< Episode 187 >

“We need to get out of the Middle East. We also need to turn all the troops going from India to the Middle East. Persia is in danger!”

Losing Suez increases the voyage.

If Persia is taken away, the destination itself will be blown away.

“There are reports of unusual movements all over India. It is clear that Russia is spraying arms against armed groups in India.”

“Can’t we call in Japanese ground forces to quell the riots in India and defend Persia?”

“If they had thought of sending an army, they would have joined the war sooner.”

There is a Dutch colonial army, but it is only useful as a last resort, and the French fleet will strike a match when the colonial army is pulled out.

A battlecruiser and a battleship were immediately sunk in a battle with the French navy, and the Dutch Southeast Asian Fleet was in a state of extreme distress.

Germany is not cooperating at all, saying that the amount of domestic use can be covered by coal liquefaction technology, but Britain’s fire fell right away.

“We are trying to expand our import lines in South America, and since Persia has a mountainous terrain, the Russian armored forces will not be able to do much.”

In mountain warfare, it will not be far behind Russia, the performance of submachine guns is there, and the infantry firepower is different from that of semi-automatic rifles and bolt action rifles.

“We would rather give up all the North African fronts and return our troops to India and Persia.”

“I’m going to make a big fuss over jiral… in Italy.”

Germany was in the position of why it was going to North Africa in the first place, so if the opportunity arises, it will try to withdraw.

Italy will react against it as it has quite a few colonies in North Africa, but what can I do?

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Moseley opened her mouth, drawing attention slightly by tapping the floor with her prosthetic foot.

“Then let’s decide by vote.”


As the Russian army advanced, they discovered strange traces.

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Machine gunners who died tied to stakes, and German soldiers who were tied to fight to death and not to run away to death, without exception, had hexagons on their chests.

It doesn’t matter if thousands of people die to delay the advance of the Russian army by one day. ‘Cause I’m Jewish

The penal units that came out of such a judgment were killed by bullets according to their duty. The Jews resisted as fiercely as the most valiant Germans at the threat of execution of their entire family if surrender was confirmed.

Of course, it was impossible to completely stop the advance of the Russian army, but it was enough to hold back the ankle.

The Russians, however, continued to advance, continuing their advance into Schleswig, Flensburg and further north.

Norwegian, Swedish, and Russian forces also launched an all-out counterattack and moved to retake Oslo and recapture Gothenburg and Stockholm, while British and German naval forces were desperately trying to escape from the Baltic Sea.

Anyone can see that the pendulum of this war was leaning toward Russia.

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Manstein looked at the unfolded map.

Whether the loss of the whole of Scandanavia was certain or the enemy was barely blocking the crossing from the Elbe River, what mattered now was the Austrian front entrusted to him.

“We have received a response to our support request from Bonn. I will send the LSSAH division.”

“Wasn’t that unit destroyed in the north?”

“……Yes, yes, but it’s a new establishment.”

“I’ll turn.”

So, doesn’t that mean you have to do well to be chicks? All of the existing guards died or were taken prisoner in Scandanavia, and at best they collected the remains of the remains and recruits.

“And a heavy tank battalion composed of the initial production of the new Tiger 6, the Tiger, has been assigned to LSSAH, and two additional SS divisions will be formed to form the SS Panzer Corps.”

It was a division that was created by weaving the remaining few regiments of the divisions that had already been annihilated and the non-combat forces of the division that had lost all combat forces, but it was better than creating only those with little experience.

“Heavy tank battalion.”

Obviously, 45 tanks 6 would be of great help, but… I was worried about whether it would roll as much as the specs and what the crew’s experience would be like.

The current number of heavy tanks in the Empire is that it is difficult to complete four battalions, and there are still only two production lines throughout the Empire. It must have been about whether or not I could roll it. The story will be different when additional production lines are fully operational. Had to wait several months.

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Moreover, from what Manstein had heard, there were reports that the tank performance was still very unstable, so it is not recommended to be overconfident in the heavy tank battalion.

However, it was enough just to be able to overwhelm that T-32 in tank battles.

Looking at the front, Austria was a huge overhang. And the protrusion is being cut out around the bean.

Attacks from the south are not easy to cross because of the natural terrain of the Alps anyway, and since the main force is the Yugoslav Army and other auxiliary forces, the enemy’s main attack must be in the direction of Linz, and…

‘Sturgart, or Frankfurt.’

Of course, the Russian offensive was probably the first priority to attack Austria. In the case of Munich, it was quite out of the bulge, and the Russian army had to work quite a bit to get to Munich.

But think about it, did the Germans ever launch a devastating counterattack on Russia? The most elite brigade was smashed by only one Russian company, and the fortress line on the Eastern Front collapsed in an instant.

If so, would the Russian generals try to occupy Frankfurt even if they had a chance to occupy Frankfurt, or would they be careful?

Actually, the conclusion was mine. Isn’t all human psychology like that?


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Moscow, Stavka.

On October 16, 1939, Denmark was retaken by Russian forces.

On 31 October, Russian forces seized control of the Baltic Sea and the end of the Scandanavian campaign was declared. This resulted in the complete ouster of the Axis powers east of the Elbe River, and about half of Ostmark fell into Russian hands.

Leipzig and Dresden were captured by the offensive launched on the central front, and the German army again built a defensive line from Magdeburg to Bernburg and from Bernburg along the Saale River to Jena, and again from Jena to Oberpaltz and Regensburg. The decision was made to build a defensive line from Regensburg again along the Danube to Passau, and in Passau along the In River to the Alps.

The horse was re-establishing the defense line for reorganization, and it was a de facto rout.

How is it that the loss of most of Austria’s territory, most of East Germany in the original history, and even Scandanavia is not a rout.

And the German rout meant our victory.


“Germans, our opponents were bad in the first place.”

Literally beaten one-sidedly. The Germans made us bleed by surprise with anti-tank self-propelled artillery or a well-established defense line, and that was the only way, but unfortunately Germany is a plain country with only rivers as natural defense lines.

Konef, who was in charge of the main role, broke through the fortified depths of the enemy camp head-on while blocking him, and this was a counter to the German army, which had a limited way to deal with friendly forces.

I don’t have a lot of hands, so I used the best strategy I could do with it, but it’s like the opponent came out with a counter build, so until I make a new card myself, I have no choice but to hit it unilaterally.

“Don’t be vigilant, General Chuikov.”

And those cards are slowly appearing on the battlefield.

“The Tank VI Tiger and the Tank V Panther. Although both encounter records are very rare, the fact that they were given identification numbers such as No. 5 or No. 6 indicates that these are tanks with mass production in mind.”

The German army is building all of its tank manufacturing plants in France, whether or not they are trying to make sure. If it’s true, you’re thinking of restoring the Maginot line and then staying there and fighting back.

Naturally, there are also places in France that are supposed to be a Tiger production plant and a Panther production plant.

“Strictly speaking, Panther has no official record of encounters. According to a report from Lieutenant Colonel Nikita Nikita, who was then a lieutenant at the time of the Siege of Berlin, the current allies engaged an enemy company-class tank believed to be a prototype of the ‘Panter V Panther’, and there was no contact report for over several months after that…

Konev received Tukhassevsky’s words.

“However, new tanks of unknown type have been discovered all over Norway.”

The T-34 was a very similar looking tank, other than the tank that Nikita had encountered.

“But there are differences. First, it was equipped with a 75mm 55-caliber tank gun, and the most unusual thing about it is its weight. Usually, the weight of the tank gets heavier when developing it, but if you look at the prototype tank recovered from Berlin, it weighs in the late 30’s. The tanks found throughout Norway, on the other hand, were only in the early 20’s or so, lighter than the T-32 and very light, and had a fairly powerful gun, despite being somewhere between light and medium tanks. It is unclear whether this tank should be classified as a Panzer V or as an unreported type of turret-mounted anti-tank self-propelled gun. It looks like an anti-tank self-propelled gun, but it looks very similar to the prototype of the Panzer V recovered from Berlin.”

“It may be a coincidence, but just because the two types of tanks are similar in appearance does not necessarily guarantee that they are related. And now it doesn’t matter.”

“The most important thing in this situation is that they will want a vehicle that will definitely overwhelm our T-32. Since the Tigers are of different weight classes in the first place, it should be natural to overwhelm them, and the Tank V, which should be played with the T-32, also wants to have an edge against our T-32, so everyone knows what that means.”

Currently, Germany’s main battle tank 4 is capable of destroying the T-32, but overall it is backwards compatible. But when Panther comes out, isn’t it obvious that the T-32 will be backwards compatible with Panther?

“I can assure you that the new heavy tank, which will be deployed from next year, will definitely outperform the Panzer VI in all aspects.”

“Of course it should be, General Tukhassevsky, that’s how I gave him the budget and the time.”

The weakness of the existing depth-breaking tactics is that it is essential for our friendly forces, that is, the Russian army, to have a quantitative and qualitative advantage. Otherwise, a revolving door effect may occur, causing a catastrophic disaster in which the defense line of the ally is penetrated backwards.

“Of course we may have overestimated the German tank power. Above all, even if our superiority in equipment quality was broken, we also raised the quality of our troops, and as it has been proven that the T-32 alone can defeat the Tiger, the Panther, which was almost a medium tank, was able to defeat the T-32 at the beginning of the war. There won’t be an answer like I did. But even so, it doesn’t look very good to see the war unfolding as if it’s going to end within next year.”

“I will correct it.”

“Even if the opponent is a rabbit, a lion does its best. If you are careless, a rabbit’s kick can break your skull.”

By the way, rabbit kicks are really painful.

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