< 234 >

Kremlin, Russian Empire, Moscow.

“Did you? Gear up?”

I was amazed in many ways. Actually, there was nothing to admire.

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Manstein really, utterly betrayed, well, up to this point, it was still the expected category.

However, Ivan Konev said that the model had given up shooting due to Manstein’s betrayal, but managed to break through the Maginot line, and only a few days later the Dutch defense line completely collapsed.

The already collapsed Maginot Line only caught the Russian army’s ankles a little, and it was quickly ruined.

“The Maginot Line should be completely demolished when the war is over.”

There wasn’t much left, but there was nothing good about leaving these things behind.

And, the US military broke through a gap in the bridge.

To destroy the Central and South American guerrillas, they poured tens of thousands of tons of defoliant, cut down trees, fired napalm bombs, and opened a passageway through drainage.

‘Aren’t these children going to wipe out the Amazon after doing this?’

Brazil is also America’s adversary to war. If they go into the jungle and engage in guerrilla warfare, will the US save defoliant and napalm bombs in this age when the concept of environmental protection is lacking?

A cold sweat broke out.

‘In order to balance the earth…. I need to create an artificially large jungle area.’

I just wished I had surrendered before that, but I thought, where are the original sins that the United States has sown in Latin America? Huey Long’s temperament isn’t normal either, so he might end up in an annihilation battle.

In fact, for guerrilla warfare, the British had come up with a solution a long time ago. The guerrillas will wither and die if the seeds of the civilians who will support them are dried up by driving them to the camps, both civilians and soldiers, using the tactics.

Guerrillas basically cannot exist without the support of the people. Why did the partisans in South Korea wither to death and how did the Vietcongs and Taliban win?

Conversely, if the partisans cleaned up the people’s soil to take root, or if the people started to be sympathetic to the partisans, the partisans were bound to wither naturally.

But the latter could never be expected.

Because it was the US Army.

Where is one or two of the karma that the United States has accumulated in Latin America?

You could drag an army to the capital and hang the president, prime minister, and generals on gallows in a war crimes tribunal, but you could win the surrender of the nation, but South Americans are willing to sneak into the jungle, throw bombs at Americans and poison wells. Ride, and I will sniper the American general.

It is a hundred times better to leave the government that will act like a tongue in your mouth and withdraw as it is. There is nothing good about long-term military administration in an area where the people themselves are hostile.

Of course, it would have to be patient with the tongue sticking out of the tongue, but it was better than pouring chemotherapy drugs relentlessly to catch cancer cells hiding somewhere, like a terminally ill patient.

Even more so if other normal cells that have been damaged by the anticancer drug can’t overcome their anger and turn into cancer cells.

Of course… if the US does its job right, whether it’s the Vietnam War in South America, the battle of Afghanistan, or a movie later in Rio in which Colonel Kurtz sets up his own kingdom, a brigadier who lost his men in South America Whether they seized chemical weapons or nuclear weapons, he didn’t know.

Rather, it would have applauded and liked it if it had been like the Soviet Union in the original history. It could have supported AK-47s and RPGs through the back holes.

No, still, unlike anywhere in Africa or Southeast Asia, if you touch South America, there is a high chance that the United States will have a seizure, so you might not have gone there, but anyway, you wouldn’t have hated it.

If the US loses its power, the Soviet Union will be happy.

The problem is that we are in World War II.

The United States must not lose all its strength while attacking South America. Even if we can make it to the British landing on our own, the war against Japan cannot be done on our own.

No, the truth is that we haven’t even declared war with them yet.

But it was never good for the Russian Empire to let the Japanese get what they wanted.

Even now, Chuikov faces the Manchurian border with hundreds of thousands of troops under his command. What if the Japanese militarists surprise Russia this time?

There is already precedent for saying no. A blue-blooded peasant nobleman, who said that he had the first bountiful harvest in Yekaterinburg, pokes at me with the power of revenge on the country that secretly humiliated his reign through his daughter.

Even then, the course of the war would have been very different if it had not been for a unilateral surprise attack by the Japanese army without a declaration of war.

At that time, I persuaded that now was not the time, and that it was time to start the war after ending Britain, and the nobles knew that Britain was the one who financed the war in Japan at the time, so there was no more whining after that.

Of course, he was quite close with the former king of England, but he knows that, there is a high possibility that personal interests and national interests as a nation will conflict. Hell, he would have served in World War I.

“By the way, did Manstein send Wilhelm II to us?”

“After all, after losing real power and abdication, he was a yangban who was effectively imprisoned….

“Hmm, we should meet once, where are you now?”

“It is still in the south of France.”

“…… You and your father-in-law were still pretty close, so how about sending a recuperation in the same place so that we can talk to each other?”

Actually, it was originally a matter for the new German government to decide rather than us…. Louise was a bit shaky.

After all, you are the one who eventually turned this war into a family strife, and in a situation where the throne and anything else would be blown away, even if you got your name dirty, you did not deserve to be praised for it. It didn’t seem like it would make any sound.

Considering that if she had done well in the first place, she wouldn’t have had to be unreasonable while receiving such criticism, she would rather be innocent if she cursed her father, but when will people’s hearts turn like that?

“Still, I don’t want to go to Berlin.”

Louise was not the only royal family, and there were still many survivors among the people of the Hohenzollern family. The children of Wilhelm III.

Of course, it is true that the most influential royal family was Louise, and all the remaining German royal family members recognized Louise as a legitimate empress and swore allegiance.

Still, nothing looks better than the once Kaiser, Wilhelm II, publicly acknowledging her orthodoxy. Because Wilhelm III died, and Frederick IV was not recognized by the Nazis, England, Italy, Japan… just for short, no one except the Axis powers.

In the first place, there was a separate Crown Prince, but anyway, it was not a normal succession to the throne.

“I think it would be better to spend a little time in Berlin for a while to light up your face and rest in Yekaterinburg for the purpose of recuperation.”

Having made my decision, I nodded my head. If Louise doesn’t feel comfortable meeting Jung’s father, she can make excuses for a while and ask her to come to Moscow.

“How is Italy doing?”

“Many were shot, King Vittorio Emenuele III and Mussolini are already puppets. Heinrich Himmler, sent from the Nazi Party, is running rampant with Rommel and Montgomery in full power. It seems that Kesseling was also half-excluded from the command system because he was Göring’s subordinate. In fact, Italy has become like an independent kingdom in which Himmler is the king and the military commander is Rommel and Montgomery.”

Himmree, Himmrae, is that yangban coming from here?

I tapped.

“You can’t touch Hohenzollern badly, you can only end up with pressure to make Louise Empress, her children Crown Prince, and some readjustment of the German Empire’s territories.”

Once the German government has been recognized, it cannot be re-established strongly for more than a certain period. Should it be said that the punishment of the German state itself became more difficult in exchange for the purge of Nazi Germany? From Louise’s point of view, I got everything I needed.

The throne was guaranteed, the territories were negotiated for quite some time, but now the Glatzer-Burb line (the Glatzer is a tributary of the Oder and flows east of Stetin, the Bourb or Beauber is slightly east of the Neisse) After the defeat of Germany, it was proposed as an alternative to the Neisse River at the time of the establishment of the German border, but it was rejected due to Stalin’s rejection). , I have to return it to Schleswig, but that’s it.

No matter how rampant France is, it will never get more than Alsace-Lorraine. No, in fact, there is a high possibility that France does not even have soup in Europe. If you want to merge with Andorra or Monaco, I won’t stop you.

Instead, I’m thinking of giving away some of Japan’s overseas territories in Asia, although of course I can’t keep it.

In any case, Germany has to crawl in foreign relations for a while, but in order for France to grab Germany’s ankle and Germany slaps France in the back of the head and yields itself to our older brother, the relationship between the two countries needs to be similar and bad. have.

Besides, I myself don’t like them.

The Savoy royal family seems to be rolling a happy circuit after seeing the hospitality that Hohenzollern receives, but this one doesn’t really have any broth. property seizure and deportation.

In particular, Yugoslavia has been lobbying the empire quite a bit while honing it against Italy, which is a factor that deserves a strong anti-Italian hardline presence. The damage done by the Italians was also quite large.

I wonder what Germany is, but it is nominally an ally like France, and thanks to Louise’s performance of sticking to me a few times, I don’t even talk about geography of Germany. ‘ They came out very generously with one word, but to be honest, this war caused less civilian casualties than it did back then. We’ll know when the military damage ends.

In addition, he added the crime of betrayal with Britain, which was an ally in the last war. Germany was originally an enemy, so if you were like that, then this is the logic of betrayal. To be honest, I think the negotiating country itself was just an alliance because they had the same interests, but for now, those people claim that.

In any case, a key part of the Yugoslavian lobby is to urge Italy to use a strong hand to prevent it from uttering Mare Nostrum again.

In the Netherlands… they must be very unfair to be honest, but I’ll just look at them as arms restrictions and some war reparations. Wasn’t it a war that broke out in the first place because it was beaten up by France?

Instead, just leave the colony alone, it’s not something you can protect anyway. Knowing how much blood you suffered during the Indonesian War of Independence, you were generous, you didn’t bleed and poured most of the national budget into it, and I stopped the flow of innocent young blood. So the Dutch should thank me.

The UK and Japan will have to negotiate with the US.

I don’t know, but if there is a person, an angel, or a god who sent me here, it’s probably because they want to change the hell of the original history for a better way. The day I saw it all, I picked it up and sent it here, so it means that I have something I want.

So what I’m going to do is pretty self-explanatory.

“Your Majesty, the outer defenses of Paris have been breached. The enemy forces remaining in the city are estimated to be around one division, and are fiercely resisting.”

not long ago

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