Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2560: A seal without freedom is sad

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"They don't have adults, they came out to play alone. I was afraid that something would happen to them, so I came with them." The old lady quickly explained.

Niuniu said loudly, "Mom doesn't leave when she comes!"

"Why are you so disobedient, get out of the way quickly, don't interfere with your uncle's work, there are still so many children watching the seal show!" The trainer squeezed out a smile and reasoned softly, trying to convince Niuniu.

"Ah ah..." The piglet suddenly cried out in a very angry voice.

Niuniu's expression became serious, and she accused: "Seal doesn't like performances, it likes the sea, you caught it and locked it in such a small pool, and forced it to perform shows, if it doesn't perform well, you will be punished, you are bad people! "


The seals screamed suddenly, followed by other seals. Although everyone could not understand what the seals were calling, they could feel that they were very sad, especially the children. Their feelings were the purest and most sensitive.

"Mom, the seal is so pitiful, I don't want to watch it perform."

"Put the seal back in the sea, it must miss Mom and Dad."

"Don't hit the seal, it's going to cry."


The hearts of the children are also the softest. Although they like to watch the seal show, they only hope that the seal can return to the sea, swim freely, and be with their parents and friends.

The trainers and security staff looked very embarrassed. They actually sympathized with the seals, but they had to support their families. If they didn't do this, they would have no money. Moreover, the seals were just animals.

"Don't talk nonsense, children, seals eat well and sleep well in the park, and there are no natural predators to eat them. The sea is frightened every day, and they have to find food by themselves, and they may be eaten by sharks at any time. How can it be comfortable here, darling, listen to uncle If so, don't interfere with Uncle's work..."

The security guards coaxed patiently, and if they delayed any longer, their year-end bonuses would be in vain. The use of the year-end bonuses had already been planned for a long time. For vacations, enrolling children in cram schools... Every penny is worth it. Yes, there can be no mishaps.

Niuniu was still lying on the seals and said loudly: "They have no freedom, they are not happy, you are locked in a cage every day, you can't go out to play, and you have to perform shows for others, will you be happy?"

The security officer was stunned for a smiled and said, "How can this be compared, uncle is a human."

"Why can't you compare? In your eyes, seals are beasts, and in the eyes of seals, you are also beasts." Niuniu sneered.

The smile on the security guard's face stagnated, and he became a little more angry. This dead girl is too uneducated, and she actually called him a beast. If he hadn't watched so much now, he would definitely teach this child how to behave.

"Children, if you don't give in, uncle will arrest me."

The security officer approached slowly and wanted to take a tough approach. Niu Niu's eyes became cold, and there was a thin silver wire in her hand. It was usually wrapped around her wrist like a silver bracelet, but it was actually Niu Niu's personal weapon, which could be long or short. , and very tough, Niuniu has used it very skillfully, she is born with great strength, and she has no problem dealing with one or two adults.


The security officer had just stretched out his hand, and before she could touch Niuniu, she tripped over something on her foot and fell over, and everyone only saw a silver light.

"I want to take the seal back to the sea, you are not allowed to stop me!" Niuniu waved her silver wire again and shouted loudly.

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