Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3362: Support poor students

Chapter 3351 Subsidizing poor students

Fang Tongtong smiled and poked his fingers quickly, "Sister doesn't need you to repay. In the future, you can repay the society if you have a future. Helping the weak who need care is the best repayment for me."

"Well, I will."

The two chatted a few more times. The girl named He Xiaohong kept saying thank you, and Fang Tongtong comforted and encouraged her. After quitting the chat, Fang Tongtong transferred another 800 yuan to each of the four people.

And then... the salary she just paid was running out.

"Oh, I'm going to be hungry again this month."

Fang Tongtong sighed, but with a smile on her face, she felt very happy and satisfied because she helped others.

Although her own quality of life has declined, those children can continue to go to school and will not drop out of school due to lack of money. As long as she thinks that she has helped her children, she is very happy.

Gifts of roses, hand a fragrance.

Fang Tongtong has been insisting on subsidizing poor children since she started working. It was one or two at first, and then gradually increased. Now she has five children. He Xiaohong is the only college student and the first child she sponsored. He Xiaohong has been in high school since he was in high school. Began to help, has been for college.

It used to be 800 yuan per month, but the house leaked every night when it rained. He Xiaohong's father had an accident at work and was paralyzed in bed. The only pillar of the family fell down, making this poor family even worse.

There are two younger siblings under He Xiaohong. She wanted to drop out of school to work part-time to earn medical expenses for her father. Fang Tongtong persuaded her to stop her when she found out, and sent 150,000 to 60,000 yuan. If it wasn't for Shi Xiaobao's support, her salary would definitely not be enough.

In the evening, she wants to cut Shi Xiaobao a good meal. Anyway, this guy is rich. She uses Shi Xiaobao's money to do good deeds, and she is also good for him. Bless Shi Xiaobao to find a beautiful tigress, haha!

Fang Tongtong's heart skipped a beat, and the smile on her face froze. She didn't know why, but when she thought that Shi Xiaobao would marry another girl in the future, she felt a little dull and uncomfortable.

If she has a wife, she can no longer ask Shi Xiaobao for money shamelessly.

"Why are you sighing at such a young age, and you're short of money again?" A young policeman came over and joked. He was also from the Criminal Police Force. He was a college classmate with Fang Tongtong, and his name was Tong Letian. He was a sunny and handsome boy.

Tong Letian's parents are also from the public security department, and Fang Yanming and Fang Yanming are old colleagues, and Fang Tongtong is barely a childhood sweetheart. The relationship between the two is also quite good.

" Dad He Xiaohong's medical bills are too expensive."

The fact that Fang Tongtong subsidized poor students was not concealed from Tong Letian.

Tong Letian frowned and couldn't help asking, "Have you seen that He Xiaohong?"

"I've seen her once, a very simple girl. Now she's going to college. She doesn't want to go to school. I have to help her."

Fang Tongtong had been to He Xiaohong's hometown before, a very impoverished mountainous area. Fang Tongtong, who had lived a prosperous life since childhood, couldn't understand it. In the 21st century, there are still people who can't afford meat.

But the fact is that He Xiaohong’s family can only eat some meat during Chinese New Year and festivals. Usually, potatoes are the most eaten, which is both a vegetable and a meal. It is barely better than the famine period, at least not starving.

The families of the other children who were sponsored were similar, and they were not much better than He Xiaohong. Fang Tongtong was very ashamed after seeing their hard life, and quietly corrected their sloppy mistakes. The money saved was used to help poor students. He Xiaohong is the first one she funded and the one with the longest time.

(End of this chapter)

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