Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 564: you are not sick

Ye Ming came again early the next morning, with Wen Jing, and Hua Zhao was surprised.

This time, Ye Ming was able to come in without Ye Shen personally leading the people. Because he had already registered, the guards also knew him, and Wen Jing also registered by the way.

"Big brother and sister-in-law are here, come in quickly." Hua Zhao greeted people warmly without asking anything.

Sister-in-law Wang watched from the side and asked, "This is your brother and sister-in-law?"

"It's my uncle." Hua Zhao said.

"Oh, what I said." Sister Wang said.

Hua Zhao had already brought people into the house, and Ye Ming asked directly, "I heard about the child, what happened?"

Hua Zhaoxian took a quick look at Wen Jing and saw her pursing her lower lip lightly.

"It's Hua Xiaoyu..." Hua Zhao told Ye Ming what she knew.

Some follow-ups, even Wen Jing didn't know, her expression became more subtle.

Hua Zhao's status is indeed higher than her eldest daughter-in-law.

"I see." Ye Ming nodded slowly, and when he went back, he had to ask his father again to see if there was a new follow-up.

"By the way, thank you for the last time." Ye Ming said after the business was over.

"What?" Hua Zhao was stunned, what happened last time?

Ye Ming glanced at Wen Jing, then turned to Hua Zhao and smiled: "It's about dispensing medicine for your sister-in-law."

Wen Jing lowered her head and frowned in front of her... She raised her head quickly and smiled at Hua Zhao: "I really should thank you, my illness is cured, it is all your credit. , I don't have anything to thank you for... You don't lack anything, and cooking is delicious, why don't I help you take care of the children in the future?"

With that said, Ye Ming and Hua Zhao both stared at her blankly.

"I, I just want to do something for you." Wen Jing lowered her head and said.

Hua Zhao smiled: "Sister-in-law, you don't have to be so outspoken, we are a family, I should help you, you don't have to take it to heart. Besides, I am so biased, it is inconvenient for you to go back and forth, and these two children are very good , I can see it alone."

It's not too early to know that it's time to help her! You have to watch her jokes before shooting!

Wen Jing pinched the corner of her clothes and said with a smile, "But you are pregnant again now, and some of your life is inconvenient, why don't I come here on weekends when I have free time, although we are a family, we can't forget our love, that's all. deal!"

Hua Zhao paused for a while, then smiled and said yes.

Ye Ming kept looking at Wen Jing and didn't speak.

Seeing Wen Jing's heart trembled.

"By the way, what about the child?" she asked.

"Still sleeping, not up." After Hua Zhao finished speaking, he heard movement in the back room, and the two little guys woke up.

She immediately went in and carried them out.

Sitting with Wen Jing, she was inexplicably embarrassed.

When the child came out, Ye Ming took Cuiwei over immediately.

Wen Jing thought for a while, then stood up and hugged Yunfei.

Hua Zhao hesitated for a second, afraid that she wouldn't hold him.

However, she still handed Yun Fei over and taught her how to hug.

It was Hua Zhao who handed it over with his own hands. The two children didn't recognize them, and they were very well behaved.

Wen Jing was holding a soft ball, her mood was complicated and indescribable.

The child originally wanted the fragrance so soft and so cute.

She desperately wanted a child of her own.


The two didn't stay much longer, and went back after sitting for a while.

Back home, Wen Jing's response was as usual.

Ye Ming opened his mouth, swallowed what he wanted to say, and went out to work.

Wen Jing sat in the house for a long time, and then went out, but instead of going to work, she went to a guest house and knocked on a door.

"Director Liu, tell me what happened last time, but I didn't quite understand it." Wen Jing said.

Director Liu looked at her and let her in reluctantly.

"I told you, you're not sick and in good health." After sitting down, Director Liu spoke surprisingly.

Wen Jing sat opposite her, nervous and excited.

She's not's the first person to say she's not sick.

"Then why have I been infertile for so many years?" she asked excitedly.

Director Liu looked at her, but didn't say anything. In the end, it seemed that she was pitiful and couldn't help but say, "This is not a real disease, but an 'external disease'."

Wen Jing nervously clenched the corners of her clothes.

She understood that a real illness means a real illness, and an "external illness" means that there are some strange and unspeakable forces that have entangled her.

"The Ye family's suffocation is too strong, and your life is weak, so it all falls on you." Director Liu said again.

"Then, how to crack it?" Wen Jing asked eagerly.

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