Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 406: This is not where you go wild

406 This is not the place where you go wild

Miao Lanzhi also had a feeling that it was so, if Zhou Lihua didn't take advantage, it wouldn't be her.

"Borrowing the house..." Miao Lanzhi looked at Hua Zhao, she was targeting her daughter-in-law again!

Her family counts as many houses in Hua Zhao's hands, not to mention the yard that is mostly vacant, but to say that there is one vacant outside.

I just don't know which one Zhou Lihua took a fancy to.

Just as Miao Lanzhi was about to speak, she heard Ye Ming say, "Lending a house is not a long-term solution. Since he is going to work in the capital in the future, the unit will not assign a house for a short period of time, and it is not good to rent someone else's house for a long time. I have seen a few houses before, all of them are single-family homes, and they can be rented together, which is very suitable."

Zhou Lihua was suddenly choked up!

"Really? You've already said it, it must be good!" Ye Cheng said immediately: "Tomorrow, I will let your third aunt come to see it, and rent it if it suits!"

It turns out that my wife had this idea again!

They all told her not to think about the old house, don't think about the old house, it seems that she didn't take it to heart at all.

Zhou Lihua glared at Ye Cheng, she was just thinking about what happened?

Everyone lived here in the past, and this house belonged to my mother-in-law. Now that my mother-in-law is gone, it stands to reason that they have a share of it!


When the old lady was gone, the incident happened suddenly, the second child and their family did not come back, and did not hear any will! Most of the bosses say what they are.

Maybe it's the boss's nonsense! And the old man helped them too!

She didn't mention it in the past, that's her generosity, but what did she get for so many years? The son and daughter are not as good as others, she can't bear it any longer!

"What are you renting for? It's very troublesome. You have to clean it up. You can't finish it in three days or two days. How can you get married in the first month? It is said that marrying a daughter-in-law is better for the Chinese New Year. I plan to do their marriage a year ago."

That's just a few days away.

Zhou Lihua said with a smile: "Besides, how can the old house of our Ye family look decent in the rented house? I don't want the main house, but I don't have such a big face. I want the wing I lived in that year to be a good one for Brother Xing. Just the wedding room.

"Besides, it's really borrowing. When they get married and the weather warms up, let them find a house to live in!" Zhou Lihua said firmly.

As for the plan, of course not.

Waiting for the warm weather for 3 months, Qiu Mei will not be able to get pregnant in these 3 months? People have Hua Zhao once, can she give it 3 months? !

If you are pregnant, you can't move. Who can afford to pay for it?

There are reasons for not being able to conceive. In fact, Brother Xing's unit is about to be divided, and it will be completed in a few months.

They can wait, wait and wait until the month is old, they have to give birth, they have to sit in confinement, and they can't move. Then the child was a little older, and just happened to play with Hua Zhao's child. The child is reluctant to bear the child, let alone leave~

Zhou Lihua said it beautifully, and her wishful thinking made a loud noise.

"No." Ye Zhenguo said.

Although he couldn't guess all of Zhou Lihua's careful thoughts, he was annoying her!

He still lives here now, with Hua Qiang and his great-grandson, he plans to live here forever!

If Ye Xing lived here, wouldn't she come every day? Annoying him!

The ten fingers are still long and short. He admits that he is biased, especially for several grandchildren. He admits that his favorites are only Ye Ming and Ye Shen who grew up under his nose.

Followed by the two boys from the second family.

The little son I like the most, the few children born, really don't appeal to him.

"Why not?" Zhou Lihua asked boldly.

"This is Brother Shen's house. He will return to the team after a while. Her daughter-in-law lives here alone. What if the uncle's family lives in?" Miao Lanzhi said.

She was also angry.

Ye Ming didn't even live in, but Ye Xing did? She also said that her face is not big, she sees her face is bigger than anyone else's!

"What's the matter?" Zhou Lihua said, "In those days, our whole family lived there and it was fine. Let's look at the other courtyard houses. There are some people who live in the same house with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law. They still live in two large yards. !"

She lived in the backyard wing back then, which is the yard where Hua Qiang lives now.

"In this way, if you are afraid of people being careful, just block the wall in the middle of the front and back courtyards, so that everyone can walk through two doors, two courtyards, and no one can say anything." Zhou Lihua said.

Hua Zhao's anger also came up. She thought it was beautiful, but it took up half of her yard? Or just rightly belong to her, the yard where Hua Qiang lives now, where will her grandfather live?

This woman really doesn't have a long memory!

"Third aunt, you said you want to seal the front and back yard, what about my grandfather? He comes to me every day, does he go around an entire alley or climb over the wall?" Hua Zhao asked.

When she spoke, Ye Ming shut up, leaning on the chair and waiting to watch the play.

"Your grandfather is alone, so it's not easy to accommodate him?" Zhou Lihua said with a smile: "The front yard is bigger than the back yard, and there are still so many empty rooms. Wouldn't it be better to put one room for your grandfather to live in? Then he will see his grandson. It’s more convenient, you don’t have to go around the alley, you don’t have to climb over the wall, you don’t have to walk a few steps, and you can see it when you open the door.”

"Then I gave Ye Xing the entire backyard of my house? I'm just his cousin, not his mother. I gave him such a big gift when he got married? Isn't it appropriate?" Hua Zhao said.

Zhou Lihua got angry all of a sudden, stood up and pointed at Hua Zhao: "Did you say that? You dare to say that you are Ye Xing's biological mother! Are you educated!"

"Enough!" Ye Zhenguo slapped the table fiercely: "Look at what you've done, you are really educated! This is not a place for you to be wild, get out of here!"

Ye Zhenguo looked at his younger son again: "You also follow along!"

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