< Episode 296 >

Several fighter jets flew through the sky at high speed.

Russian jet fighters equipped with anti-ship guided bombs have swollen livers and are ready to unleash lightning bolts at those attacking Russian naval destroyers.

Russia’s early anti-ship missiles were not large enough to be heard by fighters, but guided bombs were enough.

– You bastards, you’ll pay the price.

“Speak of course!”

Naturally, the Russian pilots had no realization that they were the first to break international law.

The warships of the great motherland were attacked. Self-defense and naval, they didn’t care about that.

They have been attacked and must pay the price for the betrayers and cowards who have lost their fear.

That’s it.

“Check the timing! Season 2!”

“Scrape it!”

The 30mm cannon blew out with a thumping sound. It doesn’t matter if it’s France the traitor or England the coward.

I will destroy everything that blocks the road. The Russian Air Force pilots, who flew with such determination as soon as they received the request for assistance, approached the enemy cruiser as far as they could see.

– Induce! Check the lock-on signal!

In an era without squeaking and HUD-like equipment, I could hear the noise of an infrared-guided bomb hitting a cruiser on its target, which used to sound in a headset as a way to tell that the infrared-guided device had properly identified the target.

“They shoot!”

75mm anti-aircraft guns and 40mm and 25mm machine guns fired fire. Of course, if it was a subsonic jet, it was arrogance to be able to hit a supersonic fighter with such a thing.

Graphite rose in the sky, but the fighters sneered and broke through the shells head-on.

– Drop, drop.

“Let it go!”

With that cry, the bomb was separated.

It took only two aircraft to destroy the HMS Man.


Admiralty, London.

“How did this happen!”

The prime minister was ready to grab the collar of the 1st Naval Police Officer, Admiral Louis Mountbern.

“Now the cabinet is in turmoil! HMS Man launched a pre-emptive strike on a Russian naval ship?”

“There are no problems with international law. The HMS Man responded and sank a destroyer of the Russian Navy that illegally entered territorial waters, disrupted peaceful navigation and refused to evacuate.”

In return, the Russian Air Force broke through the air defenses of the bewildered Anglo-French air defense forces with only two fighter jets, sending Man to hell.

It was a devastating defeat by exchanging an old destroyer of the interwar period with a newer air cruiser.

However, it wasn’t just the defeat that mattered.

“You want to destroy the empire!”

“I’m sorry, Prime Minister, that will never happen.”


“You know what Russia is most afraid of? No, we start by talking about what Russia wants.”

“It’s obvious that Russia wants it, isn’t it the dissolution of the empire?”

“That’s right. And they are capable enough.”


Admiral Louis Mountbern looked straight into the eyes of the Prime Minister who was about to swear that he had done this knowingly, said softly.

“Eric, the thing the Russians hate the most is that we’re all surrendered to the US, and conversely, the thing the US hates the most is that we’re all surrendering to Russia, so we’re stationing a carrier squadron, trying to get a leg up anyway. , the current situation came from their compromise. Split the empire in half, the continent for Russia and the sea for America!”

“Louis, are you crazy?”

“Look outside, Eric, look at the wrath of those citizens! They are calling for surrender, not surrender! Same goes for the French, did you say Russia won’t stand still? If we don’t stand still, the US will intervene. If we fight in France, on the coast, in the city, Russia will have no choice but to bring us to our knees, even because of domestic opinion! So, will the US leave it alone? The United States is more sensitive to public opinion than Russia.”

“Louis, I hope you…”

“Russia has won, one junk destroyer versus one modern cruiser. The Royal Navy’s devastating defeat, if that’s the case, they can save their face too, don’t you know? Fight or hold on, there is no way to maintain the empire unless the United States and Russia, their alliance, can be destroyed.”

The Russian military has no justification, but in the international community, the cause is important when the power gap is widening.

In a situation where all the permanent members of the UN Security Council are determined to take care of one country, it is fortunate that no matter how much they appeal for a cause, they will not be ridiculed or ridiculed.

To overcome this situation, the solidarity between the United States and Russia must be broken.

“In this situation, Russia has a choice, there is no other way to start a war than to eat France, and the war cannot be over until I and you who plotted this attack and I hang you on the gallows, but another war in America. In the end, Russia was left with no choice but to either destroy its solidarity with the United States, or to be content with this victory and succeed in the process of improvement.”

“Are you sure?”

“If he was human enough to choose war emotionally, he wouldn’t have even gotten there.”

“… Responsibility will be unavoidable.”

“If I can guarantee the existence of the empire with that responsibility, I will lose it a thousand times and ten thousand times.”


Kremlin, Russian Empire, Moscow.

“An accident?”

“It claims so.”

“It is regrettable that the victims have been killed in the fighting that occurred due to an accidental accident, and Algeria will hold a referendum on independence after paying reparations, so let’s end it here.”

I looked at the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

‘It doesn’t mean much.’

It had an ambiguous meaning.

It didn’t mean much to me, whether it was the foreign minister, the defense minister, or whoever sat there.

After all, they don’t make decisions autonomously, they just materialize what I’ve been instructed to do.

And it was also that there was not much meaning in the lockdown.

One Russian destroyer and one British-French cruiser were torn in the water… It didn’t matter.

What is important now is that by making this proposal, the Russian Empire has narrowed its options to two.

First, to step back ‘generously’ while promoting that the Anglo-French Empire bowed in, and that the naval battle was actually our victory.

Algeria’s independence referendum… Algeria itself has quite a number of pro-French and moderate independence sects that were destroyed during the Algerian War in the original history, and you don’t know what to do with it. Switzerland is attached to Germany because there are so many pro-German groups. Besides, if we put together the reports of Ohrana and GRU now, it seems that the infighting will not become as severe as it was originally intended that Algeria would fall away.

If this happens, we will not be able to achieve our primary goal of dismantling the Anglo-French Empire, but we will be able to save face.

And second, we pretend we didn’t hear and invade like this.

As a result of the invasion, victory is certain, and the United States does not enter the war. Marshall was a war hero who was elected as a member of an isolationist party.

The Republican Party’s main supporters reject war, and there is a strong disillusionment with war in the United States.

Therefore, it is impossible to plan to divide the United States and the British Empire like the division of Poland.

However, as felt in the last great war, the public opinion of the main battle spreads very quickly, like setting fire to dry leaves.

Even more so if you win.

Then we have no choice but to attack London…. America will never see it that way.

In the United States, it is unacceptable for the expansionist forces, which have been suppressed by isolationism, which have gained momentum in the face of the nuclear shock, to raise their heads.

And the threat of nuclear war cannot be tolerated.

Thus, war was not an option in the first place.

“… it was requested through a public channel.”

“That’s right. Newspapers around the world will report the surrender of the Anglo-French Empire as breaking news tomorrow morning.”

“…reply that you will accept the offer. I ate one.”

Of course, in history books, it will be written that the British and French Empires were unable to withstand the accidental war crisis and surrendered. Because anyone can see it.

However, it was a disappointment for me, who was aiming for the dissolution of the British and French Empire from the beginning.

If this is the case, there is no other choice but to use chickens instead of pheasants, eliminating room for nuclear development.


The Russian Empire’s newest hydrofoil high-speed boat broke the waters quickly.

The ship, heading north, left London Harbor and disappeared.

It was symbolic of the withdrawal of Russian troops and the end of the standoff.

The Navy Inspector, who silently watched the sight of the bow’s 3-inch rapid-fire cannon and the stern’s anti-ship missile launcher becoming invisible, turned his head bitterly.

No, I was going to become a ‘former naval officer’ soon. No one can be held responsible.

The Royal Navy has succeeded in concealing the fact that there was an order to engage in the Navy.

The two warships that could be called the parties were all sunk, and the armed merchant ships opened their guns accidentally when an engagement broke out, and the very few crew members who were rescued from hypothermia barely died from hypothermia did not know what kind of communication was actually going on. It was because the commanders of both ships were killed.

However, in the eyes of the public, Russia won anyway. Forced the enemies to surrender and humiliate them.

The loss of one destroyer was not a major blow to the Imperial Russian Navy. Even if it stood still, it was equipment that would have been retired because it was not suitable for operating the main weapon of the new era, anti-ship missiles.

On the other hand, for the Royal Navy, which lost one of its core main battleships, this could be said to be fatal.

In addition, the British Empire had to pay reparations in addition to an apology, and accept nuclear inspections from Russia and the United States.

This series of processes focused on blocking these countries from attempting to develop nuclear weapons.

However, the Russian Empire failed to dismantle the Anglo-French Empire. And Britain and France, united against the common enemy of Russia, succeeded in bringing about national unity.

If you were aware of these secrets, you would agree that the real winner of this ‘blockade of Britain’ was the British and French Empire that succeeded in ‘surviving’.

At the crossroads of whether to push forward and engage in a head-to-head confrontation with the United States, failing diplomatic efforts for peace with the United States, and win Pyrrhus, or declare a formal victory and take only part of the goal, the latter The chosen Russian Empire didn’t have anything to gain, but in the end, it didn’t achieve its original goal.

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