Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 981 Reinforcement

"Are you Mr. Iron Man?"

Tony Stark was awakened by Ji Xing's question until he subconsciously followed Ji Xing for a distance. He looked at Ji Xing, who spoke authentic American English, and had thousands of words in his mind, which finally converged into one sentence.

"I should be, but I'm not sure."

After a speechless and self-deprecating sentence, he asked: "I remember that Lan's Technology completed the mass production of armor three months ago? I see that those soldiers are well-trained..."

There is no need to ask whether similar armor is really mass-produced. Tony Stark wants to solve other doubts.

Ji Xing replied: "More than three months, before the public release, we have of course conducted mass production tests... Well, that was a secret before, but it is nothing after today.

As you can see, the mecha troops secretly formed by the country have undergone arduous training, and today is the first actual combat. The second generation of mechas are also under development. The one I am wearing is a semi-finished product and still needs a lot of improvements...Speaking of this, is Mr. Tony Stark willing to come to our laboratory to help?"


Tony Stark has never been so speechless, he confirmed: "You... are poaching me?"

"Hahaha, I'm used to it. The chairman said that poaching is not allowed." Ji Xing smiled and said: "But Mr. Iron Man is welcome to visit our company.

Also, you are not here to reinforce, right? What is the situation in the United States? Do you need me to contact the S.H.I.E. Bureau for you? Director Zheng Xian? "

"I have no interest in your company. If I hadn't promised not to sell weapons to other companies, my Mark Armor would have been mass-produced long ago." Whether it was because of his pride or to make up for the unhappiness in his heart, Tony Stark made such a statement before saying: "The enemies we face are not just those miscellaneous soldiers just now, but powerful gods from the nine realms.

This is a global disaster, and we need to work together to get through it. Do you have a way to contact the director of the Spear Bureau? Has the communication network and signal on the Chinese side been cut off? "

"We have an internal network for the mecha."

Ji Xing pressed a hidden button on the upper chest of the mecha, and Tony Stark immediately heard the voice of his artificial intelligence butler Jarvis: "An unfamiliar signal has been identified and is being connected, Mr. Stark."

It can actually connect to my armor? Stark was startled again, but he remained calm and said, "Connect."

Accompanied by a beep, the sound of the microphone came out, and Tony Stark heard the voice of a strange middle-aged man: "This is Zheng Xian, the director of the S.H.I.E.M. Stark? I have heard of your arrival."

His English level is not as good as Ji Xing's, but it is also excellent. Even if he speaks very fast, Tony Stark can hear it clearly: "The situation is urgent, let's make it short. Our 3,000 mecha corps have been dispersed to various cities and successfully blocked all the fire giants outside the coastline. The losses are basically just some property.

According to the opponent's strength, the situation of other Asian countries besides us should not be optimistic, but we cannot provide reinforcements now, because before obtaining authorization, our mecha corps cannot enter the territory of other countries at will. Even if we go to rescue, it will only bring countless troubles in the future. I hope you understand. "

Tony Stark's words were choked in his throat. Even though he knew that Zheng Xian had found excuses in advance for the safety of China's borders, he had to admit that such a thing might happen, or most likely would happen.

And... there are actually three thousand?!

"However, in addition to the mecha corps, the superheroes who only represent individuals have already taken action separately to reinforce various countries. Mr. Stark, I want to know which nine realms of gods have invaded the earth this time, and how strong they are, so that we can better cooperate to solve the crisis. "Zheng Xian said quickly again.

Stark came back to his senses, and his mind turned. No wonder Nick Fury said last time that Zheng Xian, the director of the S.H.I.E.A., was a bastard who was proficient in thick black studies.

The conversation is blocked, and the initiative is firmly in my hands. It seems that I have no other choice but to share the information for free. It's really annoying.

But... forget it.

Thinking of New York, which is suffering from the disaster, and the compatriots who are being slaughtered every minute and every second, and thinking about the mass-produced mechas just seen, Tony Stark has no intention of competing, but secretly determined to mass-produce Mark armor after overcoming this crisis! Selling or not is another matter, but it must be there!

So he quickly shared several Nine Realms gods he saw in New York, led by the dark elf Malekith, the frost giant king Laufey, the fire giant queen Sind, the angel queen...

"Those gods are not easy to deal with. The fire giant queen Sind who came to Asia can even suppress the mother of the gods head-on. You really don't plan to send out... send out this "mecha legion"? If there are casualties, don't blame me for reminding you too late." Stark said.

"Thank you for your intelligence. I have understood it." Zheng Xian said: "In the spirit of humanitarianism, after solving the fire giant leader, we will immediately find a way to launch international reinforcements. Now, can Mr. Stark run again and keep in touch so that I can contact Director Nick Fury?"

"I don't know if that guy escaped in time." Stark said silently.

At this moment, he felt helpless, aggrieved, and a little absurd in his heart, because he found that he could not refuse Zheng Xian's proposal at all.

As Iron Man himself, he knows very well what kind of power three thousand Iron Man can have together, even if they are individually weaker than him.

It is no exaggeration to say that if nuclear war is ignored, it can unify the world in a devastating way, and the witchcraft of the dark elf Malekith will not have the slightest effect in the face of that glorious trend.

He may be capable of causing dozens or hundreds of losses to the mecha army, but he will definitely be dealt with! In other words, when he sees China's heritage, he no longer needs to place his hopes on Thor, the God of Thunder. This invasion by the gods of the nine realms is bound to result in defeat!

But...this is so strange.

Tony Stark has never been so awkward in his life, as if... He has always been proud of picking up a beautiful girl, but one day he suddenly discovered that she had three thousand ex-boyfriends?

Phew, I need to chill out.

So he said in a low voice: "Then I will go back first. The superheroes of SHIELD have temporarily retreated to Avengers Mountain in the North Pole. It will take a few hours for me to fly back. I hope Director Zheng Xian will have good news by then. ”

After saying this, he didn't say goodbye to Ji Xing. He turned around and flew towards the north. Ji Xing smiled in his heart. How could he break his defense?

Immediately, he entered the communication with Zheng Xian in a serious tone: "Director Zheng Xian, has our Chairman Aizen also gone to other countries as a superhero of the Divine Spear Bureau?"

"That's right, but don't worry." Zheng Xian said: "Accompanying Mr. Aizen is the superhero Monkey King. He is good at melee combat, disguise, and detection. He is a nearly omnipotent hero. Your chairman is also a stable person, so he will be fine. of."

"Uh... ok, I get it."

Other countries in Asia do not have three thousand Iron Man guards. They have suffered heavy damage under the invasion of fire giants.

South Korea and Seoul were already in ruins. The fire giants that had wreaked havoc seemed to have moved to other places. Only then did the flames here extinguish slightly and the roar of war stopped.

On a certain ruins, South Korean superhero Amadeus Cho knelt on the ground slumped.

The surrounding ruins are full of corpses, some missing, some burned to black. As a superhero and one of the smartest humans on earth, ‘Xiao Zhao’ blames himself for his choices.

Instead of risking his life to protect ordinary people, he took the superheroes around him and hid in an underground shelter facility when the Fire Giant Queen Cinder appeared, choosing to preserve his vitality.

This is the most correct choice, but the corpses around it are the price to pay for it. Not only that, but his fellow superheroes whose lives he 'saved' were also looking at him reproachfully, and some even slandered and cursed him.

Among these superheroes, there are also two heroes from China. One of the young men was holding a gorgeous sword. Looking at the ruins around him, he couldn't help but point the sword at Xiao Zhao.

His name is Lin Lie, and he is a descendant of the famous Three Emperors Fuxi. It is said that during the Battle of Zhuolu, the Yellow Emperor sought the help of Fuxi, Nuwa and Shennong in order to defeat Chi You, and Fuxi, Nuwa and Shennong gave the Yellow Emperor three divine swords.

As the descendant of Fuxi, the sword in Lin Lie's hand is the source of his power. Fuxi's Sword is also the legendary Xuanyuan Sword!

But the reason why he blamed Xiao Zhao was different from others. It was not because he was temporarily avoiding the edge, but because he was tricked by Xiao Zhao into coming to South Korea to join some kind of Atlas organization. At this critical juncture, he could not protect himself. motherland.

Also sad about this is the Chinese heroine Cyclone. Looking at the disaster in Seoul, they think of their motherland. I wonder how many compatriots have been massacred and how many cities have been destroyed at this time?

But they can't even go back!

A superhero came to smooth things over, but the young and energetic Lin Lie refused to listen until the tearful Xiao Zhao raised his head and said: "When this is over, I can do whatever you want, but now we have to work together, Lin Lie, The power of the Fire Giant Queen is too strong, we cannot lack anyone!

Regret is of no use here. We just heard that the Fire Giant Queen's goal is to melt the Arctic ice and snow and turn the world into a sea of ​​flames! We have to rush to Siberia immediately and seize the last chance to stop her! "

Lin Lie hesitated and his hand holding the sword loosened slightly, but... couldn't he go back?

The interests of family and country are often the most difficult to choose, let alone for a young man in his twenties.

What's more... recalling the power of the Fire Giant Queen Cinder, the superheroes also trembled in their hearts. Can we really defeat the gods?

Just when the atmosphere was a little subtle, a voice suddenly broke in: "It seems that we are still a little late."

The superheroes paused and looked towards the direction of the sound. At this moment, they saw two people riding tall horses and jumping onto the rocks of the ruins.

One of them is bald and has pigtails, and the other is gentle and elegant with glasses. They are the Monkey King and Aizen who came from China!

But the superheroes didn't know these two 'newcomers', and thought the way they appeared on horseback was absurd and weird. Xiao Zhao asked: "Who are you?"

The Monkey King smiled faintly: "Do you still recognize the Monkey King, the Monkey King?"

All the heroes looked at each other.

Who doesn't know this? Needless to say, two Chinese people, Lin Lie and Cyclone, Monkey King, the Monkey King, are famous all over the world.

Seeing this, the Monkey King smiled with satisfaction: "I am the second generation Monkey King, and so is Sun Wukong!"


Lin Lie frowned and suddenly asked: "Are you Chinese? The one next to you is also..."

"Aran, the chairman of Lan's Technology Group, is now a superhero of the Divine Spear Bureau."

Aizen smiled and said: "Sorry, we arrived too late and couldn't provide reinforcements in time."

"...Lan's Technology? The company that said it mass-produced Iron Man's mecha? Chairman Lan Ran?!" Lin Lie's tone of voice was just like the surprised expressions on everyone's face.

Lin Lie was even more shocked. As a resident of SH City, he had passed by the headquarters building of Lan Technology Group several times. Even the mobile phone he used was produced by the other party... Yes, no wonder he looked familiar. This guy was indeed The chairman of Lan Group is in the news. He is actually a superhero?

And... "Are you coming from China? Why are you coming to reinforce South Korea? Hasn't China been attacked?!"

He was half expecting, half questioning, but Aizen's attitude remained calm and said: "Don't worry, the mass-produced Stardust Armed Mecha Type I has been assembled in the army on a large scale, and 3,000 mecha soldiers are enough to guard the security of our country. ”



The superheroes' reactions were similar to Iron Man's when he first saw the Mecha Legion.

Three, three thousand mecha soldiers?

If we understand correctly, that’s three thousand ‘Iron Man’? !

Lin Lie was so shocked that he almost forgot his joy, but Xiao Zhao reacted first: "3,000 mechas? Fire Giant Queen Xinde's goal is to melt the Arctic glaciers. If there are 3,000 mechas..."

"No, our mecha army cannot enter other countries rashly, so we are the only two who come to reinforce... Of course, there are other superheroes who have gone to other Asian countries."

Xiao Zhao said anxiously: "The situation is urgent, why bother..."

"Hey, do you think I don't exist?" The Monkey King interrupted them with an unhappy voice, and looked at Aizen, half helpless and half complaining: "I know that if I act with you, you will steal the limelight, Lan's Technology The distinguished chairman of the group.”

Aizen smiled and shook his head: "I'm sorry, this is the first time I'm about to face a real battle, and I have to rely on the Monkey King brothers to take care of me. Director Zheng Xian should also consider it from this perspective."

"I know, there's nothing I can do about it. I'll take good care of you because you have a bad temper with me." The Monkey King grinned, looked at the superheroes in front of him, and hummed: "Do you know what 'Monkey King Sun Wukong' is?" '? Fire Giant Queen? I will kill her myself!"

Superheroes: "..."

Just your ridiculous appearance on horseback?

He has the unruly nature of the Monkey King, but he doesn't have the strength to match it.

Aran whispered in his heart. He could tell at a glance that the power of the 'Monkey King' was at the same level as the people in front of him. The source of his power was Sun Wukong and the Golden Cudgel, which was the same type as Lin Lie who was holding the Xuanyuan Sword. The strength is also similar.

‘God’, the Fire Giant Queen?

If I hadn't intervened, maybe the Monkey King's death omen star... would have been twinkling!

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