Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3411: ready to go abroad

Chapter 3400 Prepare to go abroad

After calling three times in a row, no one answered. Li Qiqi tried to answer several times, but Paul stopped him. He also turned off his mobile phone and fought with Li Qiqi attentively.

"Sorry, the phone you dialed has been switched off."

The sweet female voice reminded that Li Jingshan's face was ugly. He just got through, but now it is turned off, obviously Li Qiqi doesn't want to answer the phone.

"She must still be outside, she lied just now." Yu Anning said angrily.

Mother Li defended her granddaughter, "Maybe she was afraid of waking up the classmates in the dormitory."

"She can go to the bathroom or the corridor to answer the phone. There's no need to turn it off. If it doesn't work, I have to go to Country M. If I don't see it with my own eyes, I can't be relieved. If it goes on like this, she will be sent back to the school sooner or later."

The young girl didn't go home at night, there were men around her, and she was a group of bad young people. She could imagine what would happen with her feet. Yu Anning no longer cared about Li Qiqi's innocence. She only hoped that Li Qiqi would not be hurt.

"Be calm and calm, Qiqi is very opposed to you. If you go there, it may have the opposite effect. I think it is more suitable for Uncle Li to go, because Qiqi is still in awe of Uncle Li." Qi Wenyuan said.

Li Jingshan is a little proud. He is the head of the family, and of course he has prestige. It is necessary to go to Country M. The granddaughter is indeed very dangerous now, but the cost of going to Country M is not cheap, so Li Jingshan hesitates.

"You said it easily. Going to Country M is not going to be out of the province. How can it be that easy." Mother Li snorted softly.

A trip of several tens of thousands is not a small amount of money. Now that the family is not as wealthy as before, Mother Li is reluctant to bear it.

"I'm here to pay for the journey, but it's just hard work, Uncle Li, for you to take a trip. You don't want to see Qiqi degenerate, right?" Yu Anning said.

Li Jingshan looked a little embarrassed. He was really reluctant to give up money, but when Yu Anning said it, he felt ashamed and wanted to say a few words of rejection, but Li's mother was faster than him, "Then I'll go too. , Qiqi is quite obedient in front of me."

"What are you doing, stay at home."

Li Jingshan glared fiercely, embarrassing, and when he heard that someone paid money and ran faster than a rabbit, what would Yu Anning think of them.

Yu Anning smiled slightly. If she didn't talk to her, Mother Li would have avoided it. She didn't care about the travel expenses, but Mother Li would only spoil Li Qiqi.

"I'm going back to the unit to ask for leave. Uncle Li, you should have a passport, right? I'll find a way to get a visa, and then we'll go there together." Yu Anning said.

"I have a passport, I'll take it for you Li Jingshan is welcome, Yu Anning is indeed more proficient in this regard.

"I'll go too. I'm more familiar there, and I know some people, so it's convenient to do things." Qi Wenyuan said.

Yu Anning was a little embarrassed, "Will it affect your work?"

"It's nothing, I haven't had a major operation recently. I'm very free. I don't worry about your body. You're too excited." Qi Wenyuan smiled slightly.

Li Jingshan reacted and asked with concern: "An Ning, what happened to your body? Did you really have that disease?"

Yu Anning nodded, "Yes, advanced gastric cancer. It was found out before my divorce from Li Wensong. The doctor said that I only had half a year left, so I wanted to divorce and live a peaceful life."

Li Jingshan and Li Mu's complexion changed greatly. I didn't expect that Yu Anning was divorced because of this. No wonder Yu Anning's complexion was extremely bad during that time. It turned out to be sick.

(End of this chapter)

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