< Episode 309 >

Confusion, confusion, confusion.

Only this could be expressed.

“Civil wars broke out in North China and India, an all-out rebellion broke out in Indochina, and battles were ongoing, and the regime collapsed in western Japan.”

“There has been a coup in Arabia. The exact situation has not been reported yet, and it is unknown which unit led the rebellion under which ideology.”

“Western Japan is in a state of complete anarchy. After the collapse of the government of Western Japan, the self-proclaimed revolutionary army also split.”

“What is America’s move?”

“There is a lot of public opinion about intervention. After Japan passes, Hawaii is next.”

It is the same logic as the US intervening in South America.

A growing threat to South America becomes a threat to the United States of America.

Therefore, just as the United States invades when an anti-American regime arises in South America, the United States, where the trauma of Pearl Harbor is still vivid, has a 100% chance to intervene.

“Still, it’s coming sooner than expected.”

“Are we going to try to manipulate public opinion in the US Joya to properly adjust the timing of the intervention?”


In order to increase damage to the US, it is desirable to proceed when the shoveling of the US, which we promoted, has reached its peak.

If you do it now, you can’t rule out the possibility that the dukes you’ve been doing in the past will become Doro Amitabha Buddha.

“Among public opinion, there are isolationist opinions about whether the US should intervene, and the argument that the US should intervene, but not the US, but provide weapons to other appropriate countries and use them as a kind of mercenary participation in the war. I will try to get it.”

“Give me some trouble.”

I nodded and opened another piece of paper.

“The US aircraft carriers have gone into scrap one after another, so that’s a good sign.”

“Actually, all U.S. Navy aircraft carriers have narrow hangars, so they are not good for operating jet fighters. Construction of new ships was canceled after the war was over, which is why the U.S. Navy insisted on propellers and hybrids for quite some time.”

“New aircraft introduction project, obsolescence, existing aircraft are outdated, so they are retired one after another, and heavy cruisers are also treated with moss balls…. It would be nice if they were completely destroyed, but I can’t take them out.”

There’s nothing else I’m trying to get rid of.

The know-how acquired by the US military through blood.

To that end, I didn’t really like the fact that I was still in reserve.

“The remaining U.S. military equipment will be distributed across seven bases, including Mojave and Fort Knox. It seems possible to start ‘fires of unknown cause’ in some of these places…”

“Okay, that’s way too risky, I’d rather urge the US administration to sell the equipment at a bargain price, do you have a good cause? Japanese thing.”

“We bring out the weapons to arm the mercenaries. The mercenaries are going to be the right country, especially now that the US Congress is full of people who will bubble when they say they want to increase their armaments.”

Even entrepreneurs would be upset if they said they would come back now and lay the rails for weapons production again. Actually, weapons aren’t as expensive as you think.

To be precise, it is more profitable to make and sell general items with the materials and time to make weapons.

Of course, if you sell it, you make money. money becomes

However, it is meaningful only when there is an arms race like the Cold War. In a wartime situation, the government never pays the right price to buy weapons, so no matter how much post-war compensation there is, it is a loss for companies. Naturally, entrepreneurs can only hope that the government does not intervene in the war.

“There must be plenty of reasons not to get involved in the oriental monkeys’ civil war.”

“Obviously it will.”

“So, let’s have a look, and whether a million of them die or ten million die, it doesn’t really matter from our point of view, right?”


USA, White House, Washington DC

“If you don’t know anywhere else, you must intervene in Japan!”

“People are rejecting it.”

“If Japan becomes communist, that’s like booking a second Pearl Harbor!”

“Russia is right in the north, and the parliament’s answer was whether they would let it go.”

read at https://readwn.com

Marshall looked tired.

“I want to move the army, too, but Congress is only calling for disarmament. People say they are tired of any more wars, what do you want from me? I mean, I don’t even have a graveyard.”

You cannot ask Russia to intervene. In Indochina, the British and French Empire troops were deployed on a large scale, and bloody suppression continued in North China, but the regimes of Qing, India, and Japan had already been overthrown, and in Arabia, the situation was very ambiguous.

It is true that the coup d’état overthrew the existing government and seized power, but it only imprisoned the Hashim family and did not touch it.

They even reaffirmed their oath of allegiance, claiming that they only purged the servants who were blindfolded by the Hashim family, but that their loyalty had not changed.

The moment they even touched the royal family, the Russian army regarded it as a left-wing military rebellion and it was obvious that they would push in. They were also right-wingers and allies of Russia and blindfolded them. didn’t

It was openly questioning whether the new military government needed to break the head of a crawler who dared to take care of itself in Russia, as it inherited the existing treaties with Russia.

Of course, it might be a different story if a large-scale demonstration for democracy took place over there, but Russia was watching the situation anyway. The reason for not intervening in Qing was a little questionable, but there were many theories that they wanted to intervene if the situation was cleared up because many factions were divided and fighting amongst themselves.

And the American interventionists talked about war.

Although India is considered a neutral zone for both sides and Qing is a puppet regime, the interventionists insisted that Western Japan’s pro-American maintenance was essential for the US’s defense of the Pacific.

“The voters don’t want to mobilize the military.”

“You’d better use other means, then.”

“Any other means?”

“We’re using people we can definitely control like Sephoy. What if we arm and train foreigners and send them to western Japan?”


The policy of aid to South China has clearly turned out to be a total diplomatic failure. No one doubted that Mao Zedong was behind all these revolutions.

In a way, it was only natural that the theory of responsibility was raised.

“If we intervene in the name of the United Nations, Russia will intervene, China is impossible, Ryukyu is too small, and if we move the Australian Federation, Russia will not stand still, because the enemy clause is clearly alive in the UN Charter.”

“These two countries can. Taiwan and Korea.”

Taiwan was under US sphere of influence, and Korea was under Russian sphere of influence.

“It would be unacceptable to withdraw troops from Taiwan. dismissal.”

An immediate backlash ensued.

“The moment Taiwan’s defenses weaken, Mao Zedong will invade Taiwan. Absolutely not! If you try to save your troops, you may end up sending in more!”

“Contact Korea, it is said that the ruling party has made great strides in the recent elections.”

There are two parties in Korea, which has adopted a dual government system.

The Democratic Party, the Republican Party, and the pro-Russian Republican Party are the opposition parties, while the pro-American Democratic Party is the ruling party.

Of course, that does not mean that the Republicans are anti-American and the Democrats are anti-Russian. Rather, the Democratic Party was closer to doing business with the United States as well as pro-Russian so that they could play the tightrope well.

At the forefront was Syngman Rhee, the first president, but Yeo Woon-hyeong, who became the second president after Syngman Rhee’s term ended and retired, was still there. Yeo Woon-hyeong, who once nearly collapsed due to his connection with the Workers’ Party of Korea during the national conspiracy of the Korean Workers’ Party, somehow managed to maintain his position and win the presidential election.

However, Congress has always been dominated by women, and the Republican Party, which had no specific person to stand for, lost the presidential election, but the party’s approval rating itself was high. Above all, there is a frame of ‘the force that actually liberated Joseon’.

Korea’s parliament is a 100% proportional representation system, and the governors and mayors of each region are all appointed, so the Republican Party, which has few so-called ‘names’, was always able to maintain its first party position in the parliament.

However, if that was a limitation, perhaps it was a limitation, and the Republican Party, which was able to amend the constitution alone due to a large-scale corruption scandal just before the general election, had to be content with giving up the seat of the first party in the parliament and winning 139 seats, a little less than a majority.

Therefore, for a country where the Russian army even used major ports as military ports, it is ironic that Korea now has many pro-American forces.

“If you promise us aid, economic development support, arms supply, and dispatch of military advisors, we will accept it.”

“All good, but will Russia allow us to send military advisors?”

Although nominally friendly, the reality of Russia and the United States is to keep each other in check in a subtle rivalry.

“Can’t we just make a little concession from the African or Indian side?”

In fact, Korea’s position was ambiguous.

It can directly threaten the Russian Pacific Fleet, Vladivostok, and Manchuria, but if it happens in the first place, it is meaningless because it will already destroy humanity.

However, there is no harm in being a base that can threaten Russia’s strategic military bases at low cost. good to have

The problem is that, since Russia is working hard in that region, the United States of America has no choice but to question whether there is any value to be gained in the region of the Korean Peninsula, even if it is willing to provoke Russia and risk an all-out war.

It’s good if you want to pressure China, but right now, China is only a third-rate underdeveloped country.

In other words, if you want to put a spoonful in Korea because you need it now, instead of borrowing Korea for a while, you won’t have it for long, and you will have to pay the price for it.

From the Russian point of view, it’s a shame to leave Korea behind, but if you hold it, it’s already an immovable port, and since you have everything, its value is bound to drop… If you give it a reasonable price, I’ll agree.

The question was what was the ‘appropriate price’.

“That’s… Nixon or Stevenson, can’t you tell him to think about it?”

It was Marshall’s serious voice.

“Anyway, my term of office is short.”

Republican presidential contender and his running mate, Vice President Richard Nixon, and Democrat Adelaide E. Stevenson, who once ran against him.

The two will face off in the next election.

George C. Marshall, who didn’t want to be a politician in the first place, wanted to be honest and let them decide.

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