< Episode 214 >

I touched my forehead.

I wondered if there was an emergency report for some sort of nonsense.

“I thought some new Tiger was being reported.”

-Father, no, Your Majesty! It could be even more dangerous than that!

“Stop bullshit, son, first, we have been monitoring the development of new weapons by the German army from a long time ago. What prototypes they have developed and how far they have progressed will be posted on my desk within a few months. Do you think the report on the level of development of the weapon you are concerned about will be reported sooner than you know or I will report it sooner?”

-But a task force the size of one infantry brigade…

“Special forces? Einsatgruppen these bastards. Did you say you annihilated a militia level brigade at the train station? They must be Einsat Gruppen. They’re inexperienced, civilian killing units. They are the ones who slaughtered many civilians in France. Conversely, they are the ones who struggle because they don’t know how to deal with the opponents with the guns, but the original serial killers are like typical incarnations of strength and weakness.”

-Then Levensborn…

“I don’t know why it pops out there, but the Levensborn Project is an honors training center created by the Nazis for eugenics. It was useless, it had nothing to do with the war, so it was not reported to the military. If it is Levensborn’s legacy, it must have been that the children born there were mistreated while on the train. may be Wow, you did a good job crushing him. As far as I know, he’s a bastard who served a sentence for raping a girl in her early teens right after the Great War, and still hasn’t been able to fix that habit and used to touch children during the war.”

-Somehow, as soon as I saw it, my displeasure skyrocketed… But do you even know that?

“I was quite close with a high-ranking member of the Nazi Party, and I did some additional investigations because he said he was the one who took the position of commander of the division. Don’t praise him, he deserved death.”

Completely stunned, Nikita said in a crawling voice.

-…… sorry. I have documents that I am not sure about….

“There was no disruption to the operation, only a few hours delay in the main takeover. It’s not that the current balance is close enough to do anything with those few hours, and your troops were originally scheduled to be reorganized in Bonn after a damage assessment, so there is virtually no effect on the operation. It’s the commander’s duty to be on the lookout for all situations, and it’s not your fault that you think that special forces units have strong fighting power.”

Even if I imagine that a brigade of horses, thousands of people would fly Panzerfaust on tanks and blow up bridges and railroads, I would cringe. Even light infantry, not special forces, can be a fatal threat to the armored forces if they think that they are ambushed in the city with Panzerfausts.

But it’s not that big of a leap to think of the German version of Spetsnaz from the grand name of the task force. In the first place, SD is the Ministry of Information, and we also have Spetsnaz directly under the Ministry of Information.

It was a worry worth worrying about. In fact, the fact that the corps is a ‘single infantry brigade-sized task force’ was more terrifying than a new weapon that I didn’t know about or anything about.

“It is not intentional, but it is also acknowledged that it caused confusion in military operations, and that it partially transgressed in this regard. Do you agree?”

In principle, it is not wrong to give warnings within the scope of one’s job and to react accordingly when there is a reasonable threat – even if it is an overestimation of a threat that does not actually exist due to a lack of information.

I have no intention of punishing for that either.

The problem is that Nikita partially overtaken in this process, and that extra power was accepted quite naturally as a member of the imperial family. It shouldn’t be like this, what’s different about the Japanese military if overpowering is taken for granted because of being a member of the Imperial Family? Therefore, we must set a precedent for punishment.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“Therefore, it is a verbal reprimand. I’ve been punished for what I’ve been reprimanding so far, so go and get some rest.”

It wasn’t a big mistake, it was a misjudgment worth making, so this is enough.

In the first place, he was scheduled to be discharged from the military without any regrets after the war was over, and even the fact that he was a member of the Imperial family could become a political problem, so the Jangpo, a former imperial family who gave up, would not blink an eye as a punishment lower than the relegation level, and there was no need to demote him.

After saying that, I threw a few words to the commander and hung up the phone.

Normally, it is normal to be chastised even if it ends with a reprimand, but is there any human who has the guts to chastise the Crown Prince’s younger brother?

I wasn’t really worried.

“I’m just talking about it, but according to reports from Ohrana, there are some crimes against the residents.”


The Soviet Army was also quite famous for its crimes against the people.

The fall of Berlin is famous for the gang rapes committed against German women, and there were people who protested in the face of Stalin because they committed many sex crimes in Yugoslavia, right? I don’t think it was Tito. At that time, Stalin was worthy of his name, laid a sheet of iron on his face and said, ‘The Red Army is neither an ideal army nor a rational army, but they fight the Nazis, that’s the only thing that matters.’ Did you say something like this?

Well, after that person also took over Berlin, he thought it was too serious, so he released the NKVD and cracked it down.

“It won’t be much.”

If the local commanders can’t handle it properly and a report comes up to me, it’s not normal. Even so, I wonder if it’s still at the level of the original history of the Soviet Army.

And in the first place, the crimes against civilians by the Soviet army in the original history are nothing compared to what they suffered. who did that Even if the Soviet Union pays back one-fifth of what they have suffered, the Germans are dry. But nothing happened here in the first place.

“Release the military police and crack down on it.”

“All right.”

That’s all I can do. finally.

“Now that we have the Ruhr in our hands, it is our turn to take over the Rhine.”

“of course. your majesty.”

“Annihilate all enemy forces east of the Maginot Line, and then devise a way to break through the Maginot Line.”

“According to reports from the Southern Front, a friendly heavy tank was destroyed by a new anti-tank gun deployed on the Maginot Line. It’s not easy to access.”

“Is that pierced?”

I was stunned. As far as I know, it also blocks the early 105mm split AP shells that were mounted on the Patton?

“If you shoot the artillery directly, won’t it pierce?”

“It’s not piercing, but… if it is defeated, it will be defeated. shit.”

I sighed.

“Tell the Free German Government to pack your bags, no, from now on it’s the German government.”

“All right.”

If you are a puppet, have legal legitimacy, are Nabal, and have military control over all German territory, and the original government is yours, but if you run away to a place that was originally a foreign country’s territory, then the government that seized the mainland is the orthodox government…

In fact, even if there is no legitimacy in the civil war, if they take over the entire country and drive the original government out of the country, from then on they will be the orthodox government, which can also be proven by the history of mankind.

In fact, even if the German orthodox government declares that it is a free government and the Nazi government is a rebel at this time, it will be accepted internationally except by the Axis powers.

To be honest, if you hand over all the pre-war territory, that’s the German government. Bark for a hundred days in Paris.

“And, what happened to the Pacific?”

“Yes, it was Midway Atoll.”

“To send a congratulatory message to the US government. You can’t win this war with just this one time. Japan’s activities will shrink in the Pacific.”

“All right.”


The sun is rising.

The curtain of the great battle that lasted for three full days comes to an end.

US Navy forces, 4 battleships, 6 aircraft carriers, 10 heavy cruisers, 4 light cruisers, 48 destroyers, and other supply ships.

The Japanese Navy’s forces, 19 battleships, 8 aircraft carriers, 16 heavy cruisers, 6 light cruisers, 70 destroyers, other supply and transport ships, and their escort fleet.

US Navy damage. Destroyed the aircraft carrier Hornet in the daytime air battle and the battleship Arkansas in the night battle. The aircraft carrier Robin, which was destroyed in a daytime air battle by a submarine, and two destroyers being towed were sunk. Admiral Mark Mitcher, commander of the aircraft carrier’s task force, who was aboard the Hornet, was also killed when the Hornet sank.

Japanese navy damage, 6 aircraft carriers and 2 submarines were sunk during the weekly air battle. The Kaga-class battleship Kaga was sunk in an air strike, and many other accompanying ships were damaged. High-ranking generals such as Commander of the 1st Air Fleet, Admiral Yamaguchi Tamon and Chief of Staff of the 1st Air Fleet, Kusaka, were also killed when the flagship Shokaku sank.

It was a victory for the U.S. Navy.

“Admiral Kincaid.”

“Yes, Admiral Halsey.”

Admiral Halsey was standing on the deck, looking out to the blue sea.

“The ones who attacked Pearl Harbor yesterday and today, we annihilated.”

All of the aircraft carriers that attacked Pearl Harbor, not a single one, were thrown into the water.

Halsey said softly.

“Do you think your brother-in-law will be satisfied?”

“no. It’s still a long way off.”

“Yes, yes.”

Halsey took out a single dried, withered and crumpled flower from within and threw it into the sea.

“The one you broke in Pearl Harbor.”


“I didn’t know it was going to end like this in one fell swoop. I’m glad it was done with my own hands.”

The pilots of the sunken Hornet were annihilated as the carrier sank. As far as he knows, none of the Hornet’s pilots have been revived until the rescue operation is complete.

He was equipped with torpedoes and penetrated the fierce anti-aircraft fire, attracting the eyes of the bandits and the anti-aircraft gunners.

And Yorktown, Enterprise, Wasp, and Robin’s dive bombers rushed in, ready to die.

Zuikaku, Shokaku, Soryu, Hiryu, Ryujo. Five aircraft carriers were annihilated in just five minutes.

In order to withstand the long night, the battleship squadron became the shield of the carrier squadron. Shinov, who was renamed Arkansas, purchased from Russia, was oxidized after being baptized with oxygen torpedoes.

As the sun rose again, the American and Japanese forces blew up the aircraft without anyone else being the first, and Stolipin, who was renamed Robin, was hit by a torpedo in an area that had not yet been repaired and tilted.

read at https://readwn.com

Meanwhile, Hosho and Hakuryu, who were properly bitten by torpedoes from US Navy submarines, sank, and Daiho was put to death by an air raid by the US Navy.

The Japanese planes that returned after destroying Robin had no place to land and had to crash into the sea one by one.

Finally, the naval battle ended when Robin was caught in a Japanese navy submarine with two destroyers towing Robin and sank.

“We will fight, until the day when we march on to Tokyo, hang the Stars and Stripes, and bring that monkey captain out to the front of Pearl Harbor. You can’t stop, you can’t stop.”

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