Reading God System

Chapter 982: Luo? Strategy

  It's a big deal! He couldn't help but careless, what he had to do was to coax the countless monsters who escaped from the East into his own hands, and hide behind the scenes to let those monsters who escaped declare war with the East! At that time, the wars between a large number of monster races will definitely be full of blood! And at that time! This is the best time for him to grow up! As long as he absorbs those blood qi, Luo Hui is very sure that he will be able to step into the realm above Da Luo Jinxian! And as long as you step into that realm, you can unscrupulously carry out massacres in the east to improve your cultivation! Wait until your own cultivation base reaches no one can control it! It's the best time for him to end the battle for fate!

   I have to say, history is always similar! The original Luo Hu grew up by absorbing blood and energy from the war between the three clans, but the current backwardness is no different from the original! It's just that the object of coaxing has been transferred from the three races to the monster race! The three clans now have become running dogs under the Da Xia Yun Dynasty, so Luo Hu doesn't have any chance to coax them. The only thing he can coax now is the large number of monster races who have escaped from the east! But this makes no difference to him! Because originally the main force of Longhan Jie was not the three clans! But a large number of monsters!

   When the three clans were established, the scales of the monster clan belonged to the dragon clan, the birds belonged to the phoenix clan, and the beasts belonged to the qilin clan. Originally, Luo Hu provoked a war between the three clans, which was also a war between the demon clan! The only difference from the original is that the current monster race has not differentiated into the three types of feather scale beasts, and it is still a chaotic situation! There are only three tribes missing, and there is not much difference from the original Longhan Great Tribulation, so once Luohu's plan is successful, then it will definitely be a great disaster for the Primordial World! Who is the most numerous race in the prehistoric world? It is undoubtedly the Yaozu!

   If Luo Hui provoked the flames of war between the two monster races, then this will definitely be a calamity no weaker than the original Dragon and Han catastrophe! And this kind of catastrophe is absolutely the thing that Luo Hu would like to see most! Because only in this way can he absorb blood and grow up! Reach a height that no one can match! Master the destiny of the prehistoric world! Win the battle of fate! Only in this way! This is the only way Luo Hui can go and his only chance! If it is lost, Luo Hu will never grow up, so he must do this, even if those monster races are so proud, he must find a way to coax those guys into attacking the East!

Luo Hui originally wanted to bring these monster races under his command, but when he thought about it, it became clear that these monster races are too arrogant. It is not easy to regain them by himself, and the time is so big. Xia Yunchao is likely to reach a terrifying situation! So he can't delay it, so the best way is for him to fool these monsters who escaped from the East and provoke them to war with the East! As long as the plan is successful, he will gain countless vitality from it! It is not difficult to grow to the point where no one can match! The most difficult hurdle of this plan is to provoke the war between the monsters and the East! And as long as he successfully stirred up the flames of war, there would be no need to worry about anything in the future! Just wait for countless blood to pour into your chest and abdomen to improve your strength!

  In the initial stage of the prehistoric world, the demons Luohu and Daozu Hongjun are undoubtedly the two protagonists of the prehistoric world! The two of them are fateful opposition! To truly stand on the top of the world, they must defeat each other! Only in this way can they become the pinnacles of the prehistoric world! Regardless of whether it is a fairy way or a demon way, there is actually no difference to the heavenly way of the prehistoric world. He will not be partial to either side. What he has to do is to treat these two heaven and earth protagonists fairly and wait for the end of their fateful battle. The victor becomes the spokesperson of the Way of Heaven, and future achievements will be smooth sailing.

   This is a huge opportunity and a dead end in a crisis! Originally, Luo Hu had an overwhelming power to win, but what he did was too gloomy and he was always hidden in the dark. He was also an opponent of immortality, so he couldn’t win over allies to help him. Hongjun is different. In the early days of the prehistoric world, Hongjun was a good old man, and he had to get involved in everything. This also gave him a lot of close friends! And when the battle of fate took place, Hongjun was accompanied by several ancestors who were in the same realm as them! Coupled with the awakening of the three races, Luo Hu was defeated! So from the original point of view, Luo Hu's hope of victory is actually great! Because in addition to the aspect of personal relationship, Luo Hu must overwhelm Hongjun in terms of strength or any other aspect! Although he did not become the final winner! But the ancestors and human races in the early days of the prehistoric world all remembered the shocking battle! Luo Hu, who represents the magical way of the prehistoric world, fought alone and suppressed countless powerhouses in the immortal civilization! If it weren't for Hongjun's use of good fortune jade disc fragments to turn things around! The final outcome is really hard to say!

   But even so Hui has proved that he has left an unquenchable damage to the wild world! Directly let the Demon Race, who was supposed to live and die, to become a peace-level existence! Immortal Dao rises up demons, and immortal Dao eliminates demons and Daochang! Such an act shocked countless people of immortal civilization! But there was helplessness, because his mouth grew on Luo Yu himself, he quickly and incomparably told Heaven to turn this matter into a foregone conclusion, although Luo Yu died and was suppressed in the end, but everything he did will have implications for the future of the prehistoric world. Certainly affect!

   But the current Luo Huo obviously hasn't reached that level. Although it is already the fifth-Rank Great Luojin Fairyland, after all, it hasn't reached the level that the original quasi-sage masters the two great killing treasures invincible in the world! Although Luo Huo now has good strength, he is not mature after all! So no matter what, Immortal Dao still has a 90% chance to suppress Demon Dao! Nothing else! In the previous life, Hongjun invited a lot of prehistoric gods to suppress Luo Hu. In this life, he has the Great Xia Yun Dynasty as the backstage. Is it possible that he would be afraid that Luo Hu would not be a person?

   Will the Great Xia Yunchao allow the territory that he wants to master in the future to become a place where the demons are raging? Naturally not, so the fate of the two protagonists of the prehistoric world, Daxia Yunchao will definitely intervene in it! And it will dissipate the magic way in an overwhelming situation! Don't give him any chance to make a vow!


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