
Nowadays, children in the village rarely go to the mountains to roast grasshoppers. In the past, they would only do this when there was a famine. Now, as long as the village has hands and feet willing to work, they will definitely not worry about food and clothing. Who would go to eat that stuff?

"It's delicious, but it's fragrant." The meatloaf felt distressed for Niu Dzhu, and didn't want him to be scolded, so he roared loudly.

The meat bun is also soft and glutinous and said: "Fragrant..."

Niu Dazhu smiled a little at the corners of his mouth, but he shrank again under Tie Dan Niang's eyes, and said in a buzzing voice, "I always liked to eat Tie Dan when I was a child, and I often bake them for them."

There is nothing at all, why would something happen to the little granddaughter when she eats it?

Or the body is too weak, and the little granddaughter has to exercise more. The body is the capital of the revolution!

"Whose children still eat those now? There are a lot of white noodles, chicken, duck, fish, and meat. You have to let the baby eat insects. You ah you... Fortunately, the meat buns are all right, otherwise you will regret it." Tie Dan Niang deliberately scolded more fiercely , Afraid that Tang Yuanyuan would talk about this, she scolded the old man first, and the daughter-in-law would not be able to speak again.

There are too many things to do tonight. The children have accidents one after another, and they are all directly and indirectly related to her and the old man. Iron Dan's waist can't stand up anymore, and I'm even more worried that Junjun and Zhuangzhuang will really change their waists, and their waists will be broken. What kind of incense does the grandson pass on?

Tang Yuanyuan saw her mother-in-law's careful thinking. At first, she was really angry, but now the anger has subsided. Niu Dazhu was not intentional, and if it made sense, she would talk to her father-in-law well.

"Dad, in the future, you will catch the grasshopper and fry it at home. It's clean and hygienic, and you can eat it at ease. You can just bake it without washing it on the mountain. I don't know if it's cooked yet. If the parasite is eaten, the consequences will be very serious, and even life-threatening, I am not alarmist, if you don't believe me, ask the iron egg." Tang Yuan Yuan said patiently.

Tie Dan hurriedly nodded, "Yuanyuan is right, many people have lost their lives by eating indiscriminately, Dad, don't feed them indiscriminately."

"I see, I won't bake it in the future, I will catch it and eat it."

Niu Dazhu agreed very succinctly. In fact, even if he didn't say anything about the dumplings, he didn't dare to feed him again. Just now, the pain of his little granddaughter made his heart hurt. It would be better to stab himself with a knife. How could he dare to do it again? I don't even dare to bring things to the mountains.

Tang Yuan Yuan breathed a sigh of relief~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Father-in-law is willing to listen to the advice. Although the meat bun suffered a little, the happiness of the brothers and sisters cannot be hidden. Just now, the brothers and sisters were on the phone and quietly showing off Niu Dazhu The straw weaving made, the proud and smug look has never been seen before, and the quiet envy was dead.

"Huoxiang perfume is ready, sister-in-law, let the meatloaf and meat bun drink some." Ya Dan came out with a large bowl of brown Huoxiang perfume, the indescribable smell was stronger, and the meat bun pinched his nose , shook her head vigorously, she didn't want to drink bitter medicine.

"The wild hummus that your father went to the mountain to pick just now is good for your health in summer." Iron Egg Girl explained.

"Don't drink it, let my sister drink it, I'm not sick." Meatloaf ran a long way, so he didn't drink such unpleasant medicine.

Meat Bun shook his head like a rattle, and patted his stomach hard, "It's not painful anymore, don't drink."

Tang Yuan Yuan couldn't make up her mind, so she called Ye Qingqing again.

"You can drink some, Huoxiang can drink even if you are not sick, and the effect of going to Sa to relieve the heat is very good. Your father-in-law will pick it up at night, and if you have a heart, let the meat patties and meat buns drink a few sips, and let them also. I know the price of eating indiscriminately on the mountain." Ye Qingqing smiled maliciously.

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