approval of the President of the United States.

Now, Irina was shot down in the course of an air raid in London to spread as soon as he returns, saying that he would boost morale by making a heroic story about Nicky, not that stick, but a scoundrel who gets hit with a hundred sticks, but 99% of those who return to Norway after an adventure over a mountain and crossing the water It was out there to make a propaganda that contained the same amount of sweets in a Korean sweets bag as the 1% truth added to Gura.

Well, if the US government made passports and ID cards, it would be safe to say that the UK would detain US diplomats as they are not so rare.

“It must be said that the United States has already solidified its will to participate in the war. But… not this year.”

“Why not?”

“Isn’t next year’s election going to be?”


After all, it was election season. Election season is the weakness of every democracy politician.

“Can’t Lev and Nikita also pull out a little backwards? I tried it once, and I can’t sleep to see if they’ll be okay.”

“If they both accept it, then we can take it out… Do you think the dogs would like it if they took it out?”


I had nothing to say.

“The aftermath of this airstrike is by no means small.”

When it was time for a more serious talk, the analyst was the first to speak.

“First of all, the message that our Air Force can sortie from Scandanavia and strike the British mainland has been sufficiently communicated. Of course, this attack was a surprise, and nonetheless, considering the proportions of the damage it did not do, it would cost a lot to launch an airstrike.”

“Once it is decided that an air strike is necessary, it is possible to strike London by any other means. pass it on.”

Thinking of the new weapons being tested in the Ural Mountains now, I asked a question.

“So, do you think British public opinion will be reversed?”

“It will not. First of all, it was clear that major facilities in London were burnt and suffered considerable damage. But it is hard to see that Britain will withdraw from the war with that much.”

“That’s right, because the Suez Canal hasn’t been crossed yet.”

If only the Suez Canal was blocked, it would be over. We have Romania in our hands, so where do the Germans get their oil?

Currently, Germany’s oil is all sourced from the UK, except for synthetic oil. And where else does British oil come from?

comes from Persia. And Persia is our right to attack.

If Suez is blocked, you will have to go around the Cape of Good Hope, which incurs a huge time delay in the process. Naturally, from the perspective of the recipient, the supply and demand for oil will not be enough to vomit blood.

And if it is judged impossible to occupy Suez, we simply turn the tip of our spear and invade Persia directly.

And if Persia is eaten, Britain, Germany, or Italy will have to survive while liquefying coal. I don’t know how long I can survive like that.

There are oil fields in South America and Southeast Asia… But what time period will they be delivered from there? I don’t know if I can build a few hundred more tankers to die.

“This incident has also greatly diminished Britain’s position in the Axis powers. In the future, the leadership within the Axis powers is likely to be transferred to Germany.”


I tilted my head.

“Isn’t it better to concentrate troops in Norway? The UK has the initiative in supplying resources.”

“Germany can provide some resources on its own. Moreover, if Suez goes over, Britain will lose its leash against Germany.”


Is that true?

“As a special feature, the French government in exile… a force that calls itself Free France has been formed.”

The French colonies are now being passed one by one before the offensive of the British navy. Not long ago, Algeria collapsed, and the remaining French navy in Algeria flew to the Balkans.

The remnant of France is now divided into two. Balkans, and French Guiana.

French troops in Guiana are now supported by the United States. If Pearl Harbor explodes, I’ll probably join the US Navy and fight.

And the troops in the Balkans…

“If we take Suez and make it available to our side, can we get our fleet and the French fleet through Suez and into the Indian Ocean?”

“Theoretically it is possible, but…”

“If we let India and Southeast Asia travel around the fleet, the oil supply and demand in Southeast Asia could be said to be over, but if India gets scratched there, will the UK really stand still?”

“I will never stand still.”

Olga has spoken.

“It’s a good idea to send French troops to Southeast Asia. French colonies in Southeast Asia and South America, including Vietnam, recognize Free France as an orthodox government.

The current situation in China is very complicated. For each warlord, there is a division between a force that is hostile to Russia and a force that is friendly to Russia, and a warlord who is hostile to Japan and a warlord who is friendly to Japan are different.

Tibet, for example, sided with us early. In the case of the National Government located in Nanjing, it is hostile to Japan and has exchanges with the Korean side, but it is kind of like choosing a lesser evil. Either way, it’s not very friendly to us. If both of us and Japan are hostile, then there is nowhere to complain, so it feels like there is nothing we can do about it.

After all, China is not one now. It won’t be in the future.

“There are prerequisites for all of this. We must destroy Suez.”


“Occupy Suez, this is an order. It is as important as, and perhaps even more important than, the capture of Berlin.”


Luxembourg, German Empire.

“It doesn’t matter now.”

“Did you say Suez doesn’t matter, now?”

“Suez is important, obviously there is not a lot of oil supplied there, but in the present situation, if Saxony falls, Berlin will be. Reported that we need more troops. Therefore, we decided that it would be better for our military to be sent to the European front rather than to be sent to the Middle East.”

“Then what about the defense of Suez?”

“Whether they are drafted from India or brought in from the mainland, isn’t that the job of the British government? Or get reinforcements from the Italian and Dutch forces.”

Even in the vicinity of Berlin, there are many factories of various kinds, although it is not as good as the western industrial zone. Moreover, the symbolism of Berlin, the capital, is not light at all.

It was also the reason why it was not easily implemented, even though there was often talk of relocating the capital after realizing that Russia was not an opponent to be underestimated.

“If Saxony breaks through, Berlin is immediately exposed to fire. What do we have in mind? It’s the fact that Russia can’t concentrate its forces on one front, then we’ll have to use that!”

In short, it was a demand to show signs of an offensive on several fronts or to somehow prevent Russia from concentrating its forces.

“You said Britain could move Japan, but why won’t Japan move?”


“Our German Empire has done its best, some warlords will clutter the Russian Empire’s eastern borders, and sooner or later the Russian Empire will have to withdraw some troops east.”

Russia and Japan are not the only ones with interests in China. The German Reich supported the Kuomintang for quite some time, and had secret lines in several other warlords.

It wasn’t difficult to supply them with weapons and ask them to smash them near the border.

In any case, the Russian Empire, which has concentrated its main forces in Europe and the Middle East, will not cross the border first, and the Russian Empire will openly say that it just moved its troops across the border and attacked the pro-Russian warlords without declaring war in the first place. will not intervene.

What’s more, the Japanese Empire, which is nominally an ally of Germany, could be created anyway.

closer than the Russian Empire. No matter how bad Japan’s image in China is, it’s behind the scenes.

Of course, the Japanese Empire insisted that ‘the Anglo-Japanese alliance is a defensive alliance, and since this war started with Germany’s invasion of Denmark, the Japanese Empire has no obligation to participate in the war against Russia’. and the hypothetical enemy country was the enemy country.

In fact, the Far Eastern Military District of the Russian Empire was on an emergency alert at the same time as the start of the war, and the tension between the two countries was in a situation where it would be no wonder if war was declared against each other at any time.

There was also the fact that the UK’s speaking power was greatly reduced.

Of course, that’s not fatal. Britain, which was acting as the de facto leader of the Axis powers by selling 80% to 90% of the petroleum used by the German Empire, had only to be divided in half to the extent that it had to be divided.

Of course, it wasn’t a bad story for Minister Joseph.

The Italians don’t really matter, and Gregor’s death… The death of an old friend is sad, but it wasn’t a bad story overall.

It doesn’t matter if Wilhelm III is critically ill. Rather, these days, he is slowly starting to distance himself from the Nazi Party and trying to get some power back from the Nazis, but was fatally wounded. This is a good thing for our party.

Richthofen, which is said to require more than one year of treatment for severe burns, is no substitute for it.

The only problem is that Goebbels is still lying there. There are not enough talents for the position of propaganda minister, and according to Minister Joseph’s order that Goebbels should be saved even if all the others were lost, intensive treatment was in progress, and there was a high probability of recovery. That vacancy… there was nothing that could not be filled if it was a temporary job.

His current goal was to completely transfer the Axis leadership from England to Germany. Germany, with its naval power, has no choice but to depend on Britain for a large part of its resources, which will result in Germany being dragged to Britain.

I can’t leave it with my eyes open. The Nazis were prepared for this war for the glory of the German Empire, not to shed blood to conquer Europe and give it to Britain.

“I ask the British Empire to mobilize a large-scale ground force as soon as possible, as it did in the last great war, and to open a second front by promptly engaging the British allies in the war.”

If Germany had worked so hard, it was a request for Britain to be more sincere to the alliance.

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