< Episode 322 >

SMS Friedrich der Grosche, bridge.

In the distance, at a distance barely visible to the naked eye, two battleships are moored.

One battleship blocks the two battleships.

“There seems to be something.”

The captain of Friedrich der Grosche, who coincidentally had the same name, sighed.

Not only had he never received permission to engage in battle, nor was his chance of victory assuming he would give up a first attack.

If they were to break through, there was nothing he could do more than threaten them.

“Damn, I came out just to put some pressure on you, but what is this doing, is there any talk of HQ supporting you?”

“Berlin’s order is to simply withdraw if things are going to get bigger.”

Sprinkle some pepper and keep reminding yourself that the world isn’t friendly to you. At the same time, the Joint Defense Treaty also gave some positive aspects to the independence movement of the colonies.

In addition, Moscow wanted the British and French Empire to be more psychologically pinched.

“That’s why it’s heartbreaking to step back from here……”

Some good reason to go back…

“Captain! It is a specialty at KGVI.”

“What do you say?”

“I will return.”


“Yes, what can I say?”

“Okay, as soon as we see the players turn, we go to the Maldives.”

Having said that, the captain put out the pipe.

“…I feel bad.”


“Someday, I would say that there will be a fight for the life of those two ships.”


“It’s an international brigade.”

“It is an anti-colonial, volunteer organization that is said to have set out for liberation, but the scale is quite large.”

I skimmed the report.

“I think there was a similar organization during the Spanish Civil War, right?”

“Yeah, back then it was called the International Brigade, but it was quickly disbanded as the French intervened and the coup forces were suppressed.”

“It’s not a very good name considering what happened to that Spain later.”

I flipped the paper over.

“As you can see, there are only two private military companies, namely mercenaries, and two giant military companies, and there are only two places with a bit of a twist.”

“What about being behind?”

“The government is likely to be behind the scenes. The United States is more likely. We are collecting internal information about the International Brigade through our own sources and information shared by Stasi agents.”

“Okay, who’s the idiot from the inside?”

“There is. It seems to have something to do with the violence in Belgrade, Serbia. There, the agents of the 6th and 9th bureaus were also sacrificed quite a bit.”

“I was worried about the possibility of a nuclear material leak, and I am glad that it was cleared up on the Stasi line with Agent Black without sending in the military strike force, but it would have been worth seeing if there was a dirty night in our territory or Hungary.”



“According to reports from the Stasi, it seems that there are quite a few people in Germany who have come into contact with the Anglo-French Empire. First of all, there are two of them at the ministerial level. And there is one among them whom you know very well.”

“Who is it?”

“Erich von Manstein, who recently returned to the post of defense minister, is, of course, not a key person in various circumstances, and there is no evidence that he sympathized with it. It’s only a little contact or something, but it’s highly likely that he knew who the force was in the circumstances.”

“And I didn’t report it.”

“Yes, that alone is enough to establish a guilty plea. There is evidence.”

“…but you don’t have to expose it. Tell Manstein to put pressure on him, and if you don’t want to be dealt with, be good to yourself.”

The specter of Nazism is still alive. The ghost of communism is still wandering without rest.

“The flags are different, but that’s where people think, so the parasites of fascism will find other hosts.”

I said bluntly.

“To grant indulgences to ‘them’ for the sake of sparing their abilities is a betrayal of the Fatherland, not only the Russian Empire, but whether it has become the United States of America or the Third World. Therefore, they must all pay the price in death. Make them stop thinking that you can control them, Irina.”

Because no human being can control cancer cells.

“The infinite arms race will come to an end someday. No, it must be said that part of it is already over, at least because no other country other than the Russian Empire and the United States dares to arm itself with nuclear weapons.”

All other weapons are powerless in front of nuclear weapons.

However, such nuclear arms must come to an end someday.

“The ABM Treaty and the Strategic Arms Reduction Agreement are both too early to use now, but they must be finished someday. We must end this madness before the end of the 20th century.”

Will it be possible only when the world is completely reorganized into two axes, and when it is impossible to shake the stable world again, even for economic reasons?

In fact, even then, I’m not quite sure. Now, nuclear inspection is possible because only the US and Russia have monopoly on nuclear weapons. It was possible because the two major powers, the United States and Russia, would stop it if anyone made it develop nuclear weapons. And the knowledge of making nuclear weapons will continue even after all nuclear weapons are neutralized and all nuclear materials are sealed.

Humanity is not mature. At least in the 21st century, that was the case with the humans I saw. When the opponent releases the weapon, he says he will also let it go, and he never wants to let go.

When will it be possible for humans to truly mature?

I do not know either.

But, I don’t think I’ll ever see it in my lifetime.

At least I myself have come too far to believe in human good will.

“The construction of the U.S. Navy’s super-large SSBN is underway. The princess intervened indirectly and sent me various specifications, and the sonar and the reactor have already been operated. We also obtained the frequency of the propeller propelling sound.”

Except for the 175mm-class tactical nuclear weapons fired by self-propelled artillery, the US nuclear projectile system is dualized.

SSBN, submarine-launched ballistic missile, and Navajo intercontinental nuclear cruise missile.

Originally, the plan was to develop a nuclear-powered nuclear cruise missile, but after several failures, the U.S. military did not give up after scattering a lot of nuclear material in the Nevada desert, and turned to the development of a nuclear cruise missile using a conventional propulsion system, which is not difficult. was put into practice.

And the US Navy, which was supposed to deliver nuclear weapons with SSGN, was preparing to deploy SSBN for the first time.

North Carolina class SSBN. It is the largest submarine in history, carrying a total of 192 nuclear warheads with 24 gulls equipped with 8 re-entry vehicles on the ignorant Sinite missiles. Not joking, even the Typhoon of the original history slaps him back and forth.

The budget for each ship would be huge, but the problem is that the military secrets are leaking out one after another.

Now, what if we track that vulture and have a few attack submarines chasing after them, then shred and sink the torpedoes with a single surprise command and fire ballistic missiles? Considering that cruise missiles are relatively easy to intercept, unilateral assured destruction is possible, not mutually assured destruction. For the US, it would be crazy and crazy.

Even if not, if we prepare to launch a ballistic missile, there is a high possibility that our attacking submarines, which we were tracking, will judge that the war has begun and shoot them right away.

It’s like all U.S. naval secrets have been stolen from the source line or whatever.

‘It wasn’t enough that all the information on the nuclear platform capable of realizing mutually assured destruction was stolen. I don’t know what to say about this.’

I was really curious about the situation, but I couldn’t burst out to see it, and I had to be satisfied with the fact that I was able to grasp the level of US submarine construction technology and that it had deepened the straw in the US Navy.

‘I don’t think McCarthy’s 200 spies in the State Department will be nonsense if this goes on.’



“How many spies we have in the US State Department? Limited to staff.”

“205 people. At this point, yes. Of course, except for the simple collaborator level, only the personnel we classify as agents, and if human resources are included, it is twice that number.”

If you were a spy, from the generals to the juniors of a certain military organization, from the head of an intelligence organization to the level of a major team leader, what would you say about such an organization?

Of course, not really that much, but about half that.

“Continue leaking information,”

Rather than providing accurate information, you should give information that the other party wants to believe. Humans listen to what they want to hear, so it’s not difficult to make our thoughts flow as we intended while selectively flowing the information the other person wants to hear.

Of course, it’s a very vague part, as you can’t be too wrong and you can’t pass on essential information.

“Regarding the last projectile blueprint leak wave, many of the cuckoos in the cage have been removed. Of course, there are still some who remain, but it doesn’t matter because many of our spies are also secretly in the CIA’s intelligence analysis team.”

Even if an agent gets information, it doesn’t go up right away.

A photo is a photo, and a document is a document. Decipher it all and say, ‘This appears to be disinformation.’ ‘When you look at this picture, it looks like an airfield. The size of the wing seems to be capable of stationing three air wings, and the analyst is tasked with doing things like this in the Greek direction.

And, if this system is taken over, it is not uncommon to instigate the confirmation bias of the other party by cutting out dangerous information as disinformation, and by combining the information with the content that the other party wants to hear. That was what the Foreign Intelligence Agency focused on.

“I’m not sure what to call a substitute, but let’s fire one big cannonball to show our ‘chess master’.”

“Is it a cannonball?”

“Yeah, if the new president takes office less than three months later and gets hit in the back properly, wouldn’t it be pretty stingy?”


outer space.

The three astronauts aboard Luna 1 prepared for the final procedure.

Lander pilot Alexander Leonov and commander Yuri Gagarin closed the landing craft hatch, leaving orbiter pilot German Titov alone in the cockpit and reclining.

“Good luck, friends.”

In the worst case, if something goes wrong with the lander, they could be recorded as the first humans to lose their lives in outer space. Unlike orbiters, though no one spoke openly, landers were quite risky because they were built to fly to meet schedules and not tested much.

As if Titov’s concerns were not in vain, problems erupted throughout the landing procedure, which did not last for a long time.

However, all the difficulties were eventually overcome with the wit and improvisation of the field.

“Baikonur, this is the sea of calm. Bear has landed.”

Yuri Gagarin’s clear voice resounded around the world.

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