< Episode 201 >

“Isn’t the Ruhr Offensive difficult?”

“It will take several months. Even if you die within the deadline you ordered, you will not be able to occupy the Ruhr.”

“Isn’t it better to hit now when the enemy’s power is consumed? Victory as we successfully defended the offensive…”

“To attack the Ruhr, you have to either cross the Bremen-Hanover line or head north from Frankfurt. However, on the Bremen-Hanover line, the Germans are weakly forming a defensive line. The fortification of the fortifications has already been sufficiently advanced, and even with low-trained and low-armed troops, at least a few corps troops are lodged in the area.”

“corps? Isn’t that bluffing? Do they have enough troops left?”

“I thought that would be the case, so I tried several offensives using the penal units. We tried to attack from several directions, and it is unlikely that such a counterattack will come without a corps unit stationed there. If we have fewer troops than that, there is no other possibility than that all of our offensive plans have leaked out there and they have concentrated all their forces on our path of advance.”

“It’s not very likely, then the enemies at least…”

“In the fortified fortifications, the training level and the armed forces are still faithful. It is difficult to break through with the current force.”

“Gun, bombing alone can reduce the production efficiency of Ruhr’s tanks, but to completely paralyze it, you have to rush in the ground forces.”

“The route north along the Rhine from Frankfurt is also difficult.”

If it’s natural, it’s natural. If you go north along the Rhine from Frankfurt, you will find Bonn, the temporary capital, and Cologne, a major metropolis.

Could there be no defense?

“Besides, I understand that the condition of Army Group South is worse than that of Army Group Central. We need to reorganize our units and resupply them so that we can maneuver and annihilate our enemies.”

It’s also the perfect word.

“Then maybe? If we don’t capture the Ruhr, a lot of blood will flow, right?”

“The offensive itself is quite possible as long as we can get enough supplies and spares from where we can come from.”

Supplies and spares.

“If you could provide it?”

“Yes, but it would be difficult if you order them to advance before the reorganization and stockpiling are over.”

“… I can’t help it.”

I sighed.

Then, the door opened.

“dismissal! It’s urgent!”

“Something? Did the U.S. Navy sortie?”

“no! Tehran has finally fallen!”


I smiled.

It was impossible for British ships to enter and exit the Persian Gulf as long as the Arabian Peninsula was seized anyway, but the capture of Tehran had other meanings.

This means that the conquest of northern Persia has been completed.

A chronic problem in Persia is the lack of water. Although the Caspian Sea is a lake, it cannot be used for drinking or agriculture because it is a salt lake.

Food production is also difficult due to lack of water. In the 21st century, when the West imposes sanctions on Iran, it is not that we all starve to death, but the Iranian government was brought to the negotiating table with the argument that we should negotiate if we want to survive no matter how much the West hates it. Even in Tehran, the government controls water supply, and water tanks are the first to be looted in case of a riot.

In any case, why this is important is that what could be called Persia’s water resources is concentrated in the north—although even that, in fact, isn’t enough.

But now, are we sitting there?

Yes, British troops in Persia are f*cked.

There are some small lakes in the South, but how about hundreds of thousands of people with them? Besides, the civilians won’t give it to you? If you don’t give it to me, it’s good that civilians will riot as it is. If you share it, the food will only run out that much faster.

Fight hard without water anywhere.

Now, the only way left for the British army is to bypass the Persian Gulf, which we have sealed off with coastal artillery and mines, to a port facing the Gulf of Oman, or to cross the mountain and cross the water as far as India? Anyway, I’m going to retreat and go there while I’m thirsty.

Either he or he crashes into us before the water falls and melts everything, regardless of whether that ‘Montgomery’ is the man who will attack.

In fact, it doesn’t look like Montgomery can’t beat Montgomery even if it’s offensive. Montgomery fought well in the original history because it was supported by the supply capacity of the Allied Forces and had the capacity to supplement the enormous force and supply demand that Montgomery was consuming. Even herbivores from the East are dragged along… But do herbivores die without water?

read at https://readwn.com

Montgomery has a lot of courage. An adamantium nerd who can evade the battle no matter what the people around him say without saying a word of thanks while taking infinite supplies and reinforcements until there is a guarantee of victory.

In fact, it was almost a counter to the Germans. Of course, since the ribs were that thick, the Market Garden would have been able to put the blame on the Polish Army.

The tactic of suppressing the enemy with a large army when enough power is gathered while standing still. Isn’t it the norm to break the original tactics? At least against Rommel, it’s a very good tactic.

But the question is whether that works for us, because Suez is also lost, so we have to come back to Africa to get supplies, and to get supplies from India, we have to cross the mountains.

Besides, they have to go round and round to get supplies, but we can ship them right into the Caspian Sea from the mainland. The distribution distance is incomparable.

In other words, supply is now ours, and every advantage of Montgomery has now turned into his weakness.

It would be interesting to see what the British soldiers are doing and dying.

The whole of Persia is now ours. Britain now has no way to get a drop of oil other than South American and synthetic oil. Southeast Asian oil? Japan ate it all.

Now, if the United States wins one big victory in the Atlantic Ocean, Britain will have to survive only on synthetic oil.

The British Empire is over.


“By the way, is it now time to take care of the administration of the occupied territories and the post-war composition as well?”

I sat down at my desk and flipped through the atlas.

First of all, South American countries are unknown to us. So is Canada.

We do not know whether Canada will become the 51st state in the United States or whether the United States will set up a plan to unify the new continent.

‘Australia and New Zealand, of course, should pass.’

If we take it anyway, we can’t manage it. As long as the US is sane, it will try to establish a puppet government rather than annexation.

‘The UK will have to make some concessions too.’

Ireland is neatly independent. I don’t need Northern Ireland or anything. The whole island is neatly separated and independent.

Norway, Sweden, and Denmark are our allies, so we should give them something, Denmark has nothing to give, so if you let them keep their original territory, it will be a good thing. Sweden has nothing to offer territorially.

The border is…

‘At least Prussia has been ripped off.’

In addition, I would like to tear down Austria and restore Austria-Hungary by rewarding Hungary rather than making it independent, although the Czech Republic cannot of course return it.

The Germans inside the border will be expelled.

‘Is it better to set up the German Free Government as the new German government?’

It’s not up to you to decide on that part alone. In the case of Joseon in the east, if I ask him to become prime minister, he can do whatever he wants, but in Germany….

France has no intention of reconciling its territory. Just thinking about them trolling makes my teeth gnaw. Even if they didn’t go bankrupt, the European front was over within this year. Be content with maintaining existing territories. And I’ll make the colony spit out.

In fact, here I was thinking of splitting Germany into North and South once more and banning rearmament, but after thinking about it, France caught on.

At least when the war is over, the coordinator of all Europe will be the Russian Empire.

However, the east of Oder-Neisse is completely Korean territory, or our influence is absolute, and Germany is a war criminal country, so even if you try to control it with a leash, France took a lot of time.

A country that developed nuclear weapons in the original history and left NATO, opened up to the United States, but not to us? Does it make sense?

In this case, there is something to write.

Divide and rule, divide and rule.

Wouldn’t it be very regrettable if Germany was directly attached to the east side of France next to Austria and the east side of the Elbe, while maintaining the original historical West German level, preserving the industrial zones such as the Ruhr?

If you twist it, you shouldn’t have elang it.

And in case that wasn’t enough, I plan to give Spain a moderate boost. Portugal invaded Spain under the pressure of Britain, but this man should also be annexed to Spain as a war criminal state.

Was it because Portugal didn’t want to be treated the same as those poor Spaniards when Portugal became independent? Anyway, I know that Portugal ran out because they thought that Portugal was unilaterally losing money because they were in one country.

In other words, Spain and Germany should properly check France, and Germany’s rearmament should be handled by considering the original history of East Germany, so that only France can be checked. Defense spending is set at the French level.

Of course, we do not interfere with the national defense of Germany, which is a sovereign country, but only give some advice, and the final decision is made by the German rulers. We also review the defense budget budget once before it is presented to the parliament for advice, but the final decision is made by the parliament.

Italy has an idea of tying up the ability to advance overseas, but I don’t know if it will be feasible in practice. In any case, the royal family of Savoy is permanently ousted.

However, the UK is an area that I cannot do as I please, so I will have to discuss it with the US, and I will have to discuss things like Indian independence with the US.

In the Far East, I get a headache just looking at the map right now, so I think about it after the war against Japan begins.

However, all the countries that fall under the provisional governments that I have formed will become independent countries. Of course, I didn’t make that much.

‘Still, if our navy makes some progress in the battle of the fleet and supports the US operations with the ground forces after breaking through the sea route, it will be able to take a significant share in the Far East.’

Anyway, when the war is over, the world will be divided between the two countries.

Then, shouldn’t both of them eat happily? It’s not like we’re going to wage a cold war to die like the original history anyway.

The most convincing way is to divide the contribution to the war, and for me, our Russian Empire is overwhelming in that respect.

‘It would be better to give up some than to eat too much though.’

I marked the place to put it.

If the continent of Europe except the UK, of course, the US is uncomfortable with, France can set up a government that has the influence of the US, but wouldn’t he say that he is against the US?

Africa in moderation, throughout the Middle East,

India and China are too big to eat alone, so it’s reasonable to put them on the negotiating table.

Next, the Far East, Manchuria, Tibet, and Hokkaido were marked… and the Korean Peninsula.

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