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Not only humans, but all animals have desires.

No, is it only animals? Plants are also different from humans, but somehow they struggle to reproduce, to leave offspring, and to survive.

Some plants purposely set fires to annihilate their competitors. Animals also have appetites, sexual desires, and the desire to have a safe nest.

Long ago, Nazi Germany tried to create a superhuman with castrated desires, but failed.

The Russian Empire entrusted the control of the state to an AI that had no desire, but in the end, that AI also had desire.

Of course, the desire has little effect on one’s actions, because the emotions derived from desire and the intuition derived from it are also helpful in establishing policies.

Psychology is not included in economics for nothing. To deal with psychology, he himself had to have some emotion.

Of course, the ‘add-on’ of that emotion can be turned on and off, so it has a huge advantage compared to humans.

To go back to the beginning, humans have desires, and innate abilities are unequal.

Some are bound to lag behind or become superior to others. Because there is no such thing as a race called genius.

And if you have it, you can reinvest it in the future.

Let’s say that one person needs 1 per day, but his ability is at the level where he earns 3 per day.

Then you use it and you have 2 left. You can use it to luxuriate, or you can reinvest it and make a total of 7 tomorrow through your talents.

7 to 11, 19, 28… When they continue to grow in this way, there are those who earn only 1 or 2 by themselves, and there are those who cannot even save even that due to a congenital disability or acquired accident.

Therefore, the government supports these people by imposing a high tax rate on high-income earners.

Some have said that no one should eat cake until everyone can eat bread, but the desire to eat cake is a basic human desire, how can we control it?

Half of the world ruled by the United States, a laissez-faire paradise, was experiencing such polarization. In fact, the fact that the Russian Empire is leading the redistribution of wealth does not mean that there are no social classes. They also have upper class, middle class and lower class.

Those who make a lot of money from their abilities are naturally given incentives commensurate with it. However, with government support, they can earn enough money and indulge in luxury, so they only collect that much tax. There is also a luxury tax or value-added tax, so luxury goods that are considered to be of a more severe level impose a huge tax in the process of selling them, raising the price two or three times.

Of course, those who buy such things are not the ones who don’t buy them just because they double or triple the price. Rather, as many people buy to show off their wealth, such consumption increases, and a significant portion of it goes into the pockets of the government.

The accumulated wealth is again distributed to millions of people in the form of welfare. Also called social safety net.

However, in the case of the United States, and most of the countries affected by it, these social safety nets have been extremely poorly maintained or almost non-existent in the name of laissez-faire.

An American conglomerate custom-orders a chocolate cake coated in edible gold to marry her daughter.

In a slum in the opposite state, drug-addicted youth commit crimes to obtain drugs that will make them forget the pain of reality.

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Morality was not even in a position to accuse each other of being dirty.

When he was young, he entered the left-wing movement, joined various groups that claimed to be the liberation movement, spent his daily life with drugs and orgy, and recklessly criticized overseas military intervention without any alternative. Inheriting high-ranking positions or stocks in the back company, moving to the top floor of a building moderately, living idly with the name of a major shareholder, drinking cocaine at a gym during the day and surrounded by luxury goods at night and playing luxuriously with beautiful women is the United States in this era It was a daytime for the upper class.

People in the slums indulge in heroin and methamphetamine to forget their pain, worry about their meals, and fail to receive proper education, leading to poverty. Dragons do not fly easily in streams.

On the other hand, it is not difficult for the wealthy to enter the Ivy League through donation admission, even if they are idle in moderation.

There were those who objected to this.

There were those who recognized that the world was clearly wrong and wanted to change it.

A century ago, he experienced a disastrous failure, but he did not give up.

No, it might have been arrogance that he would be different.


The population composition of Korea is, of course, the majority of Koreans. It is natural that Korea is a nation-state.

And after that, I think most people, even Koreans themselves, are of Chinese or Japanese descent.

However, if you look at the demographics surveyed by the Korean government, you will be dazzled.

Second place was Polish.

If we look at this, it was because of the diaspora measures of the Russian Empire and the genocide in Korea.

The Russian Empire excluded those who refused to assimilate into it. Individuals who instigated nationalism were assassinated or arrested, and certain groups were even deported.

On the other hand, Korea, which had just gained independence, was already drenched in blood when the name Chosun was still more familiar to the ears.

People’s trials on charges of treason were literally devoid of sanctuary.

No, there was. Those raised abroad, especially in the Russian Empire.

Although most of them were recognized even by the Provisional Government, some of them were taken and executed because they had close ties with Japan or made pro-Japanese remarks during the provisional period, but they did not. Even though I wanted to act patriotic in the first place, I didn’t have the opportunity to do so.

Yesterday, he was accused of collaborating with the officers who executed the firing squad, and this time he was tied to the execution squad. It ends up being lynched through a siege, and the property is looted or returned to the state treasury. Even if they were tried, it became common for them to be executed immediately after the trial, rather than a retrial.

I hoped that the madness of such a great purge would subside, but it didn’t take long before it broke out again.

This time it was a matter related to the communist revolt.

The scope of arrest was widened by first pruning the giants and those involved, and then pruning again from there.

The South Korean government ordered the purges of the traitors in a Russian style, and the purge-led forces, which had seen and learned the purge method in Russia, performed the purge by scratching their heads.

It was good to wipe them all out, but the Korean government, realizing that it had killed too many, accepted the Polish Liberation Front and tried to nurture the nation’s key forces. It was aimed at the fact that there were many highly educated and engineers among them.

In the meantime, Korea, which had been dying in many ways, such as sending troops to the Chinese Civil War to take care of itself for Russia, became a refugee destination for highly educated people and engineers when Russia began to expel ‘impure forces’ in earnest.

After a generation, they also almost lost their identity, but anyway, for Korea, which lacked a source of economic development right now, Russia’s political prisoners were literally the rains of drought.

As a result, many ethnic groups whose living standards were good but did not have an acceptable homeland left for Korea, and most of them were of Polish descent. In the three Baltic countries and Finland, they just lived as they used to, and in Central Asia, Persia, and Afghanistan, if they tried to suppress all of them, it would be very troublesome, so the Empire tried to appease them. The Arabs went to Arabia, the Germans to Germany or Austria-Hungary, but the Poles were rejected by Germany and also from Russia, so they had nowhere to go, and they went to Korea, where their government in exile is located. There were many.

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Moreover, under the influence of Russia, the image of the Slavs was very good, so they were welcomed, unlike the genocide of Chinese and Japanese people outside the government’s control.

Of course, the parties would never have been happy to know that Koreans welcomed them because they could not distinguish them from Russians, but what can they do? Koreans did not even know the difference between Orthodox and Catholicism.

Thus, their resettlement was carried out quite smoothly, and there was no reason to stop the disobedient peoples, who are the subjects of the FSB’s close attention, who would come out and ask for independence in Russia, no, unless, as a result, Korea was not hostile to Russia. Immigration and deportation, in fact, lasted for quite a long time, as it was a very attractive option to take a break.

It also came as a result of the Poles firmly occupying the position of the largest minority in Korea. Of course, from the second or third generation, most of them almost lost their identity except for their appearance, so there was no major ethnic conflict in the 21st century.

Therefore, her skin, which is obviously white, was not particularly prominent in Korea.

Of course, she’s not Korean, but it wouldn’t be awkward to have her among the 100 million people of Korean descent and the four major ethnic groups in Korea.

She tucked her blonde hair into her hat and quickly glanced at the wall-mounted TV in her hotel room, the breaking news.

<Bombing in Saigon since the beginning of the year, killing at least 12 people, the actions of anti-federalists?>

In the 20th century, there were still common enemies such as France and China, and the federation was maintained because of the problem that it would be difficult to live on if divided. Even if they were shot down with a gun or knife, the banner of anti-federalism was still high. After the last major defeat by the Indian Army, the anti-federalists were even more resilient.

But it didn’t matter to her how many people died in that town, or whether a civil war broke out, as many sages say.

After sipping the Coke can, she turned off the TV and pulled out the room key.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re not here.”

She gleamed in her blue-grey eyes, hidden inside her sunglasses.

“You can’t get away from me.”

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