"Really? Then tell me how many hairs I have on my body?" Yi Feng chuckled and winked.

"Or do you want to come in and count carefully?"

Gu Muxi's cheeks flushed, and she rolled her eyes at him,"Humph, I'm not that boring!"

After that, Gu Muxi turned around and left.

Yi Feng smiled, closed the door, and continued to take a bath.

After taking a comfortable bath and changing clothes, Yi Feng felt a little more energetic, but his stomach was hungry.

He hadn't eaten breakfast and lunch, and now he was starving.

"Gu Muxi, come on, I'll treat you to some noodles." Yi Feng wiped his hair and shouted towards the living room.

Gu Muxi stood up and asked in confusion:"Smelly Yi Feng, why are you so kind today? Did the sun rise from the west?"

"And you specially invited me to eat rice noodles?"

Yi Feng twitched the corners of his lips,"Please, am I such a stingy person?"

"You helped me clean the house this morning, so you have to show your appreciation, right?"

"Do you want to eat it? If you don’t want to eat, I can go by myself.

Gu Muxi smiled and said,"Eat, why don't you eat the free lunch?""

"I'm hungry too. Let's go, Mr. Yi."

The two of them went out together and came to a noodle soup shop in front of the employee community.

It was lunch time now, and there were quite a lot of people coming to the noodle shop to eat noodles. There were a lot of people crowding in front of the small noodle shop. Fortunately, there were many tables and chairs at the door, otherwise there wouldn't even be a place to sit.

Yi Feng squeezed through the crowd and came to the cashier,"Boss, two bowls of pork offal noodles!"

"Six dollars."

The proprietress collected the money and the ticket very quickly, and then greeted the next customer.

Yi Feng placed the ticket at the queuing window, and then just waited for his number to be called.

Gu Muxi found an empty seat at the door and sat down to wait for him

"There are so many people today!" Yi Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead. It was hot at noon and there were so many people that he was sweating.

Gu Muxi saw that he was sweating profusely, and smiled with her hands covering her mouth:"Look at you, Master Yi, are you made of water? How come there is so much water?"

Yi Feng glanced at her and smiled:"Aren't you made of water too? How dare you say that to me?"

"Women are made of water!"

"Look at you, your pants are all wet."

Gu Muxi glared at him and said,"I, I didn't know it would be so hot today. I should have changed my pants before going out!"

While the two were talking and laughing, they heard someone calling the number in the noodle shop.

"Number 36!"

Yi Feng responded,"Here I am."

Yi Feng stood up and went to the window to get the noodles. After running two times, he was finally able to eat noodles. Yi Feng felt that if he didn't fill his stomach, his stomach would protest.

Yi Feng took a big mouthful of noodles and felt very satisfied.

"Now, here you go."Gu Muxi put the rice sausage she found into his bowl.

Yi Feng smiled, picked out the pork liver in his bowl and gave it to Gu Muxi.

This has been the habit of the two of them for many years.

After exchanging food, the two While enjoying their meal, four bicycles were parked on the roadside in front of the store. Four middle-aged women also came to eat their noodles and sat at the table to the left of Yifeng.

"Hey, have you heard that our Third Steel Rolling Mill seems to be acquired and merged by Shanghai Steel?"

"My husband Liu also told me this, but I don’t know whether it’s true or not. He said that if the company is acquired, we’ll all be laid off!"

"No way, then, what should I do? My whole family depends on Lao Zhao's salary!"

Among the four people, there was a middle-aged woman wearing a red flowered shirt and bell-bottom pants. She had a fat head and big ears, but her lips were very thin, and her face looked a bit mean.

"I also heard that the person in charge of negotiating the acquisition was the deputy factory director named Gu, Gu Xingzhong!"

"I heard from others that Deputy Factory Director Gu seemed to have taken advantage of Shanghai Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. and sold our third steel rolling mill at a low price!"

Yi Feng and Gu Muxi stopped their chopsticks in unison when they heard this.

There was a hint of anger in Gu Muxi's eyebrows.

She couldn't bear to hear other people talking bad about her parents behind their back.

At this time, another woman said in shock:"No way, Gu Deputy director? Well, then he is too shameless and shameless!"

The thin-lipped woman snorted coldly,"I have long thought that there is something wrong with Gu Xingzhong's character. It wouldn't be surprising at all if he really took advantage of Hugang!"

"The problem is, if he sells our Third Steel Rolling Mill at such a low price, it will harm the interests of all the employees in our factory!"

"Gu Xingzhong, that old bastard, is he really a deputy factory director?"

A woman in a blue skirt nearby asked hurriedly,"A Sang Po, what should we do? Are we just going to watch that old guy sell us all out?"

Yi Feng was suddenly enlightened when he heard the name A Sang Po.

This old woman was famous for her big mouth in the staff community. She often liked to make up all kinds of rumors, and she was arrogant and aggressive. Many people in the community were afraid of provoking her and would avoid her when they met her.

If it weren't for her husband being the director of logistics materials in the factory, this old woman would have been beaten up countless times.

"Damn it!" Gu Muxi heard that their words were getting more and more excessive, and wanted to slam the table, but was suppressed by Yi Feng first.

"Wait a moment."Yi Feng turned his head and glanced at the four women, and then said calmly to Gu Muxi.

First, let's hear what Asang Po's purpose is, to slander and spread rumors here.

The thin-lipped woman named Asang Po looked self-righteous and said:" In two months, the factory will promote a new deputy director. Then you can go back and ask the men at home to support me, Lao Xie."

"If Lao Xie came to preside over the negotiations with Shanghai Iron and Steel, that would be better than that thief Gu Xingzhong, right?"

The other women nodded in agreement.

Gu Muchina Asangpo called her father a seller and a thief. She couldn't bear it anymore and stood up by slamming the table.


"shut up!"

"Why are you spreading rumors about my father behind his back?!"

"How did my father offend you? Why are you scolding him like this?"

"You say my father betrayed the factory, do you have any evidence?"

"You are just making nonsense without any evidence!"

"Have you heard about it? Who told you, I heard that your mother died!"

Gu Muxi was not merciful at all when he scolded people, and he was so fierce that the four women's faces turned purple for a moment.

Gu Muxi glared at the four of them, pointed at their noses and continued to curse:"I think you are the same. You guys, your tongues are longer than Black and White Wuchang, why don’t you just stay down and wander around in the world like a ghost!"

"I'm so convinced by you people, I'm afraid even wearing a gas mask can't prevent your bad mouth!"

"You are all dressed up in flowery shirts, you look so good in disguise, but once you open your mouth, you are just dogs!"

The four women were scolded by Gu Muxi, and they were so angry that they trembled all over. They pointed at Gu Muxi and wanted to scold him back, but the words were stuck in their throats and couldn't come out.

The diners around were all stunned and looked at Gu Muxi, completely dumbfounded...

This girl scolded people in a set way, her mouth was so sharp!

I can't believe that such a beautiful girl has this ability?!

Yi Feng secretly gave Gu Muxi a thumbs up.

Gu Muxi, you are awesome!

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