< Western (4) >

I got into the patrol car and started it. It was a de facto heavily armed camper using hydrogen fuel cells.

Well, there were some unavoidable aspects. It happens quite often that I have to sleep in a car in a wasteland where I drive for three or four days by car and I don’t want to meet a single person.

I set a goal and turned on autonomous driving, and I saw a hologram sitting in the driver’s seat.

It was Ogas.

“… What are you doing if you’re not driving yourself?”

“That’s right, I’m driving.”

In fact, almost all network terminals can be said to be nodes of Ogas. That includes, of course, most cars.

And the space of the camper was loaded with RPGs and shells, which are now old-fashioned weapons.


“There is a possibility that we will need additional firepower, so we mounted it. We also have to take into account the case where the drones do not arrive on time due to multiple time issues.”

“……Yes, thank you.”

It is illegal to possess firearms on Mars. The reason was simple. As we started accepting migrants, the logic that came out of the UN was, ‘What kind of wild animals are there on Mars?’ ‘If it’s a human-to-human danger, they both have guns, but they both don’t have guns, but they’re the same.’ It was roughly that kind of logic. Although there were many objections from the US side, the possession of guns was a controversial issue even within the country, and in the end, a gun ban was passed in Mars.

In fact, there are wild animals on Mars. Livestock mainly brought by migrants are individuals who have escaped from pastures, etc. However, since the ecosystem is still only plants, they have not reproduced at a meaningful level. Of course, there are no wild beasts, and no pets or zoos were ever brought to Mars or built in the first place.

Roughly speaking, the only algae on Mars, quails—chosen to be more efficient than chickens—wild bees, and morpho butterflies, cows, and ducks that were originally released into the wild to pollinate plants are the only living creatures on Mars other than humans and plants. No chickens or even pigs.

In other words, the most dangerous creature in Mother Nature is a cow that is out of control, and there is no danger except in cases where it stings the beehive. Humans are not the most dangerous creatures for nothing.

Crucially, there are no mosquitoes or flies on Mars. In a sense, it is natural to say that livestock are created locally through artificial insemination, but what are mosquitoes, flies, and cockroaches for? In fear that other living things might have been attached to the spacecraft, the space airport is doing its best to prevent even a single microorganism from entering through quarantine by using every special means.

The introduction was long, but there was no situation in which to use an ignorant thing like an RPG. If civilians without guns have to come out with determination, they will come out with improvised firearms, bows, and cold weapons, which are far inferior to ordinary guns, but they are sufficiently subdued with pistols. In the case of a vehicle or aircraft attack, the Ogas system will immediately seize control and immediately arrest and hand over the terrorist. Even if wild cows are charging, there is little reason to use anti-tank rockets.

The reason it was in the sheriff’s arsenal was just to prevent an avalanche by shooting one at a time in the snowy areas in winter.

Of course, Ogas has a number of unmanned aerial vehicles with considerable operational capabilities even here, even by Earth standards, but the reason for this permission was that Ogas was seriously concerned about Mars’ attempts to become independent, so that the entire population of Mars could be trampled on by Ogas in advance. They were heavily armed so that they could not suppress Ogas even if they worked together.

“The number of drones is not lacking. What is really lacking is an airfield that will be responsible for resupplying drones, and drones can be produced at any time as needed. “The number of plutonium itself to run drones with nuclear batteries is small, and it can only be installed on large aircraft.”

Contactless charging technology is not yet sufficient. Even if you supply energy to drones in this way, how many more drones will be needed to serve as an aerial tanker to cover the entire Mars, and how many more nuclear cells would there be?

It is nuclear material that can not even be diverted as desired. Currently, there is no factory on Mars and the nuclear material needed is entirely supplied from Earth, so Mars itself has no other way than to increase its supply base.

And if you randomly increase the supply base, a vicious cycle continues, such as requiring additional manpower or drones to manage and supply the base.

“It is a problem that time will solve. If I had acted as freely as on Earth, I would not have opened my hands to my father.”

“Yes, yes, this father will sleep well, so if anything happens, wake him up.”

“All right.”


Where there is light, there is also darkness.

In the real world and in developed countries, there are people who fall into the swamp of poverty, but is it different in the changed world line? There is no such thing as a system that satisfies everyone.

Russia’s influence was absolute in the members of the Joint Defense Treaty, so they provided ample economic support to the relatively poor.

Due to the extreme development of unmanned and automation, all the population is in a position to receive absolute service, and most of the human beings have become surplus labor. But the system kept the population from simply falling into unemployment.

Although high tax rates followed, practically even the poorest of the poor could lead a prosperous life, given almost free medical care, completely free medical care and welfare, good sanitation and free state-run facilities, and they made progress. I was able to get the opportunity to study so that I could do it, and to have a farm and a villa that I could grow with my family.

The majority of the labor force, with a few exceptions, was irrelevant, albeit meaningless.

If necessary, they could work and get a paycheck—though it doesn’t really matter—and feel satisfied, and even if they didn’t want to, they could lead a comfortable enough life with a reduced income.

Of course, there are no dissatisfied people in such a country, but it is clear that at least the level or number is much lower.

But what about other countries?

If the vast majority of members of a country are happy, it means that someone outside is carrying their pain.

First of all, the African Federation is clearly strong, but at the same time has a serious gap between the rich and the poor, and its internal contradictions are considerable. It is to lead the country somehow, despite its considerable importance.

Egypt is no different. Because they are less, they can fight against the whole of the African Federation, their own corruption is not significant compared to developed countries, and both have long since turned into de facto dictatorships. The African Federation was a constitutional monarchy only in name but a de facto tyrannical monarchy, and Iraq is an outright military dictatorship.

Arabia is highly valued for its level of integrity, but it is also high-class, and the Hashim royal family themselves have no small amount of corruption.

India also broke many of the old bad habits and sense of identity, but clearly the people’s living income is being treated as a developing country, and it lacked the resources and technology to create full automation and basic income payment like the CDP countries. The Indochina Federation and Tibet are also developing countries because their industries are not well developed, and the Philippines and Taiwan have been economically bankrupt to the extent that the movies of the past are sad.

As already mentioned, the Commonwealth of Independent States is a group of 13 countries, with 11 copies of Somalia in the original history, one fake in North Korea and one fake in Venezuela. As a result, social contradictions are accumulating.

Even the United States, a representative superpower, has a serious gap between the rich and the poor, but the most serious problem was the federal republic of South America, where guerrillas still roam. This is the front yard of the United States, which can almost be called a giant Afghanistan. Unlike Afghanistan or Iraq, the United States could not take its hands off it.

And, this imbalance leads to dissatisfaction.

Fireworks erupted in the Federal Republic of South America. And their influence spread throughout India, the Philippines, Taiwan, Japan, Arabia, Egypt, and the African Confederation.

Even Russia and the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States were not without sympathizers, where the success rate of terrorism execution was close to 0%. However, they were arrested or shot before any action, but that did not prevent CDP nationals from going abroad and joining the ‘Liberation Front’.

Those who seek a revolution of the majority against the few, which will liberate mankind from capitalism.

Everyone had a different idea of what to do after overthrowing capitalism, but they were united in one anger: to overthrow capitalism.

Their primary enemy was the United States, the capital of capitalism, and it was effective to destroy their greatest achievements to bring them down.

No matter how much management is transferred to the United Nations, it is calculated that the green Mars is a work of the United States, and therefore, if the habitability of Mars becomes impossible, it could be a fatal blow to the United States.

“If a man does not drink water, he will die within three days. If you don’t breathe air, you die in three minutes, and without warmth, you die in three hours. The most fragile of these is water.”

The man scoffed at the tip of the cigar.

“How about extraction of botulinum toxin?”

“We are still experiencing difficulties, but we have succeeded in extracting a small amount somehow.”

“Be more energetic.”

Botulinum toxin, or botulinum toxin germinated from botulinum bacteria, is a toxin that paralyzes nerves and causes death.

When inhaled, the semi-lethal dose for an adult male is only 0.5 nanograms per kilogram.

read at https://readwn.com

Mars has weaknesses.

The fact that the water source is limited and that all the water that makes the sea and grows plants cannot be transported by spaceships, so it is dug out from the poles of Mars and used.

If it becomes polluted, Mars’ drinking water supply will end.

The problem is that botulinum toxin is fundamentally a protein, and protein toxin is weak against high heat, so you can be concerned about decomposing it if you just spread it. So it is cesium chloride that will give you a wedge here.

Because radioactive materials are not damaged by acids, bases, high or low temperatures, etc., only in terms of time.

If the civilians of the Mars settlements are slaughtered and the Martian settlements are forced to be abandoned, the United States will obviously be shocked.

And the downfall of America will soon be the downfall of capitalism.

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