< Episode 307 >

UN General Assembly, St. Petersburg.

“They launched a poison gas attack on civilians! Thousands of civilians were poisoned by the gas, and women and children…”

“It is an obvious lie.”

The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the British-French Empire cut it short.

“So, do you have any evidence? Isn’t it just words? Has the means by which we delivered the poisonous gas been identified? In order to accept your country’s claim, you must present what the means of delivery, be it artillery or aircraft. Also, even if it is true, the North Chinese government has no right to argue about it.”

“What… what did you say now?”

“This is a domestic issue. Whether we use tear gas, nerve gas or mustard gas as you claim, I don’t think your country will interfere.”

“Hey… hey! Did you say that your compatriots are being slaughtered and that it is interference in internal affairs?”

“For reference, a gangster nation that uses the exact same logic as yours now started World War I. Can you take responsibility for those words now?”

“I agree that the remarks of the Ambassador to the Republic of China were extremely inappropriate.”

At the remarks of the ambassador of the Russian Empire, the face of the ambassador of North China hardened to the point that he could not harden any further.

“Not to mention that it is the academic conclusion that the same people, the so-called ‘Han Chinese’, which the Chinese call it, do not exist. If it is taken for granted to interfere in the domestic affairs of another country in the name of the nation, it will only cause another war.”

Neither the Russian Empire nor the United States is a multi-ethnic nation, so we have to be sensitive. Even the Russian ambassador, who he believed would be on his side, put an iron plate on his face and said that he could not interfere in the affairs of the British and French Empire, and he literally burst into bubbles.

“Academia agreed that the so-called ‘Han Chinese’ do not exist. Linguistically, it is clear that southern and northern China are in fact different languages, and it is orthodox that there is no ethnic similarity between the Han Chinese and the various archaeological evidence and biological evidence. Therefore, the Republic of China’s claim can be viewed as a tyranny equivalent to the Serbs who unilaterally call them brothers and claim their territory even though Croatians do not consider them the same ethnicity. Cultural spheres are also virtually separate, and if we accept the Republic of China’s argument, Italians, French, and Poles are the same people, Greeks and Russians are the same people, and Turks and Arabs, Muslim Indians and Southeast Asians are all the same people. I can. It could be said that there was, in fact, only one people in medieval Europe.”

Of course, it was a lot of exaggeration, but the meaning was simple.

‘They’re not even your people, are they right? Aren’t you the only ones who think so?’

‘Uh, you bastard trying to start a world war? The level of making fun of you are only Serbian black hands and Nazi bastards, right?’

No, going further…

-China must not be permanently united, any bastards who try to do that will be considered a threat to world peace and the UN forces will crush it.

It was decided to make sure that the contents of

The situation in which the Russian Empire, which was usually anxious because it could not eat the British and French Empire, confiscated it as soon as China became involved, was amazing.


“You seem to really hate the Chinese.”


“Should I say… should I be very wary of China? In this case alone, I was supporting the independence movement, and even though I had evidence of the use of poison gas, the Republic of China intervened…”

“China should not be unified, and if it is annihilated, it will be refreshing, but it will be impossible due to various factors. Fighting amongst themselves, slowly exhausting it, and remaining a weak power that can’t rise forever.”

“so why? Even if reunification centered on North China is achieved, our position in Acai will be…”


The tinnitus produced by the bullets of the Type 88 sniper rifle still echoes in my ears even now, decades later.

And the liquid splattered right on my face, and the burning sensation I felt around my face when my body was blown away by tyranny. Occasionally it appears in my dreams.

God will forgive me, but I couldn’t.

“Once he gets a little bit stronger, he will never settle down and try to conquer other countries. These arrogant bastards who think that the whole world is for them, shouldn’t be put into words.”

There is a saying that a stick is medicine for a mad dog.

Crazy dogs don’t talk, and they don’t listen to us.

They have to be beaten like a fortune teller to inform the subject.

“We are not taking any diplomatic action on the Indochina situation. You can continue to supply weapons, but don’t do more than that, and the plan to deploy the military advisory group is completely canceled.”


Even in Indochina, a fairly high percentage are Chinese. Of course, because three Chinese surnames were incorporated.

We should not give room for China to move its head in the name of that.

“Monitor the dynamics of both South and North China, to report immediately upon detection of any unintentional military movement. Neither South China, nor North China, nor Tibet… China should never be united again.”


Anna looked at the cigarette.

I had never smoked it because my father hated it so badly, but I did pretend to smoke.

Putting a cigarette in his mouth, not igniting the fire, he just bites the filter and clicks.

However, Shiga was an unknown opponent to her.

‘How the hell do you smoke this?’

read at https://readwn.com

My father gave a Japanese speech about the harms of secondhand smoke—and wrote a thesis—and told me that smoking would shorten my life.

But she also knows how to smoke. Can’t you just bite it, light it on fire, and then suck it in and then spit it out?

However, I was wondering if it was right to just light the tip of this cigar.

‘It’s a bone hit.’

Havana cigars from Cuba are the equivalent of the emperor of cigars.

And on the other hand, if you smoke and get caught by your father, he will not hesitate to resort to a fairly old-fashioned form of corporal punishment.

At this age, I really wanted to refrain from having my buttocks beaten in the presence of my whole family. Her name is a princess of marriageable age.

The problem is that the father declared that he would punish anyone who smokes among his children – even the crown prince – in that way, and he never withdrew it.

The father’s declaration remains in effect unless he withdraws it.

‘Smokin this, don’t you?’

To be honest, I was really curious about how good it was.

However, taking a deep breath, Anna finally put the cigar into the case. I’d rather just give it to someone.

Curious, but too risky.

‘It’s more of a dog than anything else.’

A princess in her twenties pisses off her father and gets beaten with her butt in the place where the whole family gathers? If there is a rumor, your face will be sold, so where do you go with your head?

Instead, Anna stretched out, thinking for a moment about her brother, who was now in the nuclear bunker on Mount Amantau.

“I think Morian is doing well.”

It was Anna herself who pushed her back.

But in the end it is she who makes the decision.

“No matter which way you decide, it’s fun for me.”


“I like.”

A word that seems light at first glance.

However, it weighed as much as the entire Mount Amantau where he had nested.



she replied

“Vivian is a thing of the past, I hate that name.”

The name given to the person who killed her parents.

The Nazis encouraged fertility, but some were not blessed with children.

Among them, there were cases where children were robbed. It was mainly a case of deceiving the children of political prisoners as their own children.

In the case of parents, it was better to leave their children alone than to be taken to the camps, but there were also party members who were found and shot to death after receiving the benefits of promotion in that way.

But that trick didn’t go away. It was to keep my mouth shut so I couldn’t make fun of it. The dead have no words.

There was such a case among the officials of Levensborn. To be precise, the official who did not meet the quota tricked him into filling the child in, and she was such a case.

“Vivian, that’s not my real name, I don’t know my real name.”

“It’s not a particularly good name. It’s just a call sign. given for convenience.”



But, weren’t you the one who gave the call sign?

you gave me a new life

to me.

just for me

It was the first time. such a feeling.

He hid his emotions for a long time so as not to be killed for his failures.

I learned to hide for such a long time and live the attitude to elicit the desired reaction from the other person.

However, only one reaction has never been obtained.

“I understand, we should get married, it’s the family’s will, the parents’ will, it’s right for a noble person like you to associate with someone similar to you.”


“But, have you ever met the woman who is now married? Even if you’ve met her, do you know her? She will look at you for the rest of her life, and you will only look at her for the rest of her life.”

The mask was broken. Tears welled up and my vision was blurred.

“I can.”


“Even if you don’t look after me, even if you look elsewhere, I can take care of you. I saw you before the woman you were engaged to, I saw you longer than she did, I was first, you… You must have pity me, yes, but I’ve been looking at you since those days.”

It burns like a bowl of lava has been poured into its chest. It felt like my whole heart was on fire.

That flame leaks out every time you open your mouth. It erupts into a volcano that cannot be contained.

“Lack of time? I’ve been looking at you longer than anyone else. Before you even talked about your engagement, since the world was at war! I liked you.”

You can’t lose to a woman you’ve never met, or to the opponent your parents have chosen.

Such a defeat, she could not accept.

The world is wide, so will you have a better relationship than me? it’s dog shit

She has no male experience. She is like a child about the world, and she knows it herself.

And as such, they may be so blind to the ones they love.

That’s why you can run so purely without looking back at others.

Do people need a reason to like people?

“So… look back.”


Even if you can’t become an official wife.

Even if I can’t speak confidently to the world.

Even so.

Don’t evade anymore.

Ask her for an answer to her feelings.

I already knew.

From the moment she ran away from fate, there was nowhere for her to be.

rather so.

Because it was.


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