Tang Yuan Yuan was wiping Yu Changbai's body in the bathroom, and Ye Qingqing was outside, so he answered the phone. Unexpectedly, it was the Public Security Bureau who was calling for Dad Tang.

Ye Qingqing thought it was strange, how did Daddy Tang come to the house when he was in Baiweiju?

"Uncle Tang is not at home. He works in a restaurant. You should call Baiweiju and you will definitely find it."

"Baiweiju has already been beaten, and the owner of Tang is not here. The people in the restaurant said that they are going home. Are you a dumpling?"

"No, I'm a friend of Tang Yuan Yuan. Tang Yuan Yuan is in the bathroom. I'll call her." Ye Qingqing was going to call someone.


"Are you Ye Qingqing?" The police uncle actually knew who she was. Ye Qingqing was very puzzled and looked around subconsciously, feeling that the police uncle had installed a surveillance camera at Tang's house.

"Yes, I'm Ye Qingqing, the police comrade knows me?"

The policeman smiled and said, "That's the case. There is a disappearance case related to you and Tang Yuanyuan and his daughter. Our colleagues will come to ask you something. Is it convenient for you two now?"

Ye Qingqing's scalp tightened, and she felt that Yu Moli's disappearance must have been discovered by the police, how could it be so fast?

"Don't bother the police comrade to run so far, Tang Yuanyuan and I will go now, and we have to report the case!" Ye Qingqing offered to go to the police station.

There are some gossip aunts around Tang's house. If the police come to the door, it's obviously nothing to do. Those gossip aunts will spread the news, and they will deliberately add fuel to the rumors, which is annoying.

It would be better if she and Tang Yuan Yuan took the initiative to send them to the door, and then by the way, told Yu Wuwei for abusing her son, and caught this **** and went to jail.

Now it was the police's turn to be surprised, "What case to report?"

"Child abuse case, comrade police, wait a moment, Tang Yuanyuan and I will come here. As for Uncle Tang, I will leave a note for him, he will definitely come too. We are all good law-abiding citizens and will definitely cooperate with the police. Handle the case!"

The latter sentence Ye Qingqing deliberately accentuated her tone, and she must make a good impression in front of the police uncle.

The policeman laughed softly, "Then come here, my surname is Huang, just find Officer Huang directly, on the second floor."

"Okay, I know, a good friend of mine is in the criminal investigation team. His name is Fang Yanming. You must know Officer Huang." Ye Qingqing became friendly.

There's no way, in this pimple in China, someone said a word, no one broke his leg, and he needed friendship for everything!


Officer Huang's official tone suddenly changed qualitatively, like the spring breeze in March, "Officer Fang is in charge of other cases, and I am responsible for this disappearance case. Don't be nervous, just follow the procedure and ask."

"I'm not afraid of shadows, and I'm definitely not nervous. Officer Huang, is it related to Yu Moli?" Ye Qingqing asked tentatively, listening to the police officer Xuan's tone, and Fang Yanming's friendship is not bad!

Officer Huang was very surprised, "It seems that you really know? Yu Moli and her younger brother Yu Changbai disappeared yesterday, and the informant said that it may be related to you and the dumplings."

"Yu Changbai is not missing, he was seriously injured, the case I want to report is related to Yu Changbai, police officer, I will tell you in detail when I come!"

It was unclear on the phone, Ye Qingqing hung up the phone and went to the bathroom to call Tangyuan Yuan. The reporter must be Yu Wuwei. The children didn't go home last night, Yu Wuwei must be in a hurry.

However, Yu Wuwei is quite smart and knows it has something to do with her, hum... guess what, she doesn't know anything anyway.

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