Ye Ming looked at her expression and knew that nothing was going to work this time, and she felt tired.

He didn't say anything, turned around and went back to his room to pack his luggage, then washed and went to bed.

Wen Jing first breathed a sigh of relief, then became anxious.

She conditioned her body, but Ye Ming stopped touching her, so how did the child come?

She also washed up immediately, and then posted it.

"I'm too tired recently, I just want to rest." Ye Ming pushed her away and turned over. He was really tired, physically tired and even more tired.

It was pushed away by him...

In the dark, Jing's face was as red as fire, but her heart was as cold as ice. She didn't want to stay here anymore, so she got up and ran out.

Ye Ming listened to the outside, she didn't leave the house, she just went to the study, and after waiting for a long time, he was sure that she would not leave before he closed his eyes and went to sleep with confidence.


The next day was a weekend, and after traveling for so long, Ye Ming had one day off.

Wen Jing left on the pretext of working overtime.

What class does she have to add... Ye Ming didn't expose her and said she knew.

Wen Jing hummed away.

Not even coaxing her...

Not long after Wen Jing left, someone knocked on the door.

Ye Ming thought it was a neighbor, but when he opened the door, it turned out to be Qiu Mei.

Qiu Mei was surprised when she saw him: "Brother, you are back!"

This eldest brother's name is really close, but she should be called eldest brother.

Ye Ming nodded and invited her in.

"Brother, when did you come back? I haven't heard of it!" Qiu Mei said happily as she entered the room and sat on the sofa naturally.

That attitude, obviously not the first time.

Ye Ming didn't have a smile on his face. It wasn't that he didn't know what she was thinking... Now, looking at the person she was about to marry, he just wanted to frown when he saw his eyes glowing.

"You're here to find your sister-in-law, right? She's not at home working overtime today." Ye Ming did not sit on the sofa, but stood at the door and said, as if he could open the door at any time to see her away.

Qiu Mei didn't seem to see it, and said with a smile: "It is said that eldest brother is the smartest person in the whole family, and it is! I really came to find eldest sister-in-law. My family will be here in a while, and I want to ask her to pick me up at the train station with me. Man, I can't find my way by myself, and there is no one else at home."

Ye Ming already knew the news that Qiu Mei's family was coming yesterday.

The Qiu family is coming, and the Ye family should indeed send someone to pick them up. This is polite.

However, let Wen Jing go alone? Who came up with the idea?

Wen Jing is a cousin, not to mention whether she is qualified or not, just looking at her identity is a neglect of the Qiu family.

Picking up the in-law's house is a matter of the in-law's family. As a result, the in-law's house does not go there, so is it embarrassing for a cousin to go to the Qiu family?

"She promised to go with you?" Ye Ming asked.

"Yes, sister-in-law agreed!" Qiu Mei smiled happily: "We agreed before, sister-in-law is really a good person!"

"Did you come up with this idea? Or did she come up with it?" Ye Ming asked.

Didn't expect him to ask this, Qiu Mei was stunned for a moment, and said the truth: "I brought it up..."

Looking at Ye Ming's eyes, she didn't dare to lie.

Ye Ming glanced at her again and nodded. That's because she's heartless, or, bad-hearted.

"Your parents are coming today, do your in-laws and Ye Xing know?" Ye Ming asked again.

Qiu Mei paused and said, "They only know that they are coming soon, but they don't know the exact day. I only found out when I got the call yesterday..."

"Then did you tell your parents-in-law and Ye Xing after you found out?"

"I, as soon as I was happy, I forgot..." Qiu Mei lowered her head.

Ye Ming nodded again. From yesterday to today, it was enough for her to inform the Ye family, but she didn't. She chose someone who was about to arrive and took Wen Jing to pick them up.

This is not lack of heart, it is bad heart.

Slap your own family in the face? Or let the Qiu family misunderstand that the Ye family is going to slap them in the face, what does she want to do?

"What time do they arrive?" Ye Ming asked.

Qiu Mei breathed a sigh of relief, the previous questions were too scary, so this is the best.

She raised her head in surprise: "It's only an hour away, brother, do you want to pick me up with me?"

Ye Ming smiled: "I'm not Ye Xing, it's not suitable for me to go with you. You wait, I'll ask Ye Xing to go with you."

Ye Mingjia now has a phone number, and he made three calls in a row to inform Ye Xing, Ye Cheng and Zhou Lihua.

Your own daughter-in-law, do it yourself, don't bother him!

Qiu Mei was a little stiff, and she moved on the sofa, but she didn't give up: "Brother, I don't know when Ye Xing and the others will be able to get to the train station. I want to go first, otherwise my grandparents, parents, and the others will find out if they come. People pick it up, it's not good-looking, or you will pay me first?"

"I'm a cousin, it's not suitable." Ye Ming refused directly: "I'll tell you how to get there, it's easy to find."

"Cousin is also a brother, Ye Xing said, he has always regarded you as the eldest brother, and you are the eldest brother of everyone in the Ye family." Qiu Mei said sweetly.

But after hearing Hua Zhao's natural sweetness, and hearing her deliberateness again, Ye Ming only felt stabbed all over his body.

"Ye Xing is right." Ye Ming said.

Just as Qiu Mei was about to laugh, she heard Ye Ming continue: "But outsiders don't know about our family's own affairs, so it's not appropriate for me to go. And our Ye family doesn't pay much attention to these customs. When Ye Shen gets married, who are we? I didn't even go, and later the second uncle and the third uncle knew about the letter, so they only sent the second and third aunts back to take a look, and no one else came."

So he decided that when she got married, he wouldn't go either! Not only him, but Ye Shuhuazhao also didn't go, and let his mother go.

Anyway, that's how Ye Shen married his wife, and the third aunt's wife too. Who dares to pick on it?

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