Rebirth 90s Genius Doctor Blessed Wife

Chapter 3309: The big nephew of Xueba & the little one...

Sun Yingying patted Bai Wenbin on the shoulder, "Son, as long as you want to take the exam, as long as you want to learn well, your dad and I will offer you to study. How about more than 200,000 yuan? For me and your dad, it is our family. The rent for the year is endless. If you can support you in pursuing your dreams and having a favorite job in the future, all this is worth it.

   It doesn’t matter if you don’t pass the exam in the future. Don’t you like street dancing? Study hard and open a street dance training class at that time, you can also make money to support your family. By the way, if you like sports, it's not bad to get a coaching certificate and become a fitness coach. Anyway, all roads lead to Rome, and there is always a way that suits you. "

   Except Bai Yixiu, everyone else was surprised by Sun Yingying's words and couldn't say anything.

  Especially Bai Wenbin was the most excited. He ran over to hug his mother Sun Yingying, "Mom, can I really do this? Do you no longer have to learn those boring cultural lessons?"

The previous mother urged him to study hard all day. He was only allowed to play basketball once a week. At other times, he had to study and go to cram school. But he really worked hard, but he still had the lowest grades in the class and wasted the remedial lessons. fee.

   He hasn't told his parents for a long time, and because of this, he is worried that his mother will not be effective in scolding him.

   Bai Yixiu reminded, "You just take the art class, and you also have to take the cultural class exam. If you have passed the professional scores but not the cultural scores, wouldn't it be a pity?"

   Hearing this, Bai Wenbin breathed a sigh of relief and confidently said: "Although my current grades are not very good in school, it is enough to enter art colleges."

"Uncle, you study hard, you need money, I will lend you the money, and then return it to me when you earn money in the future, first tuition professional courses, and then go to your favorite university." Bai Jingxuan and uncle during this time My sister-in-law spends a long time together, and I hope to help my uncle.

   "You will use it in the future, I don't want it." Bai Wenbin refused, "If you don't get good grades in the future, you may spend a lot of money on your specialties and go to art students."

Bai Jingxuan shook his head, very confident, "I don't use it, I have good grades. I used to work every day and I didn't have time to read when I came home, so I always listened to the lectures carefully, and I was able to finish my homework between classes, and my grades were always number one. . I just take a cultural class, this doesn’t cost much."


   Xueba's nephew crushes Xueba's uncle!

  Bai Wenfang praised, "Our eldest nephew is good, but parents said, there is money for us to study, and you don’t need your money. I don’t have good grades, so I guess I’ll go to a junior college."

   "Wenfang, you will be divided into liberal arts and sciences at the beginning of the term. Do you choose liberal arts or science?" Bai Yixiu asked. This little daughter did not perform well, especially in science.

Bai Wenfang thought for a while to answer: "Originally, my teacher said that I would study science and I would have a lot of employment in the future. But I don't want to study science. I don't have a good score in science. I should be dizzy when I see those physical chemistry. I want to learn liberal arts. Maybe I can get into a bachelor's degree. I want to study law."

  Sun Yingying wondered, "How do you think of studying law? I asked you if you want to be a teacher. You said you didn't like it, and you don't know what you want to do in the future."

Bai Wenfang was a little shy and embarrassed. "These days I have learned a lot from Wen Liang and Wu Hua's sister. I saw that they used the law to protect the interests of the victims and help justice. I think the law will be used more and more in the future, so I I want to choose a liberal arts course and study law in the future."


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