Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 591: you are really stupid

"Why are you all back? Has the investigation come to a conclusion?" Miao Lanzhi asked immediately when she saw a few people.

When it comes to hating this group of traffickers, Miao Lanzhi is no less than Hua Zhao. Because the child was snatched from her at that time, the kind of despair was definitely the best in the world, and she felt numb all over when she recalled it.

"A little brow." Ye Ming said.

His attitude has returned to his natural state, and he sits beside Wen Jing.

Wen Jing trembled invisibly.

Several men in the Ye family were staring at her, and they all saw it.

The hearts of several people were suddenly heavy, and it seemed that Liu Su was probably true.

Their Ye family had an unprecedented internal trouble.

Ye Ming's heart was instantly cold, and his eyes were even colder.

"What's the look? Tell me quickly! Are those traffickers acting on a whim or someone instructed?" Miao Lanzhi asked.

"This is not yet certain." Ye Ming said, "I have to ask someone else."

"Who?" Miao Lanzhi asked curiously.

Ye Ming didn't speak, and turned to look at Wen Jing beside him.

Wen Jing was already shaking like chaff, but she tried her best to remain calm, pretending that nothing had happened.

However, this Daoxing was obviously not enough in the eyes of the Ye family.

Hua Zhao looked at this, looked at that, her eyes widened, she turned her head and blinked at Ye Shen.

Ye Shen gave her a heavy look.

Hua Zhao....

The atmosphere in the room was quiet, and the other three women didn't understand.

"Who are you asking? What do you think the sister-in-law is doing?" Ye Shu raised his voice.

She guessed something and couldn't believe it.

"Liu Su has already recruited, it's just you, tell me, how did you know her, and how did you pay her to help you kidnap the child?"

Ye Ming's voice was calm, as if to say what day of the week it was today, but it was like a thunderbolt on Wen Jing's head.

It also stunned Miao Lanzhi.

"What did you say?" Miao Lanzhi shouted.

But she didn't question her son's judgment, and she didn't suspect that she heard it wrong. The next moment, she turned her eyes on Wen Jing, and said fiercely, "Wen Jing! It's you!!"

"It's not me, it's not me! I don't!" Wen Jing hurriedly raised her head and waved her hands in denial.

"Do you know Liu Su?" Ye Ming asked.

Wen Jing paused and nodded, "I know."

"I heard that you bought an amulet from her?" Ye Ming asked again.

This... can't be denied.

Quietly nodded again.

Ye Ming closed his eyes and asked, "You said you were going out to buy medicine today, but you actually called Liu Su and asked her to send someone to grab the child."

"I didn't!" Wen Jing denied immediately.

"There are so many people in the post office who can testify, it's useless for you to deny it." Ye Ming said.

Wen Jing bit her lip and said nothing.

At this time, if you want to make a call, in addition to the unit, you can only go to the post office. When she was away from home, it was impossible for other units to lend her a phone, so she could only go to the post office.

She never thought that someone would investigate whether she made a phone call.

She never thought about the traffickers, no, those people would be arrested, but she never thought that Liu Su would confess her.

She is a master, so powerful, won't she ward off evil spirits and keep her safe?

And before doing it, she asked the master if things went smoothly, and the master guaranteed that it would absolutely go well, and that she would be able to give birth to a boy next year! She also said that as long as she goes to Sha, she will have children and daughters in her life.


"I just called and asked her if she was free tomorrow. I'll go to see her again. She's an obstetrician and gynecologist..." Wen Jing turned her head quickly, thinking about her words.

Ye Ming closed his eyes and said tiredly: "Enough, I don't want to listen to your sophistry, Liu Su has already explained it, you ask her to help you do things, break any evil spirits, hold the child to her for three days, and she will return after three days. Give the child back to you."

"I, I didn't..."

"Enough!" Ye Ming roared, and he stood up, staring at Wen Jing with red eyes: "I'll tell you one last time, tell me the truth! Otherwise, don't blame me for being cruel."

Wen Jing was frightened by his expression and words, tears finally fell, and she shivered: "I, I just want to break my evil spirit and give you a child, you like children so much, I want to give you a child...

"I've already asked, that ritual doesn't hurt the children at all! It's just to use their birthday horoscopes! And it will definitely come back in three days! She Liu Su is a well-known person and will not do things that hurt the heavens and the truth. Yes! Neither will I! Trust me!"

Wen Jing grabbed Ye Ming's shirt and cried.

Ye Ming shook his body, pushed her away, and looked at her coldly and mockingly: "You are really stupid, you always did stupid things in the past, but I was blind and couldn't see, and I always made excuses for you, saying you were naive , kind, but I have to admit now that you are really stupid.

"You believe what she says, and she pays it back? She sold the child, what can you do to her?" Ye Ming sneered: "Oh, by the way, then you will just pretend that you don't know, It's none of your business!"

He stared at Wen Jing, his eyes fierce as never before.

Wen Jing didn't dare to look at him, and defended: "She won't. She has a name, a surname and a family, so how could she be a trafficker? How much are two children worth? I promised to give her that much money.. ."

Children in 1977 are really worthless. There are hundreds of boys, and girls are generally not wanted. If you want to give them away, you have to ask the other party to ask for it. No one wants it, and I don't want to raise it, so I can only throw it away...

Wen Jing promised to give Liu Su 3,000 yuan when the ritual was done, and another 3,000 when she became pregnant, and 4,000 when the child was born, for a total of 10,000!

She wouldn't give up ten thousand for a few hundred, would she?

It's just hopelessly stupid and can't even grasp the point. Ye Ming has lost the strength to talk to her, and said weakly: "Hua Xiaoyu just happened to steal the child at the front foot, and now someone is instigating you to steal the child, are you not alert?"

Wen Jing's expression was a little dazed, she really wasn't vigilant at all.

Because in the beginning, people who were unwilling to help her "turn off evil spirits" were all begging for her. The decision to steal the child was made by herself, and the person she asked for help.

Liu Su is looking at money's face, and reluctantly agrees to her.

Ye Ming let out a long breath and was completely speechless.

He turned to look at his family: "Grandpa, Mom and Dad, Ye Shenhuazhao, you already know the matter, how to deal with it, don't worry about me, you can deal with it as you want, I have no opinion."

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