Reading Is Holy! Exposed By My Junior Sister!

162. Chapter 161 The Six Paths Return To Their Original Position, Immortality Is Immortal, Chen Chan

"Chimai, you shall listen and obey!"


Another decree was issued, and then Chimai and Youhuang, the two major underworld officials, stepped forward and arrived in the starry sky, respectfully saluting Chen Chang'an.

"I hereby appoint the two of you as the Chief and Deputy Chief of the Animal Realm, to carry out the heavenly orders and oversee the cycle of the Animal Realm!"

"We accept the orders!"

Chimai and Youhuang both accepted the orders.


Then, just like the state of Black and White Impermanence, they were also blessed by the Six Paths of Hell, becoming the lords of the Hell Realm.


Not only them, but at this moment, their subordinates in the underworld also received the decree, and each one underwent a transformation.

They were enveloped in golden light, and when they emerged again, they had completely changed.

The black aura surrounding them became even denser.

At this moment, they truly became Yin soldiers!

This scene was truly enviable to others!

"Kunhuang, listen and obey!"

Immediately, Chen Chang'an's voice continued.



From the depths of the underworld, a towering Great Demon emerged. It was a large dog, and it half-knelt in front of Chen Chang'an.

"I appoint you as the Envoy of the Six Realms, to uphold the Five Precepts, preside over the cycle of reincarnation, and listen to the heavens."

"May I have your orders?"

"I give you my orders!"

Kunhuang accepted the orders, and then a terrifying golden light also enveloped him. This unparalleled golden light made the already extraordinary Great Demon even more extraordinary.

At this moment, the world finally realized how terrifying the Great Demon, the Demon Emperor by Emperor Song's side, was.

Judging from his position, he was probably not far from the realm of Heavenly Venerable.

And now, with the addition of the Six Paths' merits, he had become an unquestionable Heavenly Venerable!


Just the thought of a Heavenly Venerable sitting in the Six Paths made everyone below their necks feel horrified!

This power achieved its peak on the day it was established.


But it wasn't over yet.

"Ten Ghost Marshals, listen and obey!"

"I appoint you as the Asuras of the Ten Directions, stationed in the Ten Halls, overseeing the rise and fall of all beings."

"We listen and obey!"

Immediately after, Chen Chang'an issued several more decrees, appointing the various major divisions of the Six Paths of Reincarnation one by one.

After completing all this, Chen Chang'an looked at Mao Ruxue in the crowd.

Mao Ruxue also came today, and she came as Ksitigarbha.

This was understandable. With such a major breakthrough by Emperor Song, if she didn't come, it wouldn't be right.

In the next moment, Chen Chang'an directly shouted.

"Ksitigarbha, listen and obey!"

"I listen and obey."

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Mao Ruxue didn't hesitate and stepped forward.

"I appoint you as the Chief of the Human Realm, in charge of the Asuras of the Ten Directions and the cycle of the Six Paths. Can you accept the orders?"

"I accept the orders!"

Mao Ruxue hesitated for a moment upon hearing this, then immediately bowed.


In the next moment, a strong golden light appeared and enveloped her as well.

Just like Black and White Impermanence and the others, Mao Ruxue experienced an elevation in power.

She was originally the true king of the demonic path, and now, under the blessing of this golden light, her aura was no less than that of any true demon in the world.

And this was still the situation in the outside world. If it were in the human realm she belonged to, she would probably be even stronger.


In the sky, beams of golden light appeared one after another, and each of Emperor Song's subordinates received the blessing of the rules of heaven and earth, achieving transcendence.

This scene lasted for about half a day before finally coming to an end.


Finally, after half a day, all the anomalies between heaven and earth disappeared, and the Six Realms of Reincarnation once again vanished and disappeared into the world. Only then did the world regain its clarity.

"You should all disperse now."

Seeing the world return to clarity, Chen Chang'an looked towards the four corners of the world. In the next moment, a cold voice came from his mouth.


Under Chen Chang'an's voice, the onlookers who were originally standing in the world immediately scattered like birds and beasts.

They had to disperse, as who would want to provoke this formidable person at this time?

"With the body as the boundary, the soul as the law, the realms of reincarnation, arise!"

Chen Chang'an didn't pay attention to the departing crowd. Instead, he immediately shouted again, and then disintegrated himself.

He turned into specks of starlight, dissipating into the world.


As Chen Chang'an's body dissipated, the six realms that had disappeared between heaven and earth reappeared.

They swayed and each absorbed one-sixth of Chen Chang'an's body.

To merge the body into the six realms of reincarnation, this was the true embodiment of the Dao!

Seeing this scene, the onlookers fell silent once again.

They understood that from this moment on, Emperor Song was no longer the Six Realms of Reincarnation, but Emperor Song was the Six Realms of Reincarnation!

If one didn't have the power to annihilate the Six Realms of Reincarnation, then no one could kill Emperor Song!

This was terrifying!


At this moment, the world truly regained its clarity.

The Six Realms disappeared, the onlookers in the Netherworld dispersed, and everything seemed as if nothing had happened.

But, from that day on, everyone knew that in the boundless vastness of the Endless Sea, a peerless Great Demon had risen unstoppably.

Time passed, and about half a month later, at the Hidden Dao Mountain of the Heavenly Water Sect.

At the foot of the mountain, a man dressed in white slowly walked in from outside. In his hands, he held two immortal geese. As he walked, he smiled warmly, his face as gentle as jade.

"Senior Brother, why did you take so long to come back?"

When the man reached the top of the mountain, a surprised voice suddenly sounded from a young girl.

Mao Ruxue looked at her senior brother who had suddenly arrived, her face filled with joy. She put down the sword she was practicing with and quickly walked over.

"There were some things that delayed me on the way, so I came back later than expected," Chen Chang'an smiled slightly and then handed the immortal geese to Mao Ruxue.

"Senior Brother, are we going to eat this tonight?" Mao Ruxue asked curiously as she took the immortal geese.

With her current strength and wealth, it was naturally easy for her to eat such immortal geese.

However, every time she ate with her senior brother, it was a different experience, which was what surprised Mao Ruxue.

"Yes." Chen Chang'an nodded, "Take it back and cook it. I'll go to the halfway up the mountain first and come over later."

"Alright, Senior Brother."

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Mao Ruxue nodded immediately.

She knew what Chen Chang'an meant by his words. There was only one place halfway up Hidden Dao Mountain, and that was Master Yang Han's grave.

Although she came up the mountain a bit late, Mao Ruxue still knew some things about the relationship between her senior brother and Master Yang Han, so she tactfully didn't disturb them.

After Mao Ruxue left with the immortal geese, Chen Chang'an also walked towards the halfway up the mountain.

In no time, he arrived at Yang Han's grave.

After arriving here, Chen Chang'an took out a jug of wine from his bosom and poured it in front of the grave.

"Old man, this jug of wine is for you."

After saying that, he sat down here just like before.

This time, Chen Chang'an stayed in front of Yang Han's grave for three whole days, his face filled with sighs and melancholy.

All things have feelings, let alone humans.

Although he had never called Yang Han his master a few times in his life, in Chen Chang'an's heart, he had long regarded him as his master.

Without Yang Han, he might have died long ago.

Chen Chang'an came today mainly to tell Master Yang Han that he had now ascended to the ancient Heavenly Venerable, so the old man could rest assured.

After staying with Master Yang Han for long enough, Chen Chang'an stood up and did something unknown. Suddenly, a tear in space appeared in front of him.

Looking at this tear in space, Chen Chang'an stepped into it with one foot.

This is a world covered in a hazy gray, with only two lonely graves standing between heaven and earth.

In front of each grave, there are two stone tablets standing tall.

One of them reads, "The grave of Father Chen Zun."

The other one reads, "The grave of Mother Li Shi."

These two graves are none other than the graves of Chen Chang'an's birth parents in this lifetime.

Chen Chang'an walked up and wiped the tombstones of his parents, then cleared away the weeds in front of the tablets. Only then did he respectfully bow to his parents three times.

Chen Chang'an didn't know what kind of feelings he had towards his parents, nor did he know what kind of emotions he should use to face them.

But the only thing he knew was that they had given him so much, so much.

If it weren't for Master Yang Han, he would have died. And if it weren't for these two parents in front of him, he wouldn't have had the chance to come into this world.

Although he had avenged his parents, there are some things in this world that cannot be calculated or settled.

After spending two days thinking here, Chen Chang'an returned to Hidden Dao Mountain.

"Oh? Senior Brother, you haven't been in the Sutra Pavilion these past two days. I couldn't find you anywhere," Mao Ruxue exclaimed when she saw Chen Chang'an coming out. It was because the dishes she had made had already gone cold.

"Is there any Immortal Goose left?" Chen Chang'an asked.

"Senior Brother, there is," Mao Ruxue nodded, then continued, "After I finished making it that day, I went to find Senior Brother, but I couldn't find you. So I ate one with Qingxue and left one."

"Do you want to eat it, Senior Brother? If you do, I'll go make it for you now."

"No need," Chen Chang'an shook his head.

"Sister, go and call Xiaoyi and Qingxue, I have something to tell you all."

"Oh, okay, Senior Brother," Mao Ruxue was a bit puzzled by Chen Chang'an's words, but she nodded and went to find them.

Soon, Chen Yi and Lin Qingxue arrived at the main hall of Hidden Dao Mountain's gate.

"Disciple Chen Yi pays respects to Master."

"Disciple Lin Qingxue pays respects to Master."

As soon as Chen Yi and Lin Qingxue entered the hall, they immediately knelt down on one knee in front of Chen Chang'an, respectfully bowing.

"Get up," Chen Chang'an nodded, indicating for them to rise.

"Thank you, Master," the two of them stood up after hearing Chen Chang'an's words.

"Master, may I ask why you called us here?" Lin Qingxue curiously asked.

Chen Chang'an said, "I plan to reopen the mountain gate."


"Master, you want to reopen the mountain gate?"

"Senior Brother, you want to reopen the mountain gate?!"

Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Lin Qingxue and the others were stunned.

Especially Mao Ruxue, who was standing in front, was even more astonished.

Reopening the mountain gate meant that Hidden Dao Mountain would officially begin the process of recruiting disciples!

This was not like casually recruiting Lin Qingxue and Chen Yi, but a genuine recruitment.

For example, among the 108 peaks of the Heavenly Water Sect, even the peak with the fewest disciples still had seventy to eighty disciples.

Including the peak master, elders, and attendants, the number of people would be over a hundred.

And that was just for the smaller peaks.

For a main peak like Hidden Dao Mountain, if the total number of people didn't exceed five hundred, it would be considered a failure!

In the past, due to the major changes that Hidden Dao Mountain had experienced, the regulations for accepting disciples had been automatically closed.

This meant that there were hardly any disciples who could enter Hidden Dao Mountain.

Now, Chen Chang'an was planning to lift these restrictions, which meant that Hidden Dao Mountain would soon return to the situation where hundreds of disciples would come to pay their respects.

This was a great thing!

Mao Ruxue instantly became excited.

After all, in the past, because there were no people on the mountain, her title as a senior disciple was not really justified.

After all, have you ever seen a senior disciple who personally cooked every day?

This had been a source of worry for her.

Now, if the mountain gate was opened wide, her status as a senior disciple would definitely rise!


Thinking about the scene where she would have a group of disciples to command in the future, Mao Ruxue couldn't help but want to laugh uncontrollably.

"Yes, I plan to reopen the mountain gate."

Amidst the surprised gazes of the three people, Chen Chang'an nodded, but he didn't explain the reason to them.

"Senior brother, this is great news! You've finally had a breakthrough."

"If you don't take in disciples soon, I'm afraid I'll run away myself," Mao Ruxue immediately chuckled, not hiding her intentions at all.

"You little girl," Chen Chang'an helplessly chuckled.

Then, he said to the three of them, "Junior sister, there are a few things I need you to do."

Chen Chang'an listed a few things and instructed Mao Ruxue and the others to handle them well.

"Alright, senior brother, you can rest assured. We'll take care of these tasks!"

"We promise to complete the mission!"

On the other side, after listening to Chen Chang'an's words, Mao Ruxue immediately nodded, indicating that she and the others would definitely complete the mission perfectly.

After a while, when Chen Chang'an finished explaining the tasks, Mao Ruxue and the others left and went about their own business.

At this time, Chen Chang'an was not idle either. He took a step forward and came to the Heavenly Water Sect's main hall, heading straight for Li Daoran.

"Junior brother, what's the matter?" Li Daoran was a little confused when he saw Chen Chang'an suddenly appear.

There's no smoke without fire, and in his eyes, this junior brother of his was just that kind of person.

"Senior brother, I want you to go somewhere with me," Chen Chang'an got straight to the point.

"Go somewhere? Where?" Li Daoran was a bit puzzled.

"To the Hidden Sect," Chen Chang'an said.

"Junior brother, you want to go to the Hidden Sect?" Li Daoran was taken aback and somewhat puzzled.

"Yes, the Hidden Sect. I want to borrow the Hidden Sect's Taiyi Immortal Cauldron to refine something."

Facing Li Daoran's doubts, Chen Chang'an nodded.

The Hidden Sect is the sect that manufactures flying boats for the Formless World.

Among all the flying boats in the world, only the Hidden Sect can manufacture them.

In terms of forging tools, the Hidden Sect dares to claim to be second to none in the world.

But all of this, apart from the Hidden Sect's unparalleled artifact refining strength, is also related to the Hidden Sect's treasured artifact.

That is a heavy treasure called the Taiyi Immortal Cauldron!

Then, Chen Chang'an explained his thoughts to Li Daoran.

The idea is simple: Chen Chang'an plans to reopen the mountain gate.

Chen Chang'an has always followed two principles in his actions: either don't do it, or do it to the best of his ability.

Reopening the mountain gate is simple: just change the rules on the mountain and recruit disciples to come up.

But Chen Chang'an doesn't want to do it that simply.

Since it's reopening the mountain gate, how can it be done without something to suppress luck?

This trip to the Hidden Sect is for the purpose of borrowing the Hidden Sect's treasured Taiyi Immortal Cauldron to refine a luck artifact.

Not for anything else, just to use it to suppress the luck of Hidden Dao Mountain!

"Junior brother, are you serious?!" Upon hearing Chen Chang'an's words, Li Daoran was suddenly shocked, then became excited.

A treasured artifact to suppress luck, this kind of thing has only been possessed by the top ten sects or the top-notch sects that are close to the top ten sects since ancient times.

Sects like their Heavenly Water Sect simply cannot possess it!

And now Chen Chang'an actually proposed to make one.

This, this is a great thing!

As for whether the treasured artifact is placed in Hidden Dao Mountain or Heavenly Water Peak, does it make a difference?

How could it make a difference!

They are all part of the Heavenly Water Sect!

"Junior brother, wait a moment, I'll finish what I'm doing and go with you right away!

No, wait, there's no need to rush, let's go now!" Li Daoran was truly excited.

With a treasured artifact to suppress the sect's luck, how far is Heavenly Water Sect from becoming stronger? It's not far at all!

"Then I'll trouble you, senior brother," Chen Chang'an nodded.

"No trouble at all, no trouble at all, junior brother, let's go now," Li Daoran shook his head, then summoned a flying boat and took Chen Chang'an towards the direction of the Hidden Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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