Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 402: Take care of your daughter-in-law

402 Take care of your daughter-in-law

There was no special expression on Ye Ming's face, but Ye Shu couldn't help but feel embarrassed.

Qiu Mei is very observant, and she knew right away that she was asking the wrong question.

Is he married? Should not be!

There is no such daughter-in-law among these female relatives today! At such an important moment, the next generation of the Ye family is full of moon, and the whole family has come from all over the world. Can his daughter-in-law not come?

He is Ye Shen's eldest brother, the eldest grandson of the Ye family's generation.

After listening to it for a long time, Qiu Mei understood Ye Ming's identity, so she asked the previous sentence with certainty, and there was an inexplicable secret in her heart.

Is not it?

"My sister-in-law's mother is sick and needs her care, so she didn't come today." Ye Shu said.

"Oh." Qiu Mei was suddenly disappointed. married....


Ye Cheng's family, who returned to Ye Zhenguo, really quarreled.

"Mom, is what Grandpa said true?" Ye Chen asked when he entered the house.

He is 20 years old this year and has just worked for a year. He has the pride of the Ye family and a hint of childishness.

"Grandpa said, can there be a fake?" Ye Xing looked at his mother and said, and he looked at his father again: "Dad, you know that too?"

The parents knew about it, but kept it from them.

Also, how could they be so embarrassed to talk about this kind of thing?

But my mom just likes to do it!

"Mom..." Ye Xing opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say next.

Ye Jia and Ye Li were not so politically conscious, and they didn't understand He Jianning's energy, and they didn't know what would bring him to their family.

They only knew that her mother had received "benefits" from others, and she wanted to be greedy for money if she couldn't do anything, and that was enough of a shame for them.

The two girls didn't dare to scold, and ran back to the room to get angry.

"What are you? I'm not doing it for your own good? For the good of this family?!" Zhou Lihua said confidently: "What kind of wife do you marry without money? What house do you buy? What kind of marriage do you want? To stay in that small place in Xijing for a lifetime?

"Besides, the money owed to He Jianning has already been repaid, so what is the shame for the Ye family? It's not that she has no money, and I didn't say it for nothing. I said that I borrowed it, and she still holds on to it! Your grandfather also helped Holding her and holding on, the whole family bullied us!

"I was bullied for you, and you still blame me? Who am I to reason with?"

Zhou Lihua burst into tears.

The three men in the room were at a loss.

Zhou Lihua is a very strong person. He never admits defeat or resigns, nor does he cry. They have never seen Zhou Lihua cry, and they feel distressed and awkward for a while.

It's not like that, but my mother seems to have a point...  

"Let's not talk about this, anyway, the money has been paid back, and this matter is over." Ye Cheng embraced Zhou Lihua's shoulders and said, "The main task now is to arrange a marriage for Brother Xing. He has become a family and established a business, and we Forget it, but it’s a problem. Waiting for next year, maybe you will be able to hold your grandson!”

After speaking, Ye Cheng finally smiled. Today's two children have also ruined him, and he really wants to hold his grandson.

Zhou Lihua didn't think that way. The grandson will be there sooner or later. Don't worry about this year or two, the main task now is to bring the whole family back!

She was really fed up with the country life in Xijing. The key is that the children are all grown up, and it is time to find a partner. What kind of good family is there in Xijing?

If it is delayed any longer, people will take advantage of it again! For example, the Qiu family.

Her dream has always been to find a child in the courtyard of the capital to be her daughter-in-law and son-in-law. Who knew that Brother Xing would be hooked up by a woman when he was old.

The other three children can't delay any longer!

Huh? What about Qiu Mei?

Ye Xing finally reacted: "Oh! I just said that there was something missing, and I left Qiu Mei there!" He was about to look for it.

"What are you looking for?" Zhou Lihua called to him: "She has no legs and won't come by herself? Why didn't she follow? I'm afraid she's not full and reluctant to leave!"

"Mom!" Ye Xing frowned and looked at his mother: "Why are you talking so ugly!" After he finished speaking, he ignored his mother's objection and turned around and went out.

Qiu Mei must be unfamiliar with life and lost her way! It's all his fault, he forgot about her!

"Look at you, I really have a daughter-in-law and forget my mother! How did I give birth to such a thing!" Zhou Lihua pointed at Ye Xing's back angrily: "Who am I doing all my hard work for! His wife!"

Zhou Lihua suddenly turned her head and looked at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen felt bad for a long time and ran away. After his mother, he would say that the person he will find in the future must be nice to her.

Ever since my eldest brother got a partner, he has listened to it 8 times a day, and it's annoying.

It's really annoying to find someone or something.


Ye Xing's arrival was regarded as saving Hua Zhao. How could the host leave the guests aside and take a nap by himself?

And Qiu Mei's thoughts, she can see more or less.

With such a "shy and shy" temperament, she was able to take the initiative to talk to Ye Ming, and she said a lot, but she never spoke to her!

The eyes are good, but the heart is not good.

Ye Xing was relieved to see Qiu Mei still here. He was afraid that Qiu Mei would be left on the road and it would be cold, so he would freeze her out.

But seeing Hua Zhao again, Ye Xing's face suddenly turned red.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm sorry..." He squeezed out.

Hua Zhao smiled and said, "Bring your partner home quickly. She is so anxious that she is separated from you."

"Hey!" Ye Xing didn't dare to stay any longer, and left with someone.

In the room, Ye Ming also let out a long breath.

He's not stupid either, it's obvious...but he really didn't expect it!

Who is this?

Only Ye Shu had a normal face, but felt that Qiu Mei's temperament was not so shy, and she was quite good at it.

"Sister, believe it or not, she will treat you as a good sister in the future, come to chat with you every day, and ask you about everyone's situation in our family." Hua Zhao smiled.

Ye Shu was at a loss, not knowing what she was laughing at: "This is normal, isn't it? They are all brought to the door. It is estimated that she is going to get married. She should know about her relatives in advance, right?"

Hua Zhao laughed wickedly, and whispered, "Do you believe it or not, it's the eldest brother that she asks the most?"

"Huh?" Ye Shu suddenly widened his eyes.

Ye Ming also glanced at Hua Zhao, and she knew it again! No wonder her eyes were sparkling just now, and she looked like she was watching a play!

"Take care of your daughter-in-law, she's going to become a fine!" Ye Ming said to Ye Shen.

Ye Shen said to Ye Shu, "You just need to know it yourself, don't say it, she might not know what to do."

They were all the objects that Ye Xing brought home. Does she still want to change jobs? She thought it was beautiful, and she didn't ask if the Ye family agreed or not, whether Ye Ming would like it or not.

Also, there is stillness.


Wen Jing was not having a good time at this time.

She also agreed to go back to her parents' house to avoid it, and both sides calm down.

Otherwise, do you really think she has no temper?

She thought that when Hua Zhao's child was full moon today, Ye Ming would come to pick her up, and she just got off this ladder.

As a result, lunch time was over and no one came.

Is it an evening treat?

But it is not popular to invite a full moon banquet at night in the capital.

Wen Jing anxiously walked around the room.

Wen Ping immediately scolded: "Look at your worthless appearance, you can't live without him Ye Ming?"

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