Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3054: 30 years Hedong 30 years Hexi


"This is Gucci's latest model this year. There are tens of thousands of dollars in it, and I have to queue up to buy it." Sun Yurong exaggerated, fiddling with a new apricot-colored bag in her hand, which she bought at HK a few days ago.

Of course it's not the latest model. Like this brand's new bag, it will be sold out as soon as it goes on the market. Unless the old customers of the brand can reserve it, Sun Yurong's worth has not yet reached the point where the Gucci brand looks different. Her apricot-colored small bag It is the style of the past few years, and it does not need tens of thousands, but can be bought for more than 10,000, which belongs to the low-luxury price.

But other people don't know that for the working class who only get three or four thousand wages a month, it is impossible to spend tens of thousands of yuan on a useless bag. They will spend the money on life. As with children's education, 50 yuan bags are as easy to use, and there is no need to pursue flashy luxuries.

Even though they thought so, the ladies present were still envious, because the bags they carried were only a few hundred dollars, and it was already their best bag, but even a fraction of Sun Yurong's bag was not comparable to that. , My heart is sour.

"It's so expensive, I'd be reluctant to buy such a small bag for tens of thousands of dollars." A woman told the truth, she was one of the family members.

"Why does Yurong care about these tens of thousands of dollars? Look at the pigeon eggs in her hands, we can't afford to buy them without food or drink for the rest of our lives." Someone flattered.

A stylishly dressed woman looked enviously at the huge diamond ring on Sun Yurong's hand, and put away her hand subconsciously, because the wedding ring in her hand was only a broken diamond, but it also cost her husband several months' wages, and she used to be complacent. , but in front of Sun Yurong's pigeon eggs, she did not dare to extend her hand.

"Yurong's coat is so beautiful, Pingjiang doesn't seem to see any for sale."

"I like Yurong's boots."

Several women gathered around Sun Yurong to discuss their opinions, with envious eyes. They all went out with a lot of good looks. They put on delicate makeup and fashionable clothes. Before going out, they thought they would be the most beautiful scenery at the party. I won't lose my husband's face.

But in front of the radiant Sun Yurong, their self-confidence was instantly knocked down, and they felt like bunnies, nothing compared to Sun Yurong, and their hearts were full of unpleasantness.

Sun Yurong was elated. The reason she came to participate in the class reunion was to hear these flattering words, and the envious, jealous and hateful eyes of these bumpkin women, which greatly filled her empty heart. The inferiority complex is also much lighter.

"My clothes, shoes, and bags are all bought by HK, and there are many new styles there." Sun Yurong said nonchalantly, but out of the corner of his eyes, he carefully looked at the changes in the eyes of the women around him.

Sure enough, as she expected, the buns looked more envious, jealous, and hateful, and Sun Yurong felt extremely relieved.

Back then, she was very envious of the wealthy female classmates in the class who were able to wear new skirts from time to time, but now others are envious of her. It really is 30 years of Hedong and 30 years of Hexi, and the feng shui turns around!

Everyone looks embarrassed, but their hearts are sour. People have to go to HK to buy clothes. Some of them have not been to HK. Air tickets are too expensive.

Ye Qingqing and Dong Siyue saw this scene when they entered the box. Sun Yurong was as eye-catching as a peacock. Someone deliberately asked her about her love life, "You are young, beautiful and rich. Your boyfriend must be demanding, right?"

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