"Then let me borrow Mr. Huang's good words." Yi Feng smiled slightly, and then drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

"Good tea, really good tea, haha!"

Yi Fenlang smiled and praised.

In fact, what he said was that he was very satisfied with the cooperation between the two. This tea is good tea.

"If you like it, come and drink at my place often in the future." Huang He said with a smile.

""Of course, of course." Yi Feng squinted and nodded.

The two then talked about how to recruit people in the future.

After listening to it, Yi Feng roughly understood the principle.

The Employment Office can guide and help graduates find jobs. They can even reach employment agreements with companies and send outstanding graduates of suitable majors according to the needs of the companies.

The decision-making power of this cooperation lies in the hands of Huang He.

Huang He asked Yi Feng to prepare to reach a cooperation agreement with Guangzhou University of Science and Technology in the name of Xifeng Technology Company, and then through his operation, tilt student resources towards Yi Feng.

In this way, Yi Feng's current dilemma of lack of talent can be solved.

After Yi Feng understood the operation method, he nodded and handed Huang He another cigarette.

"Teacher, I will send someone to deliver the materials to you tomorrow. I will leave the rest to you."

Huang He smiled and said,"No problem, you just need to prepare the venue."

Yi Feng thought for a moment and said,"Three days. I already have a target location. I will need about three days to simply decorate the company."

"OK, I’m waiting for your good news, haha!"

"Don't forget to notify me when the company opens."Huang He said with a smile.

"How could I forget you? Absolutely not. I will definitely call you as soon as the time comes."Yi Feng patted his chest and said.

The two of them were casually chatting about some life topics. Not long after, the voice of Huang He's wife Yu Ting came from outside the door.

"The meal is ready"

"Okay, let's go right now."Huang He responded, then stood up and made a gesture to ask.

"Xiaofeng, please, I also have a bottle of Moutai at home. I’m happy today. Let’s have a few drinks together! Ha ha!"

Yi Feng also stood up and said with a smile:"Okay, then I will have a few drinks with the teacher."

The two of them left the tea room together and came to the dining table to eat.

"Where is Xuanxuan? Why haven't you come back yet? Huang He frowned and asked.

"Alas, maybe she is still out there. She called me at noon and said she would not be back for dinner."Yu Ting sighed helplessly. It was obvious that she had no way to deal with this daughter.

"This damn girl is really annoying! Huang He said angrily.

Yi Feng just looked at it without moving his chopsticks or speaking.

This is Huang He's own family matter and has nothing to do with him.

"Hey, old man, there are still guests."Yu Ting warned in a low voice.

Huang He turned to look at Yi Feng and said with a wry smile:"I really made you laugh. I was almost mad at my girl."

Yi Feng smiled:"It doesn't matter, it is natural for young people to like to play.

Huang He shook his head and sighed:"If my girl is half as sensible as Xiao Feng, I will be satisfied.""

"My college entrance examination scores are average, I still don’t want to make progress, I go out to play all day long, and I don’t listen to what I say."

"I was soft-hearted and wanted to fight several times, but I held back in the end."

"But if this continues, I will be pissed off by her sooner or later!"

Huang He kept complaining, and Yi Feng just listened without making any comments.

He knew that Huang He only had one daughter, and it was not difficult to see from their words that the couple doted on the child, but perhaps because of their excessive doting, the child became a little spoiled when she grew up.

However, Yi Feng did not want to get involved in Huang He's family affairs, so he could only be a listener.

"Forget it, let’s not talk about her anymore, Xiaofeng, come on, let’s have a drink!"Huang He poured wine for Yi Feng and raised his glass to invite him.


The two of them met and drank.

During the meal, Yi Feng cleverly changed the topic and brought it to Yu Ting's cooking. He praised Yu Ting's cooking and how delicious it was. The audience was so happy that they couldn't help but feel happy. Under the guidance of Yi Feng, the atmosphere at the dinner table finally returned to normal.

The meal was full of laughter and laughter for almost two hours. Yi Feng and Huang He finished the meal. I drank a bottle of Maotai. Although I didn’t drink too much, I was very happy after the meal. Huang He and Yi Feng were smoking and chatting while Yu Ting cleared the table.

"Xiaofeng, it’s time to fill out your application form in the next few days. Where do you, the top scorer in the college entrance examination, plan to study?"

"If you study in Huaqing or Jingbei, it's too far."

"Have you considered coming to our University of Science and Technology?"

"Our University of Science and Technology is also a 211 institution." Huang He asked with a smile.

Of course he wanted Yi Feng to study at the University of Science and Technology. If he could get the top scorer in the college entrance examination to study at the university, it would definitely be a great achievement.

Yi Feng did not shy away from saying,"I already have a goal in mind, maybe Guangzhou University or Nanhua University of Technology."

The final choice would depend on which one Gu Muxi chose.

Huang He was startled, then said with some regret,"Is that so? Since you have your own goal, I won't say much."

"These are all good schools with strong computer majors."

The two of them smoked cigarettes and chatted for more than an hour. Yi Feng looked at the time and saw that it was already ten o'clock in the night. He immediately got up and left.

Huang He and his wife personally sent Yi Feng downstairs and watched him leave.

"Lao Huang, this young man Xiaofeng will definitely be great in the future!"

"I have seen so many of your students, and he is the most stable and alert."

Yu Ting praised

"It would be great if he is really my student. He is the top scorer in the college entrance examination. What is the top scorer in the college entrance examination? Only one top student a year!"

"Many schools are fighting for this talent. Just based on the fact that he is the top scorer in the college entrance examination, his future prospects are limitless."Huang He said with emotion, and suddenly turned his head to look at his wife

"Do you know what he is doing?"

"Uh, aren't you repairing computers?" Yu Ting asked in confusion.

"The computer repair shop is just the beginning. He has already registered a physical enterprise. He came to me to cooperate today, hoping to solve the problem of talent reserve. His next goal is to open chain stores throughout Guangzhou, and even radiate to surrounding cities."

"His ambition is very big!"Huang He's eyes were full of admiration and he praised.

People without ambition cannot achieve great things.

But ambition alone is not enough. You must have matching abilities.

And Yi Feng just has both!

Such a young man The future is promising!

When Yu Ting heard this, she opened her mouth in shock,"He, he just graduated and he wants to start such a big business?"

"Not everyone can have this courage! Huang

He put his hands behind his back and sighed:"Yes, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a monster."……"

"When we just chatted, he vaguely revealed that the gross profit of this store in a single month may exceed one million.……"

"Offline and online go hand in hand, developing very quickly!"

"Maybe...it's not certain that the myth of overnight wealth on the Internet will reappear in him."

As the Internet gradually becomes more popular, many people have made their first pot of gold from the Internet, and stories of getting rich are constantly being staged.

Some people can make millions or tens of millions on the Internet in two or three months.

The Internet has infinitely magnified the benefits of making money.

He had a vague feeling that the online sales model might become mainstream in the future.

Yu Ting was shocked and covered her mouth.


"What? Monthly gross profit exceeds one million?!"


Huang He shrugged and said with a smile:"I guess it's about the same."

"Such young people...are already far behind their peers."

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